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Merge pull request #774 from explorable-viz/desug-gc
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Desug gc
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Min Nguyen authored Sep 27, 2023
2 parents 088cc6f + 5a9b7e2 commit c4a9e7e
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Showing 6 changed files with 123 additions and 80 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/App/Fig.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -174,15 +174,15 @@ valViews γ xs = sequence (flip varView γ <$> xs)
figViews :: Fig -> Selector Val -> MayFail (View × Array View)
figViews { spec: { xs }, γ0, γ, e, t, v } δv = do
{ γ: γ0γ, e: e', α } = evalBwd (erase <$> (γ0 <+> γ)) (erase e) (δv v) t
γ0γ × e' × α = evalBwd (erase <$> (γ0 <+> γ)) (erase e) (δv v) t
_ × v' <- eval γ0γ e' α
views <- valViews γ0γ xs
pure $ view "output" v' × views

linkResult :: Var -> Env 𝔹 -> Env 𝔹 -> Expr 𝔹 -> Expr 𝔹 -> Trace -> Trace -> Val 𝔹 -> MayFail LinkResult
linkResult x γ0 γ e1 e2 t1 _ v1 = do
{ γ: γ0γ } = evalBwd (erase <$> (γ0 <+> γ)) (erase e1) v1 t1
γ0γ × _ = evalBwd (erase <$> (γ0 <+> γ)) (erase e1) v1 t1
_ × γ' = append_inv (S.singleton x) γ0γ
v0' <- lookup x γ' # orElse absurd
-- make γ0 and e2 fully available; γ0 was previously too big to operate on, so we use
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/BoolAlg.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Apply (lift2)
import Control.Biapply (bilift2)
import Data.Profunctor.Strong ((***))
import Dict (lift2) as D
import Data.Set (Set, intersection, union)
import Data.Set (difference, empty) as S
import Lattice (𝔹)
import Util (type (×), (×), Endo)
import Val (Env)

-- Candidate replacement for Lattice.purs, using records rather than type classes as the latter are too
-- inflexible for the granularity of instande we require. Also flatten the hiearchy of types.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,3 +57,12 @@ prod 𝒶 𝒷 =
, join: 𝒶.join `bilift2` 𝒷.join
, neg: 𝒶.neg *** 𝒷.neg

slicesγ :: forall a b. BoolAlg a -> Env b -> BoolAlg (Env a)
slicesγ 𝒶 γ =
{ top: (map $ const 𝒶.top) <$> γ
, bot: (map $ const 𝒶.bot) <$> γ
, meet: D.lift2 𝒶.meet
, join: D.lift2 𝒶.join
, neg: (_ <#> (_ <#> 𝒶.neg))
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions src/Desug.purs
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
module Desug where

import Desugarable (desug, desugBwd)
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (class MonadError)
import Effect.Exception (Error)
import Expr (Expr)
import GaloisConnection (GaloisConnection)
import Lattice (Raw, class BoundedJoinSemilattice)
import SExpr (Expr) as S
import Util (successful)

type DesugGaloisConnection a = GaloisConnection (S.Expr a) (Expr a) ()

:: forall a m
. MonadError Error m
=> BoundedJoinSemilattice a
=> Raw S.Expr
-> m (DesugGaloisConnection a)
desugGC s0 = do
fwd s = successful $ desug s
bwd e = desugBwd e s0
pure { fwd, bwd }
87 changes: 42 additions & 45 deletions src/EvalBwd.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module EvalBwd where

import Prelude hiding (absurd)

import BoolAlg (BoolAlg, slicesγ, slices, prod)
import Bindings (Var, varAnon)
import Control.Monad.Except (class MonadError, runExcept)
import Data.Exists (mkExists, runExists)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,17 +71,11 @@ matchManyBwd γγ' κ α (w : ws) =
v × σ = matchBwd γ κ α w
vs × κ' = matchManyBwd γ' (ContElim σ) α ws

type EvalBwdResult a =
{ γ :: Env a
, e :: Expr a
, α :: a

applyBwd :: forall a. Ann a => AppTrace × Val a -> Val a × Val a
applyBwd (T.AppClosure xs w t3 × v) =
V.Fun (β ∨ β') (V.Closure1 ∨ γ1') δ' σ) × v'
{ γ: γ1γ2γ3, e, α: β } = evalBwd' v t3
γ1γ2γ3 × e × β = evalBwd' v t3
γ1γ2 × γ3 = append_inv (bv w) γ1γ2γ3
γ1 × γ2 = append_inv xs γ1γ2
γ1' × δ' × β' = closeDefsBwd γ2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,44 +107,45 @@ apply2Bwd ((t1 × t2) × v) =
u1 × v1 × v2

evalBwd :: forall a. Ann a => Raw Env -> Raw Expr -> Val a -> Trace -> EvalBwdResult a
evalBwd :: forall a. Ann a => Raw Env -> Raw Expr -> Val a -> Trace -> Env a × Expr a × a
evalBwd γ e v t =
{ γ: expand γ' γ, e: expand e' e, α }
expand γ' γ × expand e' e × α
{ γ: γ', e: e', α } = evalBwd' v t
γ' × e' × α = evalBwd' v t

-- Computes a partial slice which evalBwd expands to a full slice.
evalBwd' :: forall a. Ann a => Val a -> Trace -> EvalBwdResult a
evalBwd' v (T.Var x) = { γ: D.singleton x v, e: Var x, α: bot }
evalBwd' v (T.Op op) = { γ: D.singleton op v, e: Op op, α: bot }
evalBwd' (V.Str α str) T.Const = { γ: empty, e: Str α str, α }
evalBwd' (V.Int α n) T.Const = { γ: empty, e: Int α n, α }
evalBwd' (V.Float α n) T.Const = { γ: empty, e: Float α n, α }
evalBwd' (V.Fun α (V.Closure γ _ σ)) T.Const = { γ, e: Lambda σ, α }
evalBwd' :: forall a. Ann a => Val a -> Trace -> Env a × Expr a × a
evalBwd' v (T.Var x) = D.singleton x v × Var x × bot
evalBwd' v (T.Op op) = D.singleton op v × Op op × bot
evalBwd' (V.Str α str) T.Const = empty × Str α str × α
evalBwd' (V.Int α n) T.Const = empty × Int α n × α
evalBwd' (V.Float α n) T.Const = empty × Float α n × α
evalBwd' (V.Fun α (V.Closure γ _ σ)) T.Const = γ × Lambda σ × α
evalBwd' (V.Record α xvs) (T.Record xts) =
{ γ: foldr (∨) empty (xγeαs <#> _.γ), e: Record α (xγeαs <#> _.e), α: foldr (∨) α (xγeαs <#> _.α) }
foldr (∨) empty (xγeαs <#> fst)
× Record α (xγeαs <#> (fst <<< snd))
× foldr (∨) α (xγeαs <#> (snd <<< snd))
xvts = intersectionWith (×) xvs xts
xγeαs = xvts <#> uncurry evalBwd'
evalBwd' (V.Dictionary α (DictRep sαvs)) (T.Dictionary stts sus) =
{ γ: foldr (∨) empty ((γeαs <#> _.γ) <> (γeαs' <#> _.γ))
, e: Dictionary α ((γeαs <#> _.e) `` (γeαs' <#> _.e))
, α: foldr (∨) α ((γeαs <#> _.α) <> (γeαs' <#> _.α))
foldr (∨) empty ((γeαs <#> fst) <> (γeαs' <#> fst))
× Dictionary α ((γeαs <#> (fst <<< snd)) `` (γeαs' <#> (fst <<< snd)))
× foldr (∨) α ((γeαs <#> (snd <<< snd)) <> (γeαs' <#> (snd <<< snd)))
sαvs' = expand sαvs (sus <#> (bot × _))
γeαs = stts <#> \(s × t × _) -> evalBwd' (V.Str (fst (get s sαvs')) s) t
γeαs' = stts <#> \(s × _ × t) -> evalBwd' (snd (get s sαvs')) t
evalBwd' (V.Constr α _ vs) (T.Constr c ts) =
{ γ: γ', e: Constr α c es, α: α' }
γ' × Constr α c es × α'
evalArg_bwd :: Val a × Trace -> Endo (Env a × List (Expr a) × a)
evalArg_bwd (v' × t') (γ' × es × α') = (γ' ∨ γ'') × (e : es) × (α' ∨ α'')
{ γ: γ'', e, α: α'' } = evalBwd' v' t'
γ'' × e × α'' = evalBwd' v' t'
γ' × es × α' = foldr evalArg_bwd (empty × Nil × α) (zip vs ts)
evalBwd' (V.Matrix α (MatrixRep (vss × (_ × βi) × (_ × βj)))) (T.Matrix tss (x × y) (i' × j') t') =
{ γ: γ ∨ γ', e: Matrix α e (x × y) e', α: α ∨ α' ∨ α'' }
∨ γ') × Matrix α e (x × y) e' × (α ∨ α' ∨ α'')
NonEmptyList ijs = nonEmpty $ do
i <- range 1 i'
Expand All @@ -159,7 +155,7 @@ evalBwd' (V.Matrix α (MatrixRep (vss × (_ × βi) × (_ × βj)))) (T.Matrix t
evalBwd_elem :: (Int × Int) -> Env a × Expr a × a × a × a
evalBwd_elem (i × j) =
case evalBwd' (vss ! (i - 1) ! (j - 1)) (tss ! (i - 1) ! (j - 1)) of
{ γ: γ'', e, α: α' } ->
γ'' × e × α' ->
γ × γ' = append_inv (S.singleton x `union` S.singleton y) γ''
γ0 = (D.singleton x (V.Int bot i') `disjointUnion` D.singleton y (V.Int bot j')) <+> γ'
Expand All @@ -174,44 +170,45 @@ evalBwd' (V.Matrix α (MatrixRep (vss × (_ × βi) × (_ × βj)))) (T.Matrix t
((γ1 ∨ γ2) × (e1 ∨ e2) × (α1 ∨ α2) × (β1 ∨ β2) × (β1' ∨ β2'))
(evalBwd_elem <$> ijs)
{ γ: γ', e: e', α: α'' } =
γ' × e' × α'' =
evalBwd' (V.Constr bot cPair (V.Int (β ∨ βi) i' : V.Int (β' ∨ βj) j' : Nil)) t'
evalBwd' v (T.Project t x) =
{ γ, e: Project e x, α }
γ × Project e x × α
{ γ, e, α } = evalBwd' (V.Record bot (D.singleton x v)) t
γ × e × α = evalBwd' (V.Record bot (D.singleton x v)) t
evalBwd' v (T.App t1 t2 t3) =
{ γ: γ ∨ γ', e: App e e', α: α ∨ α' }
∨ γ') × App e e' × (α ∨ α')
u × v2 = applyBwd (t3 × v)
{ γ, e, α } = evalBwd' u t1
{ γ: γ', e: e', α: α' } = evalBwd' v2 t2
γ × e × α = evalBwd' u t1
γ' × e' × α' = evalBwd' v2 t2
evalBwd' v (T.Let (T.VarDef w t1) t2) =
{ γ: γ1 ∨ γ1', e: Let (VarDef σ e1) e2, α: α1 }
(γ1 ∨ γ1') × Let (VarDef σ e1) e2 × α1
{ γ: γ1γ2, e: e2, α: α2 } = evalBwd' v t2
γ1γ2 × e2 × α2 = evalBwd' v t2
γ1 × γ2 = append_inv (bv w) γ1γ2
v' × σ = matchBwd γ2 ContNone α2 w
{ γ: γ1', e: e1, α: α1 } = evalBwd' v' t1
γ1' × e1 × α1 = evalBwd' v' t1
evalBwd' v (T.LetRec ρ t) =
{ γ: γ1 ∨ γ1', e: LetRec ρ' e, α: α ∨ α' }
(γ1 ∨ γ1') × LetRec ρ' e × (α ∨ α')
{ γ: γ1γ2, e, α } = evalBwd' v t
γ1γ2 × e × α = evalBwd' v t
γ1 × γ2 = append_inv (S.fromFoldable $ keys ρ) γ1γ2
γ1' × ρ' × α' = closeDefsBwd γ2
evalBwd' _ _ = error absurd

type EvalGaloisConnection a = GaloisConnection (EvalBwdResult a) (Val a)
( γ :: Raw Env
, e :: Raw Expr
, t :: Trace
type EvalGaloisConnection a = GaloisConnection (Env a × Expr a × a) (Val a)
( dom :: BoolAlg (Env a × Expr a × a)
, codom :: BoolAlg (Val a)
, v :: Raw Val

traceGC :: forall a m. MonadError Error m => Ann a => Raw Env -> Raw Expr -> m (EvalGaloisConnection a)
traceGC γ e = do
traceGC :: forall a m. MonadError Error m => Ann a => BoolAlg a -> Raw Env -> Raw Expr -> m (EvalGaloisConnection a)
traceGC 𝒶 γ e = do
t × v <- eval γ e bot
dom = slicesγ 𝒶 γ `prod` (slices 𝒶 e `prod` 𝒶)
codom = slices 𝒶 v
bwd v' = evalBwd γ e v' t
fwd { γ: γ', e: e', α } = snd $ fromRight $ runExcept $ eval γ' e' α
pure { γ, e, t, v, fwd, bwd }
fwd (γ' × e' × α) = snd $ fromRight $ runExcept $ eval γ' e' α
pure { dom, codom, v, fwd, bwd }
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/GaloisConnection.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import Prelude
import BoolAlg (BoolAlg)
import Util (Endo)

-- Galois connections are more general, this is specialised to Boolean algebras.
-- a and b are posets, but we don't enforce that here. Use record rather than type class so we can extend with
-- explicit value-level representation of index (e.g. graph or trace) for families of GCs.
type GaloisConnection a b r =
{ fwd :: a -> b
, bwd :: b -> a
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