A sublime plugin to extract and visualize colors in your code in a nice interactive palette.
This is a plugin for huely.co, and requires an internet connection to work.
(Coming Soon) With Package Control:
Run “Package Control: Install Package” command, find and install the Huely Palette plugin.
Restart Sublime if necessary.
Clone or download git repo into your packages folder (in ST, find Browse Packages... menu item to open this folder)
Restart Sublime if necessary.
Default OSX Keybinding: ctrl+shift+h
Setup your own keybinding by inserting the follow in your user keybindings file:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+h"], "command": "huely_extract" }
- The plugin submits a post request to the huely "API", with the text data in your current file.
- If there are colors to be extracted, huely creates a palette and returns with 200:OK and the palette ID.
- The plugin then uses webbrowser to open your browser to the palette page.
- Don't count on your palettes being permanently reachable! Huely is currently hosted on meteor.com and I don't own the DB.