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Releases: lehner-lab/DiMSum

Spring Roll

20 Nov 15:12
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Major updates:

  • New 'fitnessDropoutPseudocount' option to add pseudocounts to output replicates with dropout i.e. variants present in input but absent from output (default:0). This is a 'workaround' for these (typically deleterious) variants whose fitness scores would otherwise be undefined or entirely missing from DiMSum output files. Note that pseudocounts are added during stage 5 and after error modeling to ensure that pseudocounts do not contribute to the error model fit.


08 Apr 19:03
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Major updates:

  • New 'vsearchMaxQual' option to support maximum base qualities >41 e.g. as provided by the Element AVITI sequencer

Dumpling soup

02 Feb 10:10
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Major updates:

  • Performance improvements and approximately 10-fold reduced volume of data input and output (intermediate files)
  • Support for any number of biological replicates (previously limited to less than 10)

Haam Seui Gok

28 Jul 19:26
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Major updates:

  • New command-line argument "--synonymSequencePath" in order to supply additional reference variants (other than the wild-type) for which synonymous substitution variant fitness and error estimates are required
  • "all_variants" R object now excludes synonymous variants for coding sequences (i.e. only WT and missense mutations); these are instead included in the "synonymous" R object (previously "silent" R object)
  • "fitness_doubles.txt" output file now contains all doubles (not just those where both constituent singles were quantified)

Minor updates:

  • Synonymous variant fitness and error estimates are now provided when "--mixedSubstitutions" option set to TRUE
  • Synonymous variants saved to "fitness_synonymous.txt"( instead of "fitness_silent.txt"), WT nucleotide variant is included as well as all sample read counts
  • "fitness_wildtype.txt" now contains all sample read counts
  • Fixed bug in "dimsum__concatenate_reads"
  • Updated checks on Variant Count and Barcode Identity files

Taro dumpling

05 Jul 18:51
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Minor updates:

  • Fixed issue #6 related to negative scaling factors in replicate normalisation parameters ("dimsum__error_model.R")
  • Fixed bug in "dimsum__sample_count_distribution.R"
  • Allow no more than 9 biological replicates to be specified


02 Nov 15:24
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Major updates:

  • Fixed bug when translating sequences using Biostrings::translate which by default assumes that the first codon in a DNA sequence is an initiation codon (fixed with no.init.codon=T)

Minor updates:

  • Improved .html report
  • If supplied, the Variant Count File is now checked for duplicated nucleotide sequences


18 Jun 17:09
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Major updates:

  • Infer growth rates from read counts if columns including "cell_density" (optical density or similar) and "selection_time" (in hours) supplied in Experimental Design File
  • Requires VSEARCH >=v2.17 (improved algorithm and now allows merging of sequences with overlaps as short as 5 bp:

Minor updates:

  • Fixed bug in dimsum__merge_report


03 Mar 17:12
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Minor updates:

  • Updated "dimsum__merge_fitness.R" to support arbitrary library complexities
  • Fixed issue #2 which caused an error in Stage 1
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Chive dumpling

05 Jan 20:17
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Minor updates:

  • Support for adaptive minimum input/output read count thresholds
  • Optional trimming of either/both 5' and 3' constant regions

Teochew dumpling

25 Sep 16:36
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Major updates:

  • Support for indel variants (see "indels" command-line arguments)
  • Removed "vsearchMinlen" option ("cutadaptMinLength" option now serves as only filter on read length)
  • Fixed bug in "dimsum__aggregate_AA_variants_fitness.R" (in some cases aggregated variant fitness and sigma could be set to NA even if other synonyms were not NA)

Minor updates:

  • Improvements to output files and report.html
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements