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Start downloading

Jacksgong edited this page Oct 31, 2016 · 6 revisions

Simple try:


Start a download task

        .setListener(new FileDownloadListener() {
            protected void pending(BaseDownloadTask task, int soFarBytes, int totalBytes) {

            protected void started(BaseDownloadTask task) {

            protected void connected(BaseDownloadTask task, String etag, boolean isContinue, int soFarBytes, int totalBytes) {

            protected void progress(BaseDownloadTask task, int soFarBytes, int totalBytes) {

            protected void blockComplete(BaseDownloadTask task) {

            protected void retry(final BaseDownloadTask task, final Throwable ex, final int retryingTimes, final int soFarBytes) {

            protected void completed(BaseDownloadTask task) {

            protected void paused(BaseDownloadTask task, int soFarBytes, int totalBytes) {

            protected void error(BaseDownloadTask task, Throwable e) {

            protected void warn(BaseDownloadTask task) {

Start downloading task queue

To start downloading task queue in serial or parallel.

final FileDownloadListener queueTarget = new FileDownloadListener() {
            protected void pending(BaseDownloadTask task, int soFarBytes, int totalBytes) {

            protected void connected(BaseDownloadTask task, String etag, boolean isContinue, int soFarBytes, int totalBytes) {

            protected void progress(BaseDownloadTask task, int soFarBytes, int totalBytes) {

            protected void blockComplete(BaseDownloadTask task) {

            protected void retry(final BaseDownloadTask task, final Throwable ex, final int retryingTimes, final int soFarBytes) {

            protected void completed(BaseDownloadTask task) {

            protected void paused(BaseDownloadTask task, int soFarBytes, int totalBytes) {

            protected void error(BaseDownloadTask task, Throwable e) {

            protected void warn(BaseDownloadTask task) {


//for (String url : URLS) {
//    FileDownloader.getImpl().create(url)
//            .setCallbackProgressTimes(0) // why do this? in here i assume do not need for each task callback `FileDownloadListener#progress`,
// we just consider which task will complete. so in this way reduce ipc will be effective optimization
//            .setListener(queueTarget)
//            .asInQueueTask();
//            .enqueue();

    // To form a queue with the same queueTarget and execute them linearly
//    FileDownloader.getImpl().start(queueTarget, true);
// }

// if(parallel){
    // To form a queue with the same queueTarget and execute them in parallel
//    FileDownloader.getImpl().start(queueTarget, false);


final FileDownloadQueueSet queueSet = new FileDownloadQueueSet(downloadListener);

final List<BaseDownloadTask> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
     tasks.add(FileDownloader.getImpl().create(Constant.URLS[i]).setTag(i + 1));

queueSet.disableCallbackProgressTimes(); // Do not need for each task callback `FileDownloadListener#progress`,
// We just consider which task will complete. so in this way reduce ipc will be effective optimization.

// Each task will auto retry 1 time if download fail.

if (serial) {
     // Start downloading in serial order.
     // If your tasks are not a list, invoke such following will more readable:
//      queueSet.downloadSequentially(
//              FileDownloader.getImpl().create(url).setPath(...),
//              FileDownloader.getImpl().create(url).addHeader(...,...),
//              FileDownloader.getImpl().create(url).setPath(...)
//      );

if (parallel) {
   // Start parallel download.
   // If your tasks are not a list, invoke such following will more readable:
//    queueSet.downloadTogether(
//            FileDownloader.getImpl().create(url).setPath(...),
//            FileDownloader.getImpl().create(url).setPath(...),
//            FileDownloader.getImpl().create(url).setSyncCallback(true)
//    );


For managing the serial task queue dynamically please Refs: FileDownloadSerialQueue.