Upgrade to latest substrate.
Fix grandpa consensus. ( min 4 nodes in federation)
Support multiple validators HA on 1 chain.
Support sentry nodes ( inside archipel federation) or/and external sentry node ( deployed outside a federation).
Better control for nodes states with ARCHIPEL_SERVICE_MODE=active|passive|sentry|orchestrator
#239: anyOneAlive : do not filter by group
#237: Missing groupId extract from zip config
#235: Current archipel nodes number not enough for grandpa Block finalized consensus
#233: Peers ID change. upgrade to archipel chain substrate 2.0.0-rc5
#230: Uppercase to add when check message sms webhook signature
#227: Secure sms API Vonage Nexmo webhook in new endpoint and add message signature check
#223: Add ARCHIPEL_SERVICE_MODE env variable proposal
#224: Add role external Sentry in zip config
#219: Add STONITH with sms reboot sent to electrical outlet
#216: Add sentry specific role
#220: Update test config for polkadot v8.0.1
Archipel components
Main components | version | docker |
archipel | v2.0.0 | docker pull luguslabs/archipel:2.0.0 |
archipel-cli | v2.0.0 | docker pull luguslabs/archipel-cli:2.0.0 |
archipel-ui | v2.0.0 | docker pull luguslabs/archipel-ui:2.0.0 |
sub components | version | docker |
chain | v2.0.0 | docker pull luguslabs/archipel-chain:2.0.0 |
orchestrator | v2.0.0 | docker pull luguslabs/archipel-orchestrator:2.0.0 |