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cisstVector tutorial
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- Introduction
- Manipulating fixed size vectors and frames
- Manipulating dynamic vectors and matrices
- Container slices and vector references
- Manipulating multidimensional arrays
- Using the C++ Standard Template Library
- Using cisstCommon
- Writing your own functions
These examples provide a quick introduction to the features of cisstVector. The code can be found in the git repository under cisstVector/examples/tutorial
. To compile your own code, remember to include cisstVector.h
void ExampleFrame(void) {
// create 3 points
vct3 point000(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vct3 point100(3.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vct3 point110(2.0, 3.2, 0.0);
// create a normalized vector along the axis X
// using methods
vct3 axisX;
axisX.DifferenceOf(point100, point000);
// create a normalized vector along the axis Z
// using operators '-' for difference,
// '%' for cross product, and '/=' for in-place
// elementwise division.
vct3 tmp = point110 - point000;
vct3 axisZ = axisX % tmp;
axisZ /= axisZ.Norm();
// Using named methods instead of operators
vct3 axisY;
axisY.CrossProductOf(axisZ, axisX);
/* three ways to display the result: */
// 1. Just output a vector
cout << "X: " << axisX << endl;
// 2. Output vector component by index
cout << "Y: " << axisY[0]
<< " " << axisY[1]
<< " " << axisY[2] << endl;
// 3. Output vector component by ``name''
cout << "Z: " << axisZ.X()
<< " " << axisZ.Y()
<< " " << axisZ.Z() << endl;
// create a rotation along axis "tmp"
tmp.Assign(1.3, -0.3, 1.7);
vctMatRot3 rotation(vctAxAnRot3(tmp, 3.1415 / 2.0));
// Different ways to create a Rodriguez rotation:
// in first example the axis will be normalized, in second
// example the caller must make sure the norm of the vector
// is the rotation angle
std::cout << "Rodriguez 1/2 turn rotation along X:"
<< std::endl << " - "
<< vctRodRot3(vctAxAnRot3(vct3(0.5, 0.0, 0.0), cmnPI, VCT_NORMALIZE))
<< std::endl << " - "
<< vctRodRot3(vct3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) * cmnPI)
<< std::endl;
/* two ways to apply the rotation
to vectors: */
vct3 newAxisX, newAxisY, newAxisZ;
// 1. Using operator '*'
newAxisX = rotation * axisX;
// 2. Using named method ApplyTo
rotation.ApplyTo(axisY, newAxisY);
rotation.ApplyTo(axisZ, newAxisZ);
/* verify that the transformed vectors are still
an orthogonal basis. Compute dot products
in three ways. */
// 1. Using operator * on two vectors
double dotXY = newAxisX * newAxisY;
// 2. Using global function vctDotProduct
double dotYZ = vctDotProduct(newAxisY, newAxisZ);
// 3. Using named method DotProduct
double dotZX = newAxisZ.DotProduct(newAxisX);
cout << "Dot products: " << dotXY << " "
<< dotYZ << " " << dotZX << endl;
// create a rigid transformation frame from
// a rotation matrix and a translation vector
vct3 translation(0.0, 3.2, 4.5);
vctFrm3 frame(rotation, translation);
// Apply the frame to a vector
vct3 frameOnX = frame * axisX;
cout << "Image of X: " << frameOnX << endl;
// inverse of the frame
vctFrm3 inverse;
// The product of a frame and its inverse
// should be the identity (eye for rotation,
// zero for translation).
cout << "frame * inverse: " << endl << frame * inverse
<< endl;
// Compare this with the actual identity frame
cout << "Identity frame: " << endl
<< vctFrm3::Identity() << endl;
In the example, we used some fixed size vector of 3 doubles (vct3
) and some of the methods and operators available for this class (Norm
, DifferenceOf
, CrossProductOf
, operators -, %, etc.).
We also introduced a rotation matrix and a frame which can be used with the cisst fixed size vectors (vct3
, same as vctDouble3
). For more information related to transformations, see the cisstVector User Guide
void ExampleDynamic(void) {
// define our prefered types
typedef vctDynamicVector<double> VectorType;
typedef vctDynamicMatrix<double> MatrixType;
// The dynamic vector library may throw exceptions,
// (derived from std::exception)
// so we place the operations in a try-catch block.
try {
// create an empty vector
VectorType vector1;
cout << "Size of vector1: " << vector1.size() << endl;
// resize and fill the vector
size_t index;
for (index = 0; index < vector1.size(); index++) {
vector1[index] = index;
// look at product of elements
cout << "Product of elements is 0? "
<< vector1.ProductOfElements() << endl;
// create a matrix initialized with zeros
MatrixType matrix1(7, vector1.size());
// set the diagonal to 5.0
// look at the sum/product of elements
cout << "Sum of elements is 25? "
<< matrix1.SumOfElements() << endl;
// multiply matrix1 by vector 2
VectorType vector2(matrix1.rows());
vector2.ProductOf(matrix1, vector1);
// multiply vector1 directly
VectorType vector3(vector1.size());
vector3.ProductOf(5.0, vector1);
// resize vector2 while preserving the data
// vector2 and vector3 are the same?
VectorType difference;
difference = vector3 - vector2;
cout << "Maximum difference between v2 and v3: "
<< difference.MaxElement() << endl;
// alternative solution
cout << "Maximum difference between v2 and v3: "
<< (vector3 - vector2).MaxAbsElement() << endl;
} // end of try block
// catch block
catch (std::exception Exception) {
cerr << "Exception occured: " << Exception.what() << endl;
In this example, we created a couple of dynamic vectors as well as a dynamic matrix. Dynamic containers are convenient for large collections of data, or when the number of elements is provided during runtime. Since the allocation is dynamic, it is important to check that the sizes of the operands are compatible. Our library throws exceptions, derived from the Standard Library std::exception
class, on illegal operation arguments, such as unmatching vectors or out-of-range element access. This is why we use a try and catch structure.
The space allocated for a vector or a matrix can be changed in two ways. SetSize
discards any old data and allocated memory in the specified size. resize
preserves the old data by first allocating new space and then copying the elements from the old space to the new one.
The Diagonal method is a first example of manipulating container slices, or vector references. The concept is demonstrated in the next example code.
void ExampleReference(void) {
// define our preferred type
typedef vctDynamicMatrix<int> MatrixType;
try {
// create a matrix filled with zero
MatrixType matrix(8, 6);
// create a reference to column 3 (4th column
// from zero-base)
MatrixType::ColumnRefType col3 = matrix.Column(3);
// create a reference to row 0
MatrixType::RowRefType row0 = matrix.Row(0);
// create a reference to the last row
MatrixType::RowRefType rowLast = matrix[matrix.rows() - 1];
// create a reference to the diagonal
MatrixType::DiagonalRefType diagonal = matrix.Diagonal();
// create a sub matrix
MatrixType::Submatrix::Type submatrix(matrix,
/* from */ 3, 1,
/* size */ 4, 2);
submatrix += 6;
// display the result
std::cout << "Matrix modified by pieces: " << std::endl
<< matrix << std::endl;
std::cout << "Trace: " << diagonal.SumOfElements() << std::endl;
} catch (std::exception Exception) {
std::cout << "Exception received: " << Exception.what() << std::endl;
This example demonstrates the use of slices through a dynamic matrix. The term "slice" refers to a contiguous subregion of a larger vector or matrix. In the example, we directly address columns, rows, and a diagonal of the large matrix matrix through the methods Column
, Row
and Diagonal
. We use the word Ref
to indicate a vector or matrix object that doesn't allocate its own memory, but overlays another object's memory, such as a slice in a matrix. These slices have appropriately named types, which are ColumnRefType
, RowRefType
, and DiagonalRefType
Next, we define a submatrix slice
, using the type MatrixType::Submatrix::Type
(the reason for this notation will be given soon). The constructor takes the location of the first element of the submatrix in the large matrix, and the dimensions of the submatrix. As we can see, we can operate on the submatrix just as we do on any matrix.
The next example shows how to use slices with fixed-size vectors and matrices. In the example, we allocate a 4 x 4 homogeneous transformation matrix, and relate to parts of it as a rotation component and a translation component.
void ExampleReferenceFixedSize(void) {
// define our preferred type
typedef vctFixedSizeMatrix<float,4,4> MatrixType;
try {
// create a matrix initialized as identity
MatrixType matrix(0.0f);
// create a rotation matrix of 30deg about the
// X axis
vctAxAnRot3 axRot30(vct3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (cmnPI / 6.0));
vctMatRot3 rot30(axRot30);
// Assign the rotation to the upper-left
// 3x3 part of our matrix
MatrixType::Submatrix<3,3>::Type rotSubmatrix(matrix, 0, 0);
// Create reference to the last column
MatrixType::ColumnRefType lastCol = matrix.Column(3);
// Create a slice of length 3 of the last column
// NOTE: MSVC7 does not allow the following definition:
// MatrixType::ColumnRefType::Subvector<3>::Type translation;
// but gcc does.
typedef MatrixType::ColumnRefType ColumnType;
typedef ColumnType::Subvector<3>::Type TranslationRefType;
TranslationRefType translation(lastCol);
translation.Assign(5.5f, -3.25f, 217.32f);
// Display the result
std::cout << "final matrix:\n";
std::cout << matrix << std::endl;
} catch (std::exception Exception) {
std::cerr << "Exception received: " << Exception.what() << std::endl;
Here, we see that in fixed-size objects, the size of the submatrix has to be given in template parameters, though the location of its first element is still passed as a regular function argument. In C++ it is impossible to have templated typedef statements. Instead, we declare a templated inner class: MatrixType::Submatrix<3,3>
, and that inner class has an internal typedef of its own type as Type. Similarly, for the slice of the first three elements in the last column, we use the type MatrixType::ColumnRefType::Subvector<3>::Type
Note that the element type in this example is float, while the rotation matrix rot30
is double. We can assign vectors and matrices of different element types to each other, but normally we do not allow other operations between them. Also note that we explicitly define literals of type float using the suffix f. This may reduce the number of compiler warnings. Also, we consider it safer to use explicit casting of the arguments whenever they are passed in a variable-length list (va_arg
, or an ellipsis in the function declaration). This has to do with the mechanism used in C and C++ for handling variable-length argument list. So generally, if we have a long vector v of type double, the following code may generate an error:
v.Assign(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
Instead, use explicit literal type:
v.Assign(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0);
For more information regarding the different type of references available, refer to the cisstVector User Guide.
Multidimensional arrays can be used to represent volumes (medical imaging), images with multiple layers (separating RGB channels) or any dataset of high dimension. vctDynamicArray can also be used for datasets of dimension 1 or 2 but for these, vctDynamicVector and vctDynamicMatrix might be a better choice.
Multidimensional arrays can only be found in the dynamic allocation flavor, i.e. there is no vctFixedSizeNArray. A multidimensional array type is defined by the type of elements stored as well as by the dimension, i.e. both of these are defined at compilation time and cannot be changed at runtime. As for the vectors and matrices, it is recommended to define an nArray type to use in your code:
typedef vctDynamicNArray<unsigned short, 3> InputVolumeType;
Since the dimension defines the number of indices required to randomly access an element as well as the number of sizes to resize an nArray, it is also very convenient to define both an index and size type:
typedef InputVolumeType::nsize_type SizeType;
typedef InputVolumeType::nindex_type IndexType;
The following code illustrates how to create, fill and operate on nArrays:
void ExampleNArray(void) {
// Define a working volume and index types
typedef vctDynamicNArray<unsigned short, 3> InputVolumeType;
typedef InputVolumeType::nsize_type SizeType;
typedef InputVolumeType::nindex_type IndexType;
// The dynamic vector library may throw exceptions,
// (derived from std::exception)
// so we place the operations in a try-catch block.
try {
// Create a volume object and allocate memory
SizeType volumeSize(128, 256, 256);
InputVolumeType inputVolume(volumeSize);
// alternative to set size and allocate
// Fill the memory with data
vctRandom(inputVolume, 0, 10);
// Random access (read) of elements
IndexType zyxIndex(15, 120, 240);
std::cout << inputVolume.Element(zyxIndex) << std::endl
<< inputVolume.at(zyxIndex) << std::endl
<< inputVolume[zyxIndex[0]] [zyxIndex[1]] [zyxIndex[2]]
<< std::endl;
// Define a new volume type
typedef vctDynamicNArray<double, 3> NormalizedVolumeType;
// Type conversions from and existing volume, also defines the size
NormalizedVolumeType newVolume(inputVolume);
// alternative
// Find minimum and maximum
double minElement, maxElement;
newVolume.MinAndMaxElement(minElement, maxElement);
std::cout << "Min and max " << minElement << " " << maxElement << std::endl;
// "shift and bias"
newVolume.Subtract(minElement); // Also available: operator -=
newVolume.Divide(maxElement - minElement); // or operator /=
// Operations with several operands
NormalizedVolumeType noise, corrected;
corrected.DifferenceOf(newVolume, noise);
// Slice overlay: array.Slice(dimension, sliceIndex)
newVolume.Slice(0, 0).SumOf(newVolume.Slice(0, 10),
newVolume.Slice(0, 20));
// Using a named object for slice overlay
typedef NormalizedVolumeType::ConstSliceRefType InputSliceType;
InputSliceType input1;
input1.SliceOf(newVolume, 1, 15);
// alternative
input1.SetRef(newVolume.Slice(1, 15));
// Layout manipulation: permutation of dimensions
vctDynamicNArrayRef<double, 3> permutedVolume;
permutedVolume.PermutationOf(newVolume, IndexType(1, 0, 2));
} // end of try block
// catch block
catch (std::exception Exception) {
std::cerr << "Exception occured: " << Exception.what() << std::endl;
Multidimensional arrays also provide ways to create slices and other references. It is possible to:
Use only a sub-array while keeping the dimension, i.e. create a window along each dimension Reduce the visible dimension, i.e. only consider n-1 dimensions
Use the data with a permutation of indices, i.e. permuting the dimensions
In this example, we reduced the dimension using the method SliceOf
. The type of a slice is defined using the same type of elements and subtracting one from the dimension. To ease the programmer's life, one can use NormalizedVolumeType::SliceRefType
and NormalizedVolumeType::ConstSliceRefType
. A more subtle way to slice an nArray is to use the square brackets (operator []
). This is similar to a matrix operator [] as both operators return a reference container with a lower dimension.
Finally, the method PermutationOf
allows to view the nArray from a different "angle" by implicitly re-ordering the dimensions (please note that the data itself is not moved or copied as for all cisst "Ref" objects). This can be compared to the method TransposeOf
for a matrix.
The different containers of cisstVector have been written to be compatible with the STL. They define different iterators as well as the methods required to manipulate these iterators.
void ExampleSTL(void) {
typedef vctFixedSizeVector<double, 6> VectorType;
VectorType vector1;
size_t value = vector1.size();
const VectorType::iterator end = vector1.end();
VectorType::iterator iter;
// fill with numbers using iterators
for (iter = vector1.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) {
*iter = value--;
std::cout << vector1 << std::endl;
// sort using std::sort. cool isn't it?
std::sort(vector1.begin(), vector1.end());
std::cout << vector1 << std::endl;
In this example, we demonstrated the use of an STL generic algorithm (std::sort
) on a cisstVector container.
This example requires to include cisstCommon.h
void ExampleCommon(void) {
// fill a vector with random numbers
vctFixedSizeVector<double, 8> vector1, vector2;
cmnRandomSequence & randomSequence = cmnRandomSequence::GetInstance();
randomSequence.ExtractRandomValueArray(-100.0, 100.0,
vector1.Pointer(), vector1.size());
// to fill a matrix or vector one can also use vctRandom
vctRandom(vector2, -100.0, 100.0);
// perform some operations such as divide by zero
unsigned int index;
// look for Not A Number
for (index = 0; index < vector2.size(); index++) {
if (CMN_ISNAN(vector2[index])) {
std::cout << "vector[" << index << "] is NaN " << std::endl;
// create a rotation based on an a normalized axis
vctAxAnRot3 axisAngle(vct3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), cmnPI / 2.0);
vctQuatRot3 rot1(axisAngle);
// modify this rotation with a new axis, not well normalized
vct3 axis(1.0005, 0.0, 0.0);
if (axis.Norm() > cmnTypeTraits<double>::Tolerance()) {
std::cout << "Axis is not normalized wrt default tolerance" << std::endl;
// this method asserts that the axis is normalized
axisAngle.Axis() = axis;
axisAngle.Angle() = cmnPI / 2.0;
This example illustrates how to use the cisst cmnRandomSequence
to fill a vector or matrix with random numbers.
The macro CMN_ISNAN
allows to check if a variable is still a number. It is defined in cisstCommon/cmnPortability.h
The default tolerance is used in many methods of cisstVector (e.g. IsNormalized()
for any transformation) and it might be useful to increase it for a given application. This should be used with caution. The class cmnTypeTraits
contains some useful information per type (double, float, char, int, etc) such as HasNaN
, MinNegativeValue
, etc.
These examples are reserved to advanced programmers. They require a fairly good understanding of the C++ templates and the class hierarchy of cisstVector (refer to the cisstVector User Guide). The terms Const and Ref refer to the cisstVector classes (e.g. vctDynamicConstVectorRef
), not the C++ keyword const
and symbol &
It is important to understand that the declaration of a new templated function or method is much more complex than the call to this function or method. When you will call the method, the compiler will infer (i.e. deduce) the template parameters based on the type of the objects used as function parameters. This allows to create a very generic method while preserving the ease of use.
The first four functions show different possible signatures to use for a function parameter. The fifth signature is for a function that takes two matrices containing the same type of elements, but each matrix can be either a Reference or not, Const or not.
The last example shows how to use a vctReturnDynamicVector
to avoid a copy of all the elements of a vector when it is returned (this approach is valid for a matrix as well).
template <class _matrixOwnerType, class _elementType>
_elementType> & matrix)
std::cout << matrix << std::endl;
// take any non-const matrix as input parameter, Reference or not
template <class _matrixOwnerType, class _elementType>
_elementType> & matrix)
matrix.setsize(10, 10);
// only take a matrix as input parameter, can't use a Reference
template <class _elementType>
FunctionDynamicC(vctDynamicMatrix<_elementType> & matrix)
matrix.resize(10, 10);
// this shows how to restrict to a given type of elements (double)
template <class _matrixOwnerType>
FunctionDynamicD(vctDynamicConstMatrixBase<_matrixOwnerType, double> & matrix)
std::cout << matrix << std::endl;
// take any two dynamic matrices as input parameters
// Const or not, Reference or not, same type of elements
template <class _matrixOwnerType1, class _matrixOwnerType2, class _elementType>
_elementType> & matrix1,
_elementType> & matrix2)
// this will throw an exception if the matrices don't have the correct sizes
std::cout << matrix1 * matrix2 << std::endl;
// function with a return type
template<class _vectorOwnerType, class _elementType>
FunctionDynamicF(const vctDynamicConstVectorBase<_vectorOwnerType,
_elementType> & inputVector) {
typedef _elementType value_type;
vctDynamicVector<value_type> resultStorage(inputVector.size());
// ...... do something to resultStorage
return vctReturnDynamicVector<value_type>(resultStorage);
Fixed size containers are similar to the dynamic ones with a major exception, the size(s) and stride(s) must be specified at compilation time. This requirement adds a fair amount of template parameters.
template <unsigned int _size, int _stride, class _elementType,
class _dataPtrType>
FunctionFixedSizeA(vctFixedSizeConstVectorBase<_size, _stride, _elementType,
_dataPtrType> & vector)
// take any non-const vector as input parameter, Reference or not
template <unsigned int _size, int _stride, class _elementType,
class _dataPtrType>
FunctionFixedSizeB(vctFixedSizeVectorBase<_size, _stride, _elementType,
_dataPtrType> & vector)
std::cout << vector << std::endl;
// only take a vector as input parameter, can't use a Reference
template <class _elementType, unsigned int _size>
FunctionFixedSizeC(vctFixedSizeVector<_elementType, _size> & vector)
// this shows how to restrict to a given type of elements (float)
template <unsigned int _size, int _stride, class _dataPtrType>
FunctionFixedSizeD(vctFixedSizeConstVectorBase<_size, _stride, float,
_dataPtrType> & vector)
std::cout << vector.Norm() << std::endl;
// take any two fixed size vectors as input parameters
// Const or not, Reference or not, same size, same type of elements
template <unsigned int _size, class _elementType,
int _stride1, class _dataPtrType1,
int _stride2, class _dataPtrType2>
FunctionFixedSizeE(vctFixedSizeConstVectorBase<_size, _stride1, _elementType,
_dataPtrType1> & vector1,
vctFixedSizeConstVectorBase<_size, _stride2, _elementType,
_dataPtrType2> & vector2)
std::cout << vector1.SumOfElements() + vector2.SumOfElements() << std::endl;
Since the fixed size containers are designed for fairly small containers (up to approximately 10 elements) and they use stack memory, there is no specific return type (as opposed to vctReturnDynamicVector
or vctReturnDynamicMatrix
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