Releases: infra-geo-ouverte/igo2-lib
Releases · infra-geo-ouverte/igo2-lib
16.3.0 (2024-01-25)
What's Changed
- feat(geo): provide a method to select the featuremotion when adding searchresult as overlay by @pelord in #1587
- refactor(theme): delete qcca, it will live in the igo2-quebec project by @alecarn in #1590
- feat(integration): add a new tool to report data issues by @pelord in #1524
- fix(geo): check legend before loop by @aziz-access in #1591
- feat(geo): add a sub level to arcgisrest catalogs by @pelord in #1592
- fix: sass exports for themes and utils by @alecarn in #1589
The nomenclature of exporting theme files changes from theming to theme ex:@use @igo2/common/theme
Full Changelog: v16.2.0...v16.3.0
16.2.0 (2024-01-19)
What's Changed
- fix(geo): Baselayer Switcher stay open without useStaticIcon by @aziz-access in #1548
- refactor(demo): Repaired broken layers, added typing, removed unused imports/variables by @LAMM26 in #1549
- fix(demo): Repoint web services in assembly demo by @aziz-access in #1557
- style(geo): fix search bar floating label by @aziz-access in #1562
- fix(demo): update layers option in print and ogc filter by @aziz-access in #1571
- fix(geo/search-pointer): init the store before subscription by @alecarn in #1569
- demo(layer): added layer showcasing multiple styles by @LAMM26 in #1581
- feat(linked-layers): Added new config for visibility in Base Layer Switcher by @LAMM26 in #1560
- fix(geo): initial rotation is not supplied to viewcontroller by @pelord in #1586
- fix(geo): check catalog not undefined before loading items by @aziz-access in #1583
- fix(common)!: 1533 search result the entitystorewithstrategy should be required by @alecarn in #1561
Revert change for splitting the EntityStore in multiple class to minimize circular dependency. No more EntityStoreWithStrategy, use EntityStore.
Full Changelog: v16.1.1...v16.2.0
16.1.1 (2023-12-14)
Full Changelog: v16.1.0...v16.1.1
16.1.0 (2023-12-12)
What's Changed
- feat(qcca-theme): ajout de style pour la barre de défilement qc-ca by @LAMM26 in #1400
- 1346 symbolic link between our projects and the library by @alecarn in #1373
- fix(common): Context menu doesn't work on Firefox by @aziz-access in #1494
- fix(geo): solve export file on mobile android using uri by @aziz-access in #1490
- style(geo): solve mobile issue with measure unit by @aziz-access in #1495
- fix(common): fix sidenav button scrollUp and scrolldown by @aziz-access in #1493
- fix(geo): eliminate 300 ppp resolution from mobile devices by @aziz-access in #1498
- fix(geo): Layer color picker do not change the fill/stroke color by @pelord in #1509
- fix(geo): detect map print extent after change map resolution by @aziz-access in #1510
- fix(core): delete foreground from blue theme by @aziz-access in #1503
- fix(common): solve Select or unselect all rows at once by @aziz-access in #1513
- fix(geo): build with partial compilation mode by @alecarn in #1506
- 1309 Monitoring add sentry configuration by @alecarn in #1341
- fix(geo): adapt numbers with unit and solve show hide ditanse and area by @aziz-access in #1504
- fix(core, integration): fix advanced map tool view and core media det… by @aziz-access in #1505
- fix(geo): color picker with style modal layer by @aziz-access in #1523
- Dialogs by @pelord in #1514
- fix(geo): check manual value for mat-autocomplete and mat-datepicker by @aziz-access in #1518
- chore(auth): jwt-decode from v2 to v4 by @pelord in #1527
- build: refact the lib publishing and the github page by @alecarn in #1526
- feat_icherche(unites) insert research into icherche by @MSPKarengeo in #1535
- fix(common): prevent form submit on password hide/show and auto hide password after 10sec of inactivity by @pelord in #1536
- fix(theme): replicate the same folder structure for local / prod by @alecarn in #1532
Full Changelog: v16.0.2...v16.1.0
16.0.0 (2023-11-03)
What's Changed
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.59.2 to 5.59.6 by @dependabot in #1260
- fix(draw): drawing circle crash whole drawing component. by @pelord in #1273
- Geo properties - detect wms properties to add remove layer by @pelord in #1126
- feat(geo): Added rotate option and north direction to the map when pr… by @aziz-access in #1256
- Corriger le parseInt qui ajuste normalement les attributs en integer by @mikesmichael in #1257
- Insert accent hashtag by @MSPKarengeo in #1258
- Bump version 1.15.3 by @alecarn in #1286
- upgrade v1.15.3 by @alecarn in #1292
- Workspace fixes by @pelord in #1290
- fix(LayerContext): subscribe once with first operator by @alecarn in #1272
- feat(workspace): workspaces table view are now printable by @pelord in #1291
- Feat vscode debugging by @alecarn in #1299
- fix(integration): import Action interface and add DatePipe in domo app.module to solve datepipe issue by @aziz-access in #1300
- Fix printing multi canvas of victor layers by @aziz-access in #1301
- feat(geo): Print with resolution PDF and image by @aziz-access in #1264
- fix(geo): Print without cursor position by @aziz-access in #1265
- Release v1.15.4 by @alecarn in #1308
- chore(cypress): add cypress, initial setup and delete protractor by @pelord in #1316
- Style refactoring by @alecarn in #1305
- Update Angular v15 - Part 1 by @alecarn in #1313
- Update Angular v15 - Part 2 (MDC based) by @alecarn in #1315
- Tsconfig refactor by @alecarn in #1321
- Update angular v16 by @alecarn in #1329
- ajout_culture_ashtag by @MSPKarengeo in #1325
- QCCA-Theme by @alecarn in #1336
- feat(context): import export context in demo by @aziz-access in #1348
- Tsconfig - upcoming ECMA runtime behavior by @alecarn in #1345
- 1281-circular-dependencies-code-design by @alecarn in #1347
- fix(EntityTable): validate octal number by @alecarn in #1293
- fix(geo): delete map legend after the printing from the DOM by @aziz-access in #1304
- Fix import context with style (drawing layer) by @pelord in #1374
- fix(ICherche): add a custom cache hash to account for http params by @alecarn in #1262
- Exported context, draw layer with radius by @pelord in #1380
- 1328-allow-customization-for-the-splash-screen-logo by @alecarn in #1381
- fix(geo,common): create new color picker component by @aziz-access in #1368
- feat(context): save layer opacity if export context by @aziz-access in #1322
- feat(geo): add print route directions function by @aziz-access in #1289
- chore(*): refactor to set the configs files not dependent from any ht… by @pelord in #1387
- fix(geo): google map links were not interpreted on mobile by @pelord in #1388
- feat(context): set map zoom level after importing context by @pelord in #1384
- feat(iCherche): add a config to hide advanced options by @alecarn in #1386
- update dependencies by @alecarn in #1392
- Format all packages and projects by @alecarn in #1393
- fix(ColorPicker): remove unused deps by @alecarn in #1394
- fix(Openlayers): downgrade to 7.5.2 due to wms regression by @alecarn in #1402
- feat(direction): add a toogle to control user interaction with map by @pelord in #1396
- fix(InteractiveTour): options migration from popperJS to floatingUI by @alecarn in #1399
- ui:(core, geo): fix input form width, change overly pane to fit-content by @aziz-access in #1395
- fix(InteractiveTour): add Placement types from @floating-ui by @alecarn in #1407
- fix(menu-button): fix v16.0.0 regression form menu button color configuration by @pelord in #1403
- feat(core): add a new method to handle deprecated configs by @pelord in #1408
- 1414 Workspace edition not fetching domain values by @alecarn in #1415
- fix(Core): resolve infinite loop between MessageService and the ErrorInterceptor by @alecarn in #1419
- feat(core): add method to retrieve global configs by @pelord in #1417
- Performance - entity table related to workspaces by @pelord in #1418
- perf(wfs): cancel outgoing wfs xhr on pan/zoom by @pelord in #1421
- 1406 Resolve remaining todo from MDC migration by @alecarn in #1416
- Style 16x fix by @pelord in #1423
- fix(geo, common): Integrate ngx color by @aziz-access in #1422
- i18n: Translation: add traduction of layers from TerrAPI in spatial filter by @MSPKarengeo in #1428
- Wfs fix loading issues by @pelord in #1431
- Configuration types by @alecarn in #1424
- feat(core): add default value param to the getConfig method by @pelord in #1434
- fix(MessageService): handle number for field validation message by @alecarn in #1432
- chore(*): format all files to sort imports by @pelord in #1427
- refactor(common): rewrite trackby to RowData instead of entity record by @pelord in #1440
- fix(geo): fix home Extent Button Options by @aziz-access in #1442
- fix(ogcFilter): v16 regression, let the button being clickable when header=false by @pelord in #1444
- feat(context): save layer opacity in db by @aziz-access in #1439
- chore(workflows): update gh_release action by @pelord in #1450
- 1024 typography adjustment by @alecarn in #1451
- fix(geo): style regression with the material theme by @alecarn in #1452
- feat(geo): ilayer - add the showAdvancedSettings by @alecarn in #1453
- fix(geo): layer - visibility button style regression by @alecarn in #1456
- 1063 laffichage des fonds de carte est décallé by @alecarn in #1463
- fix(context): context-permissions style regression by @alecarn in #1462
- fix(common): interactive-tour add the auto placement by @alecarn in #1457
- fix(context): save layer opacity in db by @aziz-access in #1458
- fix(core): adjust typography by @alecarn in #1466
- fix(context): list style regression by @alecarn in #1468
- feat(geo): add a error message on fail during data download by @pelord in #1464
- style(geo): fix search setting list style regression by @aziz-access in https://github.c...