Create monsters using Giffyglyph's 5e Monster Maker in Foundry VTT. This preview includes support for scaling actions, layout options, and a finalised layout. This update includes support for Foundry v8.6.
v0.6.0 changes
- [#7] Added support for a DEV build of the module.
- [#8] Added new shortcode—damageDie.
- [#9] Added README.
- [#10] Updated monster to support new creature type fields from Foundry (swarm).
- [#11] Updated module to support FoundryVTT v8.6. Older versions of Foundry are no longer supported by this module.
- [#12] Window header buttons now wrap correctly when overflowing the fixed width artifacts.
- [#13] Monster max HP is now correctly affected by the number of phases.
- [#14] Monster initiative is now rolled correctly via the CombatTracker.
- [#20] Actor/item sheets are now correctly refreshed when changing the default sheet.
- [#21] Stopped images and text wrapping in artifact headers.
- [#22] Added support for hit-dice formula.
- [#23] Added visible scaling monster/scaling action buttons to the main sidebar.
- [#26] Can now select default colors, skins, and layouts via the module settings page.
- [#27] Stopped monster sheet from affecting non-npc actors.
- [#28] Added CHANGELOG.