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Releases: iterati/primer


27 Oct 02:39
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v0.2.5 Updated release with improved palette, better default modes, and improved documentation (now with pretty images). Please read the documentation here.

  • Ravin is now comet.
  • Fixed speed sensitivity (I think). It's at least improved.
  • Fixed some bugs in the button code.

Initial Release!

24 Oct 02:54
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Primer is the first OSM firmware fully customizable on-chip. The palette, blinking animations, acceleration trigger, and trigger sensitivity are all editable through an easy-to-use interface designed with tweaking in mind.


Packaged release on Mac OS X

  • Be sure to have Arduino 1.6.5 installed in your /Applications directory.
  • Download the latest .dmg from the releases tab.
  • Open the .dmg and double-click on "Upload .hex"

Packaged release on Windows

  • Download the latest .hex from the releases tab.
  • Using XLoader, follow this tutorial on how to install.
    1. Make sure to use 115200 for the speed.
    2. Make sure to select "Uno(ATMega328)" from the Device dropdown.
    3. Be sure to select the correct .hex file.


  • 12 Fully Customizable
  • 2 Variants Per Mode
  • 4 Accelerometer Triggers to Switch Variants
  • Each With 3 Sensitivity Levels
  • 16 LED Animations For Your Variations
  • Up to 12 Colors Per Variation
  • 62 Color + Blank Palette with 4 Shading Levels.
  • 4 Customizable Bundles For Custom Mode Playlists
  • Enable Conjuring Mode (Toggle On/Off With 1 Press) From Any Mode
  • Easy To Use Customization Interface



  • Press - Turn on. Go to Play.
  • Hold 1.5s - Go to Bundle Select. Flashes blue.

Bundle Select

  • Press - Cycle bundle.
  • Hold 1.5s - Selects current bundle. Go to Play. Flashes blue.
  • Hold 3.0s - Go to Bundle Edit. Flashes yellow.

Bundle Edit

  • Press - Cycle bundle slot to next mode.
  • Hold 1.5s - Sets current bundle slot to selected mode. Cycles to next bundle slot. Flashes magenta.
  • Hold 3.0s - Saves bundle with current bundle slot as the end of the bundle. Go to Play. Flashes white.

Play (Normal Mode)

  • Press - Cycle to next mode.
  • Hold 1.0s - Put light to sleep. Flashes white.
  • Hold 2.5s - Enables Conjure Mode. Flashes blue.
  • Hold 4.0s - Go to Config Select. Flashes yellow.

Play (Conjure Mode)

  • Press - Toggle light on/off (processor still running).
  • Hold 1.0s - Turn off light and deactivate Conjure Mode. Flashes white.
  • Hold 2.5s - Disable Conjure Mode. Flashes blue.
  • Hold 4.0s - Go to Config Select. Flashes yellow.

Config Select

  • Press - Cycle between configuration options. Color indicates what configuration mode will be selected.
    • Palette A - red
    • Palette B - blue
    • Prime A - magenta
    • Prime B - cyan
    • Accelerometer mode - green
    • Accelerometer sensitivity - yellow
  • Hold 1.5s - Go to Configure for current configuration mode. Flashes yellow.
  • Hold 3.0s - Go to Play. Flashes white.

Config Palette

  • Press - Cycle forward through palette options.
  • Dpress - Cycle backward through palette options.
  • Hold 1.5s - Select color. Flashes white.
  • Hold 1.5s more - Cycle to next shade. Flashes white.
  • Release after hold - Go to Confirm Color.

Confirm Color

  • Press - Accept color.
    • If last (12th) color slot, go to Play and save. Flashes white.
    • Otherwise just go to next color slot.
  • Hold 1.5s - Reject color.
    • If first color slot, go to Config Palette. Flashes red.
    • Otherwise, go to Confirm Color for previous color slot. Flashes red.
  • Hold 3.0s - Accept and save. Sets current color slot as last color. Go to Play. Flashes white.

Config Prime

  • Press - Cycles to next prime.
  • Hold 1.5s - Accept and save. Go to Play. Flashes white.

Config Accelerometer Mode

  • Press - Cycle to next accelerometer mode. Color indicates what mode will be selected.
    • Off - dim white
    • Speed - red
    • Tilt X - blue
    • Tilt Y - yellow
    • Flip Z - green
  • Hold 1.5s - Accept and save. Go to Play. Flashes white.

Config Accelerometer Sensitivity

  • Press - Cycle to next accelerometer sensitivity. Color indicates what sensitivity will be selected.
    • Low - blue
    • Medium - magenta
    • High - red
  • Hold 1.5s - Accept and save. Go to Play. Flashes white.


  • Strobe - 5ms/8ms Strobe
  • Hyper - 17ms/17ms Strobe
  • Dops - 1ms/10ms Strobe
  • Strobie - 3ms/23ms Strobe
  • Pulse - 50ms Fade In and Out/25ms Off
  • Seizure - 5ms Fade In/95ms Off
  • Tracer - 3ms Color/23ms Color 1
  • Dash Dops
    • 7ms Per Color for Color 2+
    • 7 1ms/10ms Strobes of Color 1
  • Blink-E - 5ms Per Color/50ms Off
  • Edge
    • 2ms Per Color for Last Color to Color 2
    • 5ms Color 1
    • 2ms Per Color for Color 2 to Last Color
  • Lego - 2, 8, or 16ms/8ms Random Strobe
  • Chase
    • 50ms Color A/10ms Off
    • 10ms Color B/10ms Off/30ms Color A/10ms Off
    • 20ms Color B/10ms Off/20ms Color A/10ms Off
    • 30ms Color B/10ms Off/10ms Color A/10ms Off
    • Repeat with B and next color...
  • Morph - 17ms/17ms Strobe Where A Morphs to B Over 4 Strobes
  • Ribbon - 11ms Per Color
  • Ravin - 5ms/8ms ABCBA Strobe (Color 1 to Last to 1 to Last...)
  • Candy - 5ms/8ms Strobe of First 3 Colors For 3 Cycles, Then Drop First Color And Add Next