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conda recipes for Summit

These are conda recipes for manually creating ppc64le conda packages for packages that conda-forge has yet to be migrated to support ppc64le builds.

Built packages are currently being pushed to the omnia conda channel.

Installing on Summit

If you need help setting up your ~/.bash_profile, see these notes.

First, install miniconda from your $MEMBER_WORK directory (/gpfs/alpine/scratch/$USER/$PROJECT/):

bash -b -p miniconda
# Initialize your ~/.bash_profile
conda init bash

The ppc64le packages have been uploaded to the omnia and conda-forge channels:

# Add conda-forge and omnia to your channel list
conda config --add channels omnia --add channels conda-forge
# Update to conda-forge versions of packages
conda update --yes --all

The openmm packge is built from OpenMM development snapshot d5905f8 and uploaded to the omnia-dev channel:

# Create a new environment named 'openmm'
conda create -n openmm python==3.7
# Activate it
conda activate openmm
# Install the 'openmm' 7.4.0 dev package for ppc64le into this environment
conda install --yes -c omnia-dev/label/cuda101 openmm

Currently, CUDA 9.2 and 10.1 builds have been uploaded.

Testing openmm

# Log into a batch node
bsub -W 2:00 -nnodes 1 -P bip178 -alloc_flags gpudefault -Is /bin/bash

# Make sure to activate conda environment
# TODO: Is there a way we can make sure the `~/.bash_profile` is executed on log in?
source ~/.bash_profile
conda activate

# Install the CUDA and appropriate MPI modules:
module unload cuda
module load cuda/10.1.105 gcc/8.1.1 spectrum-mpi/

# Run the benchmark via jsrun requesting
# one resource set (-n 1), one MPI process (-a 1), one core (-c 1), one GPU (-g 1)
cd $MINICONDA/share/openmm/examples
jsrun --smpiargs="none" -n 1 -a 1 -c 1 -g 1 python --platform=CUDA --test=pme --precision=mixed --seconds=30 --heavy-hydrogens

I see the following benchmarks on Summit:

Platform: CUDA
Precision: mixed

Test: pme (cutoff=0.9)
Step Size: 5 fs
Integrated 48894 steps in 28.5644 seconds
739.46 ns/day

Building the packages

If you need to rebuild the packages from scratch, start an interactive job:

bsub -W 2:00 -nnodes 1 -P bip178 -alloc_flags gpudefault -Is /bin/bash
source ~/.bash_profile # TODO: Can we get this to automatically execute when bash starts?
conda activate

Install conda-build:

conda install --yes conda-build conda-verify anaconda-client

Then build the dependencies:

# Build openmm dependencies not yet built for ppc64le by conda-forge
conda build --numpy 1.14 --python 3.6 swig fftw3f doxygen pymbar parmed
conda build --numpy 1.14 --python 3.7 swig fftw3f doxygen pymbar parmed
# Upload the to omnia
anaconda upload -u omnia /gpfs/alpine/scratch/jchodera1/bip178/miniconda/conda-bld/linux-ppc64le/{swig,fftw,doxygen,pymbar}*

# Clean up
conda clean -tipsy
conda build purge-all --yes

# Build OpenMM for cuda 9.2
module unload cuda
module load cuda/9.2.148
CUDA_VERSION="9.2" CUDA_SHORT_VERSION="92" conda build --numpy 1.14 --python 2.7 openmm
CUDA_VERSION="9.2" CUDA_SHORT_VERSION="92" conda build --numpy 1.14 --python 3.6 openmm
CUDA_VERSION="9.2" CUDA_SHORT_VERSION="92" conda build --numpy 1.14 --python 3.7 openmm
# Upload OpenMM packages to conda-dev under desired labels
anaconda upload -u omnia-dev --force -l main -l cuda92 /gpfs/alpine/scratch/jchodera1/bip178/miniconda/conda-bld/linux-ppc64le/openmm-*

# Clean up
conda clean -tipsy
conda build purge-all --yes

# Build OpenMM for cuda 10.1
module unload cuda
module load cuda/10.1.105
CUDA_VERSION="10.1" CUDA_SHORT_VERSION="101" conda build --numpy 1.14 --python 2.7 openmm
CUDA_VERSION="10.1" CUDA_SHORT_VERSION="101" conda build --numpy 1.14 --python 3.6 openmm
CUDA_VERSION="10.1" CUDA_SHORT_VERSION="101" conda build --numpy 1.14 --python 3.7 openmm
anaconda upload -u omnia-dev --force -l cuda101 /gpfs/alpine/scratch/jchodera1/bip178/miniconda/conda-bld/linux-ppc64le/openmm-*

See openmm/openmm#2258 for more details.


Supplemental conda recipes for Summit







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