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tbragin edited this page Mar 11, 2016 · 8 revisions
  • Sense - web-based console for interacting with the Elasticsearch REST API
  • Shield - kibana component to the elasticsearch shield plugin, adds security and a login screen
  • Timelion - time-series data composer for Kibana
  • Tagcloud (stormpython) - tagcloud visualization
  • Heatmap (stormpython) - heatmap visualization
  • Radar (SIREN) - radar visualization
  • Wordcloud (SIREN) - wordcloud visualization
  • Timeline (SIREN) - timeline visualization
  • Sunburst (JuanCarniglia) - sunburst visualization
  • Circles (JuanCarniglia) - circles visualization
  • OAuth 2 (trevan) - Add OAuth to Kibana 4

Note: If you want your plugin to be added to this page, ping us on IRC (#kibana on or file a Github issue in the Kibana repo.