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LeeDr edited this page Dec 16, 2015 · 5 revisions

Here are some notes about the process we use to run releases. The code for building kibana and pushing the release is a part of the repo but there are a few manual steps in the process.


Before running the release you need to have credentials for s3 that will allow you to upload the builds for the bucket.

setup credentials

  1. get the keys from another contributor and place in a .aws-config.json file at the root of the kibana repo. Use the following format:
  "key": "<access key>",
  "secret": "<secret>"
  1. Make a copy of this file outside of the repo, in case it gets deleted (via git clean for instance)

running the release

  1. pull the latest version from release branch
  2. replace all instances of previous version with new version (4.2.0-snapshot to 4.2.0-beta1 for example)
  3. package.json - "version" field
  4. - title - snapshot urls
  5. commit those changes
git commit -a -m "version <version>"
  1. tag that commit
git tag "v<version>"
  1. clean out all changes (including .DS_Stores files and other hidden files)
git clean -fdxn -e ".aws-config.json" -e "config/"
## check files that would be removed
git clean -fdx -e ".aws-config.json" -e "config/"
  1. install node modules
npm install
  1. run the release task
grunt release
  1. distribute links to the team so they can test
  2. once verified push commit and tag to upstream
git push upstream <branch>
git push upstream v<version>
  1. Make sure we update this page with the link to the new like