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cisstStereoVision tutorial 2

Anton Deguet edited this page May 6, 2014 · 4 revisions

Introduction to cisstStereoVision Filters and Streams

  • Filters
  • Streams
  • Samples
  • Inputs and Outputs
  • Connections

Example 1 - A Simple Stream

Code under git repository: cisstStereoVision/tutorial1/CMakeLists.txt

# Assign name to the project

# Some version checking for CMake

# Setup dependency to CISST libraries


    # Inherit project settings from CISST (include directories, library directories, compiler options, etc.)

    # Create executable file 'svlTutorial1' from source file 'main.cpp'

    # Specify which CISST libraries need to be linked against
    CISST_TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${PROJECT_NAME} cisstCommon cisstVector cisstOSAbstraction cisstMultiTask cisstStereoVision)


Code under git repository: cisstStereoVision/examples/tutorial1/main.cpp

#include <cisstStereoVision.h>

int main()
    svlInitialize();                                // 1. Discover supported devices and codecs

    svlStreamManager stream;                        // 2. Instantiate SVL Stream
    svlFilterSourceVideoCapture source(1);          // 3. Instantiate video capture filter
    svlFilterImageWindow window;                    // 4. Instantiate image window filter

    source.SetDevice(0);                            // 5. Select first available capture device

    stream.SetSourceFilter(&source);                // 6. Assign source filter to stream
    source.GetOutput()->Connect(window.GetInput()); // 7. Connect source filter to window filter

    stream.Play();                                  // 8. Initialize and Play video stream

    char ch;
    std::cin >> ch;                                 // (Wait for key-press)

    stream.Release();                               // 9. Stop and Release stream

    return 0;

Stream Source

cisstStereoVision has a built in support for stereoscopic capture and processing. Video capture filters may take an unsigned int argument in the constructor that specifies the number of parallel video channels to be handled together in one stream.

Please note: The architecture supports any number of video channels within a stream, however in the current implementation capture filters support only 1 or 2 video channels.

    // stereo stream
    svlFilterSourceVideoCapture source_s(2);
    source_s.SetDevice(0, 0, SVL_LEFT);             // device=0, input=0, channel=LEFT
    source_s.SetDevice(1, 0, SVL_RIGHT);            // device=1, input=0, channel=RIGHT

    // mono stream
    svlFilterSourceVideoCapture source_m(1);
    source_m.SetDevice(2);                          // device=2, input=0, channel=LEFT

Assembling the Graph

    // First the source filter needs to be assigned to the stream

    // Then filters need to be connected by establishing connections between their input and output ports

Accessing Inputs and Outputs

The methods GetInput and GetOutput take one optional std::string & argument. If the argument is omitted then the methods return a pointer to the synchronous input or synchronous output port of the filter. If the argument is specified, then the methods look up the input or output that has the same name as the specified string argument. The specified name may correspond to either synchronous or asynchronous port.

    // Establishing 'synchronous' connection

    // Establishing 'asynchronous' connections

Example 2 - Stream with Splitter

Code under git repository: cisstStereoVision/examples/tutorial1/main.cpp

#include <cisstStereoVision.h>

int main()
    svlInitialize();                                              // 1. Discover supported devices and codecs

    svlStreamManager stream;                                      // 2. Instantiate SVL Stream
    svlFilterSourceVideoCapture source(1);                        // 3. Instantiate video capture filter
    svlFilterSplitter splitter;                                   // 4. Instantiate stream splitter filter
    svlFilterImageResizer resizer;                                // 5. Instantiate image resizer filter
    svlFilterImageUnsharpMask sharpen;                            // 6. Instantiate unsharp masking filter
    svlFilterImageWindow window;                                  // 7. Instantiate first image window filter
    svlFilterImageWindow window2;                                 // 8. Instantiate second image window filter

    source.SetDevice(0);                                          // 9. Select first available capture device

    splitter.AddOutput("async_out");                              // 10. Add 2nd output to stream splitter filter

    resizer.SetOutputSize(400, 300);                              // 11. Setup image resizer filter

    sharpen.SetAmount(200);                                       // 12. Setup unsharp masking filter

    stream.SetSourceFilter(&source);                              // 15. Assign source filter to stream
    source.GetOutput()->Connect(splitter.GetInput());             // 16. Connect source filter to splitter filter
    splitter.GetOutput()->Connect(resizer.GetInput());            // 17. Connect splitter output #1 to resizer filter
    resizer.GetOutput()->Connect(window.GetInput());              // 18. Connect resizer filter to 1st window filter

    splitter.GetOutput("async_out")->Connect(sharpen.GetInput()); // 19. Connect splitter output #2 to unsharp masking filter
    sharpen.GetOutput()->Connect(window2.GetInput());             // 20. Connect unsharp masking filter to 2nd window filter

    stream.Play();                                                // 21. Initialize and Play video stream

    char ch;
    std::cin >> ch;                                               // (Wait for key-press)

    stream.Release();                                             // 22. Stop and Release stream

Assembling the Graph

    // After instantiation of the splitter filter
    // it only has one default synchronous output
    svlFilterSplitter splitter;

    // By calling the AddOutput() method, you can
    // create any number of synchronous outputs on
    // the splitter. Each output on a single splitter
    // needs to have a unique name.


    // Connect the synchronous output of the splitter
    // by omitting the argument when calling GetOutput()

    // In order to connect aynchronous outputs, the
    // output names need to be specified
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