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Jacksgong edited this page Sep 14, 2016 · 12 revisions

For example: FileDownloader.create(URL).setPath(xxx).setListener(xxx).start()

You can get more readable description from here

function description
setPath(path:String) Absolute path for save the download file
setPath(path:String, pathAsDirectory:boolean) If pathAsDirectory is true, the path would be the absolute directory to store the downloading file, and the filename will be found in contentDisposition from the response#header as default
setListener For callback download status(pending,connected,progress,blockComplete,retry,error,paused,completed,warn)
setCallbackProgressTimes Set the maximal callback count of FileDownloadListener#progress during the entire process of downloading
setCallbackProgressIgnored Ignore all callbacks of FileDownloadListener#progress during the entire process of downloading
setCallbackProgressMinInterval Set the minimum time interval between each callback of FileDownloadListener#progress
setTag(object) Sets the tag associated with this task, not be used by internal
setTag(key,object) Sets a tag associated with this task. If the key already existed, the old tag will be replaced
setForceReDownload If set to true, will not check whether the file is downloaded by past, default false
setFinishListener -
setAutoRetryTimes Set the number of times to automatically retry when encountering any error, default 0
setSyncCallback if true will invoke callbacks of FileDownloadListener directly on the download thread(do not post the message to the UI thread), default false
addHeader(name,value) Add custom request header to the task. Attention: We have already handled ETag, and will add If-Match & Range value if it works
addHeader(line) Add custom request header to the task. Attention: We have already handled ETag, and will add If-Match & Range value if it is exist
removeAllHeaders Remove all custom request header bind with the {name}
setMinIntervalUpdateSpeed The min interval millisecond for updating the download speed in the downloading process(Status equal to progress). Default 5 ms. If less than or equal to 0, will not calculate the download speed in process
setWifiRequired Set whether the task only allows downloading on the wifi network type. Default false
asInQueueTask Declare the task is a queue task, what will be assembled by a queue which makes up of the same listener task and there is a method InQueueTask#enqueue() to enqueue this task to the global queue to ready for being assembled by the queue. The operation of method InQueueTask#enqueue() is the same to the Deprecated method BaseDownloadTask#ready(), we wrap the ready() method in this way just want you to know clearly: Only if the task belongs to a queue, you need to invoke this method otherwise if this task is an isolated task but you invoke this method, it's wrong and you will receive an exception(More detail reason please move to the exception thrown in DownloadTask#start)
start Start task
pause Pause task
getId Get download id (generate by Url & path)
getUrl Get download Url
getCallbackProgressTimes Get the maximal callback count of FileDownloadListener#progress during the entire process of downloading
getCallbackProgressMinInterval Get the minimum time interval between each callback of FileDownloadListener#progress
getPath(void) Get the absolute file path or the absolute directory.
isPathAsDirectory(void) Whether the result of getPath() is a directory path or directory/filename path
getListener Get current listener
getSoFarBytes Get already downloaded bytes
getTotalBytes Get file total bytes
getStatus Get current status
isForceReDownload Force re-download,do not care about whether already downloaded or not
getEx Get throwable
isReusedOldFile Is reused downloaded old file
getTag(void) Get the task's tag
getTag(key) Get the object stored in the task as a tag, or null if not set.
isContinue Is resume by breakpoint
getEtag Get current ETag on header
getAutoRetryTimes Get the number of times to automatically retry
getRetryingTimes Get the current number of retry
isSyncCallback Whether sync invokes callbacks of FileDownloadListener directly on the download thread
getSpeed Get the download speed for a task. If it is in processing, the speed would be real-time speed; If finished, the speed would be average speed. Unit: KB/s
isUsing Whether this task object has already started and used in FileDownload Engine
isWifiRequired Whether this task has been set only allows downloading on the wifi network type