New features:
- Upgrade Angular from 10 to 11 (#424) @Bykiev
- Add Virtual Keyboard for input control (#215)
- Add Pipe control with bitmask (#594)
- Add value digit format (option) for all Tags (#259)
- Add scaling (linear) option for all Tags
- Add French translation @lbeyaert
- Add Devices connection status Tag in FUXA server
- Add label and value digit format of Tags in Report table
- Add download UI of reports file
- Add Open the card in xy position
- Update socket.io from 2.4.1 to 2.5.0 in /server
- Update express from 4.16.4 to 4.18.2 in /server
- Update jsonwebtoken from 8.5.1 to 9.0.0 in /client
- Some layout improvement (icons and text)
- Exception to go in 'Lab' section
- DateRange translator (#591)
- Clone shape of undefined type (#576)
- Modbus synchronisation to write value
- Translation of Date Range (#591)
- InfluxDB timeserie missing timestamp
- Bacnet driver (#652 #426 #138)
- Layout without Navigation Bar @kevin100702
- Input number type validator
- Generation of Reports in month interval