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Gonçalo Baltazar edited this page Feb 11, 2018 · 1 revision
Which flavor of Bukkit is the NBTEditor for?
The NBTEditor only supports Spigot (and CraftBukkit) built with the SpigotMC BuildTools. I don't have intentions of supporting any other server software.
My BoSs (Books of Souls) are broken!?
I will always provide backward compatibility with older BoSs. If your BoSs are broken then someone or something (a plugin) changed the contents of the book directly. To edit the BoS use only the '/bos' command.
If they show strange symbols then some other plugin doesn't support text formatting, it probably is an inventory management plugin.
You cannot recover broken/corrupt BoSs.
What happened to the '/bos dropchance' command?
Because of the changes to armor/combat on Minecraft 1.9, the '/bos dropchance' command was removed on NBTEditor 2.0. Two new variables were added to set the drop chances:
/bos var HandDropChances <main> <off>
/bos var ArmorDropChances <feet> <legs> <chest> <head>
Why does the 'Health' variable has no effect?
The 'Health' variable has effect, it controls the current health of the mob. If you set it to values above the normal max health for that mob it will cap to that value. E.g. just setting the health of a Zombie to 30 has no effect because the Zombie has a limit of 20. To set it above the max value you need to also set the 'MaxHealth' attribute, '/bos attr add MaxHealth <value>'.
E.g. using '/bos var health 30' and '/bos attr add MaxHealth 30', on a Zombie BoS, will work.
How to use the 'Career' variable on Villagers?
The 'Career' variable is a special variable that, internally, controls both 'Profession' and 'Career' of the the Villager. It supports values like 'Farmer_Shepherd', 'Blacksmith_Armorer', 'Blacksmith_ToolSmith' etc. (use tab completion to see all available values). There are other values (with '_Any' suffix) like 'Farmer_Any' that only set the profession (the Villager will se assigned a random career when you first open the Villager's inventory).
Minecraft Wiki page on Professions and Careers.
How to prevent a Villager from gaining new offers/trades?
Setting the 'Career' variable (see previous question) to a specific career (not '*_Any') and setting a high 'CareerLevel' something like 50 (smaller values should work too, doesn't matter) will prevent the Villager from gaining new offers/trades.
I'm getting this error on the console: 'Item entity XXXXX has no item'!?
That happens when you create a spawner that spawns dropped items. It is a known internal Minecraft 'error' (I cannot fix/remove it) and has no effect on the server. Since version 1.1.2 I recommend using '/bos tocommand' spawn entities using command blocks.
I'm getting this error on the console: 'Ignoring unknown attribute XXXXX'!?
That means that you applied a invalid attribute on a Mob. 'AttackSpeed' and 'Luck' are for players, 'JumpStrength' is for Horses and 'SpawnReinforcements' for Zombies. The rest can be used on any Mob.
Minecraft Wiki page on Attributes.
Is it possible to set the min/max light level for a spawner?
No, that is not possible using NBT tags. If Mojang ever adds tags for that, I will add a way to set it.
Is it possible to change the spawner to another block (hide the spawner)?
No, that is not possible using NBT tags. If Mojang ever adds tags for that, I will add a way to set it.
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