Releases: frangoteam/FUXA
Releases · frangoteam/FUXA
New features:
- System functions $getAlarms and $ackAlarm to use in script (#1512)
- Header item with permission (#1501)
- Ability to set async/sync script
- Improvement of custom chart data to define X Time scale (#1470)
- Ability to toggle bits with event (#1058)
- setTableAndData with optional attribute (used with $invokeObject)
- Send message (mail) function to use in scripts (#1305)
- Table control with generated reports available for users (#861)
- Add WebSocket package (ws) in server and available for scripting (Thanks @MatthewReed303)
- Input control with option to trigger 'Enter' event on leave edit area
- Header Button with Icon (#1095 #1485 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Open and Close Events of View to bind Scripts (#1481 #1482 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Chunk DAQ history for chart partial result of big data query (#917 #746)
- Bitmask to Semaphore control (#1477 Thanks @rikugun)
- Support typescript for server development (#596)
- Alarm executing a script on trigger
- Import Device and Tags via template (#1460 Thanks @rikugun)
- Undo stack overflow of View (#1372 #1305)
- Edit of Select control with readonly attribute (#1486)
- Name validator in View property dialog
- Refresh button position of Table control and selection with paginator enabled
- Show dialog close bar (#1496 Thanks @rikugun)
- Script parser error if last line are commented (#1447)
- WebAPI http request Error if value is null (#1480 Thanks @ChimingLiu)
- Review: gauge property dialog
New features:
- Support of Widgets (Thanks @MatthewReed303)
- Table control with alarms (#1310 #1072 #352)
- Implement logApiLevel Setting for Configurable API Logging Levels (#1424 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Colors range in Bar Gauge (#609)
- modbus socket reuse options with serial read/write (#1412 #1413 Thanks @rikugun)
- Tag Deadband options (#1164)
- Customizable CSS for each Project (#1396 #1397 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Disable broadcast of all tags as default settings
- Type and Description property of opcua tags
- Filtering Capability to Item Listing in Editor with Regex Support (#1358 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Option for Auto-Selecting Text in Input Fields on Click (#1356 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- User Interaction: Mouse Over and Out Event Binding on Gauges (#1355 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- OpenCard via script (#1349 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Add SVG image (embedded) in DOM
- Option to set 350ms polling interval for PLC (#1347 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- OpenCard Event with Configurable Reference Origin for X and Y Positions (cursor or window) (#1339 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Update node-opcua package from 2.123.0 to 2.130.0 (Thanks @MatthewReed303)
- Update docker node version from 16-bookworm to 18-bookworm (#1333 Thanks @MatthewReed303)
- Update odbc package from 2.4.8 to 2.4.9 (#1333 Thanks @MatthewReed303)
- Update german translation (Thanks @JoniArida)
- Add csv-parser package to be used in server script
- Items authorizations (#1411)
- Bar chart range configurations (#1406)
- Review: edit dialog of graph source, tooltips settings
- View property undefined (#1386)
- modbus Tag scaleWriteFunction (write script) for not array value (#1365)
- View background color overwrite (#1363)
- Event runScript placeholder to pass tag address
- Add tagid in DAQ for tdenginer database, to use in SQL query as filter condition (#1382 Thanks @jay-jjwu)
- Dual touch event in mobile browser
- Reset Alarm Panel to current alarms on reopen in history mode (#1370 #1371 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Concurrent Blink Actions across different ranges (#1369 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Implement ChangeDetectorRef to address ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError (#1367 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Performance on send via socket only id, value, timestamp
- modbus Int16 (2 bytes) to writeRegister and Int32 (4bytes) to writeRegisters
- modbus to write different for FC6 and FC16 (#1175 #1364 Thanks @rvbatista)
- Script result if value = '0'
- Siemens S7 DAQ (#1341 Thanks @gabrielbalincaaeg)
- Adjust AlarmQuery Date Bounds to Cover Full Days (#1353 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Multi views style (#1322 #1332)
- Round the modbus number before converting it to a BigInt (#1325 Thanks @Abestanis)
New features:
- Improve update unchanged value of Input control (update flag enabled)
- Ability to access historical tags in script (#1283 Thanks @adnanebrahimi @saeedGanjei)
- Multi views container with autoresize settings and card scale mode (contain/stretch)
- Improve editor Views panel resizable (vertical)
- Add Events to Switch control
- Improve chart X-axis legend minutes instead of :seconds
- Add build chart image for report and plugin option to install via npm
- Update Angular to version 15 (#1253 Thanks @adnanebrahimi)
- Add script filter for systemFunction server/client
- Update ODBC driver installation (#1246 Thanks @MatthewReed303)
- Refactoring of new script dialog with mode
- Add onload event to Chart control
- Add read/write scripts option for tags (#1065 #1177 #1208 Thanks @greg9504)
- Add align property of View (#932)
- Improve resize vertically of multi views for mobile
- Add system function to modify Device property
- Build of Electron application (#707 Thanks @rikugun)
- Make node-snap7 (Siemens S7) optional
- Public BACnet tags values via mqtt
- Virtual-keyboard focus detach
- Blink action of Proc-Eng shapes (#1251 #1260)
- View zoom in manually mode (#831)
- Card layout with Auto-zoom option
- Update of internal tag, add value to table via script
- Chart legend unreferenced (#1240 #1250 Thanks @YUHAI0)
- Alarm status on ACK all (#1229)
- Placeholder property for chart/iframe/table/panel controls
- Chart data query of refresh/step/range
- Panel control scale mode
- Layout settings not available (#1227)
- Input control with Dialog mode, Enter event, show layout (#1222 #1226)
- Input control type time layout overflow (#1221)
- Banner for server connection failed (#1211)
- Schedule hour/minute with value 0 (#1200)
- Handling of shape color propagation (#1210)
- Overwritten of script parameter in runtime process (backend/frontend)
New features:
- Add Tag from Tag Selection Dialog
- Add placeholder to bind dynamically Controls property/events with Tag
- Add script function $getTagDaqSettings and $setTagDaqSettings (enabled/interval/restored)
- Change the color of all elements included in the grouped shape (#749)
- Add frontend script function $invokeObject to used to call GUI-Control functions
- Add Chart control function updateOptions/setProperty/addValueInterval/setZoom to be call with $invokeObject script function
- Add Table control function setTableAndData to be call with $invokeObject script function
- Add Customizable Login Overlay Color Feature to Enhance User Privacy (#1112 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Add Configurable Clock/Date Display to Header for Full-Screen Mode Enhancement (#1139 #1140 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Add function declaration as async on all server script (so we can use await for synchron call)
- Improve of script console error
- Improve of side panel layout for Chart/Graph/iFrame/Table/Panel Control configuration
- Add Table control events, row selection to run script
- Add Tag description attribute
- Update ip package from 1.1.5 to 2.0.1 in server
- Update axios package from 0.21.4 to 0.28.0 in server
- Update nodemailer package from 6.7.4 to 6.9.9 in server
- Updates node-opcua package from 2.78.0 to 2.123.0 in server
- Updates express package from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 in server
- Updates modbus-serial package from 8.0.9 to 8.0.16 in server
- Input control range validator
- Button with multiline text (
) - Reconnect process (#1104)
- docker compose file wget url (#1131 Thanks @AlexBondor)
- Bacnet Device connection initialization (#1144 Thanks @lpaszcza)
- Set opcua bool Tag via script (#1116)
- Tag options form validator (#1150)
- Catch of server script exceptions
New features:
- Polling settings of FUXA server
- Diverse improvement on Dialog confirm
- Show content in Virtual Keyboard full screen panel
- Improvement of OPCUA subscription and monitor initialisation
- DAQ recorder only on change (allow interval to 0)
- Add option to scale content in Panel control (#1078)
- Chart with custom data (pull via script)
- Add in $getTagId device name parameter (#1081)
- DAQ storage with support of TDengine database (#1091 Thanks @rikugun)
- Docker compose.yml (#1093 Thanks @0x4bit)
- Add Shape name attribute (data-name to improving the element selection in scripts) (#1033 #1103 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Add System function in script on Client mode
- Input with Viertual Keyboard on date, time and decimal number (#937 #1047 #1050)
- Text input with update option (#1066)
- Change of stroke color on Shapes proc. eng.
- Reset of blink animation if value change but stay in range
- Update of input control with datetime type (#1063)
- FUXA server tag value parser (#1066)
- Virtual Keyboard full screen for login dialog
- View backgroung in Panel control and initialization
- View as dialog used in Panel control
- Error handler of influxdb connection (#995 #1062 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Report name validator (#664)
- Scrollbar on browser OPCUA Tags (treetable overflow) (#815)
- Show of Cards in Panel control (#1083)
- Side navigation style for icon and text
- Autofocus of dialog (#1110)
New features:
- Select control with event option to run script
- Option to show info of logged user (username, fullname)
- Configurable User info to define start View on logging in
- Virtual Keyboard option in Login Form (#937)
- URL with viewName param to show defined View (http://localhost:1881/home?viewName=[View name]
- Code guard for settings.alarms (Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Add Chart control without property
New features:
- Scheduler for script, Date or Weekly
- Option to restore Tag value on start device connection
- Date and Time option in Input control (#726)
- Dynamic iframe address and settings (bind to a Tag) (#776)
- Resurrect of editor appearance (in help) (#856 #602)
- Update sqlite3 to 5.1.5
- MQTT topic option retain=true (in broker) (#990)
- Chart control with configurable refresh interval (#615 #558)
- Chart control in realtime mode with short history (#558 #615)
- Option to hide default close button in Card and Dialog (#939)
- Panel control with addressable View (#925 #1026)
- Option to close other Cards when opening one
- Parser of FUXA server Tags value (#976 #938 #833)
- Import of image, missing type, copy/paste (attribute, group)
- Update values and color of reload value button in Chart control (#955)
- Refresh of Gauge control without init value
- Svg image saved as symbol with a trasformation (#880)
- Shape rotation loop (#942)
- Value format with digit settings (#943)
- Page select from side menu (#978)
- Set boolean value of Switch control (#976)
- Table Layout of Tags value (#1001)
- Input type and oriantation of numeric value with Virtual Keypad (#1011)
- Draggable area of card (only on top height 20 pixel) (#1023)
- Clone Switch control exception
- Copy/Paste Shapes of General section with all attributes (#1025 #1015)
New features:
- Add 3-5 year DAQ storage retention option
- Settings to hide chart toolbar in history mode (#913)
- ENTER-Key event of Input control, to send input value as parameter to a script (#891)
- Graph Pie control
- Script function $getTagId to get Tag ID from name and $enableDevice to enable and disable Device
- Add image control with link
- Settings to enable authentication for editor only
- Script option to run only on start and with delay
- DateTime format in Tag options settings
- Int64 type to modbus Tags
- German translation (#894 Thanks @EtherGraf)
- Configurable header items: button, label and icons (#437)
- Settings to improve the performance of the transmission of tag values, depending on the view, default enabled (#768 #872)
- ACK All Alarms button to the header of alarms view
- Dialog to modify all the Tags present in the settings of selected element
- Save settings of alarm retention
- Gauge range settings (#922)
- ACK all alarms of floating (cause wrong alarms counter)
- Loop rotation animation (#914)
- String value in Input control
- Authorization of report download (#902)
- OPCUA connection error: End point must exist (#901 Thanks @zsdycs)
- Image resources not found in dev mode (#897 Thanks @k1nz)
- Date range query of report alarms history
- API setTagValue error result (#864)
- Undefined tag name in daqstore for influxdb2 (#889 Thanks @mauroalexandre)
- Date column, string value, full value row, sorting of table control in history mode (#764)
- Check Group/Ungroup and Open settings of selected element in item list (svg element)
New features:
- Copy and Paste of grouped elements and all attributes (#843)
- MQTT with TLS using certificates options (#854)
- Input Tag with autocomplete option for a comfortable UI in binding (#853)
- Improvement of Login process
- Support influxdb 1.8 and write values improvement (#766)
- Extension of side menu icons (full material icons)
- New UI to copy Tag property in clipboard
- New WebAPI 'api/getTagValue' and 'api/setTagValue'
- Retention settings for alarms history (#810)
- Settings to disable 'Connection status - error' toast (#737)
- History chart with boolean values
- Breaking data transfer via socket after logout
- Initialization of internal tags with '0'
New features:
- Switch control tag bind with bitmask
- Improvement of chart and graph property
- Alarm history progress indicator and date range picker #811
- Settings to show iframe and window at X/Y position
- URL parameter with link of page name in home (#798 #791)
- Modbus extension of connections type RTUBufferedPort, AsciiPort, UdpPort, TcpRTUBufferedPort, TelnetPort
- Save Project notification improvement (#763)
- allow-same-origin flag in iFrame to solve CORS problems using different ports (#770) @mauroalexandre
- BACnet client improvement (#750 #667 #652)
- Refactoring for rotate and move animations (#747)
- Upgrade Angular from 13 to 14 @Bykiev
- Min/Max of y-axis (#634 #736)
- Graph and Pipe control settings (#819)
- Copy & Paste of general element without settings (#797)
- Prevent process exit caused from script exceptions
- Numeric keypad input order (#783)
- Button toggle event of internal device (#778)
- Table of tag in realtime mode with server timestamp
- Go back from the last view after open iFrame (#753) @mauroalexandre
- Report of table with max value and negative
- Check System Tags (Connections Status) on load devices (#745)