Version 4.0.0-rc.1
Pre-releasefix(fabric.Canvas): ISSUE-6314 rerender in case of drag selection that select a single oobject. #6421;
feat(text): allow correct cursor/selection position if text is edited inside a group. #6256;
feat(fabric.Control): remove position option in favor of x and y #6415;
fix(fabric.Object) ISSUE-6340 infinite recursion on groups #6416;
fix(fabric.Object): geometry mixin fix partiallyOnscreen #6402;
fix(fabric.Image): ISSUE-6397 modify crossOrigin behaviour for setSrc #6414;
Breaking: fabric.Image.setCrossOrigin is gone. Having the property on the fabric.Image is misleading and brings to errors. crossOrigin is for loading/reloading only, and is mandatory to specify it each load.
Breaking: fabric.Control constructor does not accept anymore a position object, but 2 properties, x and y.