A tool to pull the Hex, RGB, and RGBA values out of any text and visualize them in an organizable palette.
Built for anyone who works with digital color.
If you're a Sublime Text user, download the Huely Sublime Plugin!
- Sass & LESS Variable Name Extraction
- Dragging for swatch reordering. Click to grow/shrink swatches.
- Square/Circle swatch option toggle
- Built with Meteor
- CSS structured with BEM + Bourbon + Inuit.css
Vote for features on the Huely Features Roadmap Trello Board!
- Support for Sass/LESS variable referencing of other color variables
- Add CSS Names support (e.g white, cyan, red, etc)
- Ability to add and edit swatches w/ a color picker
- Ability to export modified color values and variable names to a file
- Serve a simple JSON API for extracted colors
- Ability save/share palettes?
- [Done 8/27/14] Create a Sublime plugin to open a browser and visualize all colors in current file w/ Huely
Submit feature requests through Github Issues or on the Trello Board.
Any and all help in making Huely into a productive tool to add to our design flows would be appreciated! Contact me @_Jeloi, or submit a pull request!
Jeremy Ho
Credit to Kevin Sylvestre's jQuery Gridly plugin.
MIT License.