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Kernel profiling with LIKWID

Sophia Vdw edited this page Aug 10, 2021 · 2 revisions

LIKWID is a great tool for analysing low-level performance. It works by collecting the information provided by counters in the CPU and presenting them to the user as a number of more easily understood metrics.

LIKWID presents the user with a number of different executables, the most important for us being:

  • likwid-bench - A benchmarking tool to determine platform-specific metrics such as peak floating-point throughput and memory bandwidth.

  • likwid-perfctr - A tool that measures hardware performance counters.


To install LIKWID follow the instructions here. You will also need to install LIKWID's Python bindings.


Sometimes there can be issues when accessing the counters on a linux machine. E.g.

Warning: Counter PMC3 cannot be used if Restricted Transactional Memory feature is enabled and
       bit 0 of register TSX_FORCE_ABORT is 0. As workaround write 0x1 to TSX_FORCE_ABORT:
       sudo wrmsr 0x10f 0x1`

A fix is to get msr-tools with sudo apt-get install msr-tools and then change the access to the counter with sudo wrmsr 0x10f 0x1.

Benchmarking your system

To get an idea of how fast your kernel actually is, it is essential that you benchmark your system in advance. Some useful metrics you can gather are:

  • Peak throughput (single-threaded)

    $ likwid-bench -W S0:2GB:1 -t peakflops

    Peak vectorised throughput can also be tested with peakflops_avx (and similar).

  • Peak streaming memory bandwidth (single-threaded)

    $ likwid-bench -W S0:2GB:1 -t load

    You can also experiment with the bandwidth of different cache levels by varying the amount of data being transferred (e.g. -W S0:2GB:1 -> -W S0:20MB:1).

    Note that there are other tests that can be run to determine memory bandwidth (e.g. -t stream) and these may produce different results depending on the number of loads and stores.

Alongside these benchmarks, likwid-topology can also give you some insight into how your CPU is laid out.

Profiling the kernels

To profile the kernels you need to:

  1. Initialise LIKWID in your script.

    import pylikwid
  2. Annotate the kernel with LIKWID's marker API. This ensures that we are not accidentally profiling anything that we don't care about. To do this either apply the following diff in PyOP2:

    diff --git a/pyop2/ b/pyop2/
    index e4469890..80f6f413 100644
    --- a/pyop2/
    +++ b/pyop2/
    @@ -3566,7 +3566,10 @@ class ParLoop(object):
                 # in case it's reused.
                 for g in self._reduced_globals.keys():
                   g._data[...] = 0
    +            import pylikwid
    +            pylikwid.markerstartregion("run1")
                 self._compute(iterset.core_part, fun, *arglist)
    +            pylikwid.markerstopregion("run1")
                 self._compute(iterset.owned_part, fun, *arglist)

    or use the PyOP2 branch with-likwid-markers, which you can find here:

  3. Run likwid-perfctr with the performance group of interest. For example, a good starting point is to run:

    $ likwid-perfctr -C S0:1 -g MEM_DP -m python


    $ likwid-perfctr -C S0:1 -g FLOPS_DP -m python

Further information

Here are some additional resources you may find useful:


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Install Frequently Asked Questions

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