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Merge pull request #772 from explorable-viz/boolalg
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rolyp authored Sep 27, 2023
2 parents 0a752a0 + 50d8952 commit 088cc6f
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Showing 4 changed files with 27 additions and 101 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/Module.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import Expr (traverseModule)
import Graph (class Graph, Vertex)
import Graph (empty) as G
import Graph.GraphWriter (class MonadGraphAlloc, alloc, fresh, runWithGraphAllocT)
import Lattice (botOf)
import Parse (module_, program)
import Parsing (runParser)
import Primitive.Defs (primitives)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ parse src = liftEither <<< mapLeft (error <<< show) <<< runParser src

parseProgram :: forall m. MonadAff m => MonadError Error m => Folder -> File -> m (S.Expr Unit)
parseProgram folder file =
loadFile folder file >>= flip parse (program <#> botOf)
loadFile folder file >>= flip parse program

open :: forall m. MonadAff m => MonadError Error m => File -> m (S.Expr Unit)
open = parseProgram (Folder "fluid/example")
Expand Down
40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions src/Pretty2.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import Util (type (+), type (×), Endo, absurd, assert, error, intersperse, (×)
import Util.Pair (Pair(..), toTuple)
import Util.Pretty (Doc(..), atop, beside, empty, hcat, render, text)
import Val2 (Fun(..), Val(..)) as V
import Val2 (class Ann, class Highlightable, DictRep(..), ForeignOp', Fun, MatrixRep(..), Val, highlightIf)
import Val2 (class Highlightable, DictRep(..), ForeignOp', Fun, MatrixRep(..), Val, highlightIf)

replacement :: Array (String × String)
replacement =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ exprType (ListComp _ _ _) = Simple
exprType (Let _ _) = Expression
exprType (LetRec _ _) = Expression

prettySimple :: forall a. Ann a => Expr a -> Doc
prettySimple :: forall a. Highlightable a => Expr a -> Doc
prettySimple s = case exprType s of
Simple -> pretty s
Expression -> parentheses (pretty s)

prettyAppChain :: forall a. Ann a => Expr a -> Doc
prettyAppChain :: forall a. Highlightable a => Expr a -> Doc
prettyAppChain (App s s') = prettyAppChain s .<>. prettySimple s'
prettyAppChain s = prettySimple s

prettyBinApp :: forall a. Ann a => Int -> Expr a -> Doc
prettyBinApp :: forall a. Highlightable a => Int -> Expr a -> Doc
prettyBinApp n (BinaryApp s op s') =
prec' = getPrec op
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ removeDocWS (Doc d) = Doc
, lines: map (\x -> removeLineWS (drop 1 x)) d.lines

instance Ann a => Pretty (Expr a) where
instance Highlightable a => Pretty (Expr a) where
pretty (Var x) = text x
pretty (Op op) = parentheses (text op)
pretty (Int ann n) = (highlightIf ann $ text (show n))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,22 +156,22 @@ instance Ann a => Pretty (Expr a) where
pretty (Let ds s) = (text str.let_ .<>. pretty ds .<>. text str.in_) .-. pretty s
pretty (LetRec h s) = (text str.let_ .<>. pretty (First h) .<>. text str.in_) .-. pretty s

prettyOperator :: forall a. Ann a => (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -> List (Bind (Expr a)) -> Doc
prettyOperator :: forall a. Highlightable a => (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -> List (Bind (Expr a)) -> Doc
prettyOperator _ (Cons s Nil) = text (key s) .<>. text str.colon .<>. pretty (val s)
prettyOperator sep (Cons s xss) = sep (prettyOperator sep (toList (singleton s)) .<>. text str.comma) (prettyOperator sep xss)
prettyOperator _ Nil = empty

instance Ann a => Pretty (ListRest a) where
instance Highlightable a => Pretty (ListRest a) where
pretty (Next ann (Record _ xss) l) = ((highlightIf ann $ text str.comma)) .<>. ((highlightIf ann $ curlyBraces (prettyOperator (.<>.) xss))) .-. pretty l
pretty (Next ann s l) = ((highlightIf ann $ text str.comma)) .<>. pretty s .<>. pretty l
pretty (End ann) = (highlightIf ann $ text str.rBracket)

instance Ann a => Pretty (List (Pair (Expr a))) where
instance Highlightable a => Pretty (List (Pair (Expr a))) where
pretty (Cons (Pair e e') Nil) = prettyPairs (Pair e e')
pretty (Cons (Pair e e') sss) = prettyPairs (Pair e e') .<>. text str.comma .<>. pretty sss
pretty Nil = empty

prettyPairs :: forall a. Ann a => (Pair (Expr a)) -> Doc
prettyPairs :: forall a. Highlightable a => (Pair (Expr a)) -> Doc
prettyPairs (Pair e e') = pretty e .<>. text str.colonEq .<>. pretty e'

instance Pretty Pattern where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,39 +207,39 @@ instance Pretty ListRestPattern where
pretty (PNext p l) = text str.comma .<>. pretty p .<>. pretty l
pretty PEnd = text str.rBracket

prettyClause :: forall a. Ann a => Doc -> Clause a -> Doc
prettyClause :: forall a. Highlightable a => Doc -> Clause a -> Doc
prettyClause sep (Clause (ps × e)) = prettyPattConstr empty (toList ps) .<>. sep .<>. pretty e

instance Ann a => Pretty (Clauses a) where
instance Highlightable a => Pretty (Clauses a) where
pretty (Clauses cs) = intersperse' (toList (map (prettyClause (text str.equals)) (cs))) (text str.semiColon)

instance Ann a => Pretty (Branch a) where
instance Highlightable a => Pretty (Branch a) where
pretty (x × Clause (ps × e)) = text x .<>. prettyClause (text str.equals) (Clause (ps × e))

instance Ann a => Pretty (NonEmptyList (Branch a)) where
instance Highlightable a => Pretty (NonEmptyList (Branch a)) where
pretty h = intersperse' (toList (map pretty h)) (text str.semiColon)

instance Ann a => Pretty (NonEmptyList (NonEmptyList (Branch a))) where
instance Highlightable a => Pretty (NonEmptyList (NonEmptyList (Branch a))) where
pretty hs = intersperse' (toList (map pretty hs)) (text str.semiColon)

instance Ann a => Pretty (FirstGroup a) where
instance Highlightable a => Pretty (FirstGroup a) where
pretty (First h) = pretty (groupBy (\p q -> key p == key q) h)

instance Ann a => Pretty (NonEmptyList (Pattern × Expr a)) where
instance Highlightable a => Pretty (NonEmptyList (Pattern × Expr a)) where
pretty pss = intersperse' (map (prettyClause (text str.rArrow)) (map Clause (toList (helperMatch pss)))) (text str.semiColon)

instance Ann a => Pretty (VarDef a) where
instance Highlightable a => Pretty (VarDef a) where
pretty (VarDef p s) = pretty p .<>. text str.equals .<>. pretty s

instance Ann a => Pretty (VarDefs a) where
instance Highlightable a => Pretty (VarDefs a) where
pretty ds = intersperse' (toList (map pretty ds)) (text str.semiColon)

instance Ann a => Pretty (List (Expr a)) where
instance Highlightable a => Pretty (List (Expr a)) where
pretty (Cons s Nil) = pretty s
pretty (Cons s ss) = pretty s .<>. pretty ss
pretty Nil = empty

instance Ann a => Pretty (List (Qualifier a)) where
instance Highlightable a => Pretty (List (Qualifier a)) where
pretty (Cons (Guard s) Nil) = pretty s
pretty (Cons (Declaration d) Nil) = text str.let_ .<>. pretty d
pretty (Cons (Generator p s) Nil) = pretty p .<>. text str.lArrow .<>. pretty s
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Primitive2.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Lattice (class BoundedJoinSemilattice, bot)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Pretty2 (prettyP)
import Util (type (+), type (×), (×), error)
import Val2 (class Ann, ForeignOp'(..), Fun(..), MatrixRep, OpBwd, OpFwd, OpGraph, Val(..))
import Val2 (class Highlightable, ForeignOp'(..), Fun(..), MatrixRep, OpBwd, OpFwd, OpGraph, Val(..))

-- Mediate between values of annotation type a and (potential) underlying datatype d, analogous to
-- pattern-matching and construction for data types. Wasn't able to make a typeclass version of this
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,25 +101,25 @@ intPair =
match' (Constr α c (v : v' : Nil)) | c == cPair = (int.match v × int.match v') × α
match' v = error ("Pair expected; got " <> prettyP (erase v))

matrixRep :: forall a. Ann a => ToFrom (MatrixRep a) a
matrixRep :: forall a. Highlightable a => ToFrom (MatrixRep a) a
matrixRep =
{ constr: \(m × α) -> Matrix α m
, constr_bwd: match'
, match: match'
match' :: Ann a => Val a -> MatrixRep a × a
match' :: Highlightable a => Val a -> MatrixRep a × a
match' (Matrix α m) = m × α
match' v = error ("Matrix expected; got " <> prettyP v)

record :: forall a. Ann a => ToFrom (Dict (Val a)) a
record :: forall a. Highlightable a => ToFrom (Dict (Val a)) a
record =
{ constr: \(xvs × α) -> Record α xvs
, constr_bwd: match'
, match: match'
match' :: Ann a => _
match' :: Highlightable a => _
match' (Record α xvs) = xvs × α
match' v = error ("Record expected; got " <> prettyP v)

Expand Down
75 changes: 1 addition & 74 deletions src/Val2.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import Prelude hiding (absurd, append)

import Bindings (Var)
import BoolAlg (BoolAlg)
import Control.Apply (lift2)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (class MonadError, class MonadThrow)
import Data.Array ((!!))
import Data.Array (zipWith) as A
Expand All @@ -23,8 +22,7 @@ import Foreign.Object (filterKeys, lookup, unionWith)
import Foreign.Object (keys) as O
import Graph (Vertex(..))
import Graph.GraphWriter (class MonadGraphAlloc)
import Lattice (class BoundedJoinSemilattice, class BoundedLattice, class Expandable, class JoinSemilattice, class Neg, Raw, definedJoin, expand, maybeJoin, neg, (∨))
import Util (type (×), Endo, error, orElse, throw, unsafeUpdateAt, (!), (×), (≜), (≞))
import Util (type (×), Endo, error, orElse, unsafeUpdateAt, (!), (×))
import Util.Pretty (Doc, beside, text)

data Val a
Expand All @@ -42,16 +40,9 @@ data Fun a
| Foreign ForeignOp (List (Val a)) -- never saturated
| PartialConstr Ctr (List (Val a)) -- never saturated

class (Highlightable a, BoundedLattice a) <= Ann a

instance Ann Boolean
instance Ann Unit

instance Highlightable a => Highlightable (a × b) where
highlightIf (a × _) doc = highlightIf a doc

instance (Ann a, BoundedLattice b) => Ann (a × b)

-- similar to an isomorphism lens with complement t
type OpFwd t = forall a m. Highlightable a => MonadError Error m => BoolAlg a -> List (Val a) -> m (t × Val a)
type OpBwd t = forall a. Highlightable a => BoolAlg a -> t × Val a -> List (Val a)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,67 +180,3 @@ instance Traversable MatrixRep where
(bitraverse (traverse f) (traverse f))
sequence = sequenceDefault

instance JoinSemilattice a => JoinSemilattice (DictRep a) where
maybeJoin (DictRep svs) (DictRep svs') = DictRep <$> maybeJoin svs svs'
join v = definedJoin v

instance JoinSemilattice a => JoinSemilattice (MatrixRep a) where
maybeJoin (MatrixRep (vss × (i × βi) × (j × βj))) (MatrixRep (vss' × (i' × βi') × (j' × βj'))) =
MatrixRep <$>
( maybeJoin vss vss'
`lift2 (×)` (((_ × (βi ∨ βi')) <$> (i ≞ i')) `lift2 (×)` ((_ × (βj ∨ βj')) <$> (j ≞ j')))
join v = definedJoin v

instance JoinSemilattice a => JoinSemilattice (Val a) where
maybeJoin (Int α n) (Int α' n') = Int (α ∨ α') <$> (n ≞ n')
maybeJoin (Float α n) (Float α' n') = Float (α ∨ α') <$> (n ≞ n')
maybeJoin (Str α s) (Str α' s') = Str (α ∨ α') <$> (s ≞ s')
maybeJoin (Record α xvs) (Record α' xvs') = Record (α ∨ α') <$> maybeJoin xvs xvs'
maybeJoin (Dictionary α d) (Dictionary α' d') = Dictionary (α ∨ α') <$> maybeJoin d d'
maybeJoin (Constr α c vs) (Constr α' c' us) = Constr (α ∨ α') <$> (c ≞ c') <*> maybeJoin vs us
maybeJoin (Matrix α m) (Matrix α' m') = Matrix (α ∨ α') <$> maybeJoin m m'
maybeJoin (Fun α φ) (Fun α' φ') = Fun (α ∨ α') <$> maybeJoin φ φ'
maybeJoin _ _ = throw "Incompatible values"

join v = definedJoin v

instance JoinSemilattice a => JoinSemilattice (Fun a) where
maybeJoin (Closure γ ρ σ) (Closure γ' ρ' σ') =
Closure <$> maybeJoin γ γ' <*> maybeJoin ρ ρ' <*> maybeJoin σ σ'
maybeJoin (Foreign φ vs) (Foreign _ vs') =
Foreign φ <$> maybeJoin vs vs' -- TODO: require φ == φ'
maybeJoin (PartialConstr c vs) (PartialConstr c' us) =
PartialConstr <$> (c ≞ c') <*> maybeJoin vs us
maybeJoin _ _ = throw "Incompatible functions"

join v = definedJoin v

instance BoundedJoinSemilattice a => Expandable (DictRep a) (Raw DictRep) where
expand (DictRep svs) (DictRep svs') = DictRep (expand svs svs')

instance BoundedJoinSemilattice a => Expandable (MatrixRep a) (Raw MatrixRep) where
expand (MatrixRep (vss × (i × βi) × (j × βj))) (MatrixRep (vss' × (i' × _) × (j' × _))) =
MatrixRep (expand vss vss' × ((i ≜ i') × βi) × ((j ≜ j') × βj))

instance BoundedJoinSemilattice a => Expandable (Val a) (Raw Val) where
expand (Int α n) (Int _ n') = Int α (n ≜ n')
expand (Float α n) (Float _ n') = Float α (n ≜ n')
expand (Str α s) (Str _ s') = Str α (s ≜ s')
expand (Record α xvs) (Record _ xvs') = Record α (expand xvs xvs')
expand (Dictionary α d) (Dictionary _ d') = Dictionary α (expand d d')
expand (Constr α c vs) (Constr _ c' us) = Constr α (c ≜ c') (expand vs us)
expand (Matrix α m) (Matrix _ m') = Matrix α (expand m m')
expand (Fun α φ) (Fun _ φ') = Fun α (expand φ φ')
expand _ _ = error "Incompatible values"

instance BoundedJoinSemilattice a => Expandable (Fun a) (Raw Fun) where
expand (Closure γ ρ σ) (Closure γ' ρ' σ') =
Closure (expand γ γ') (expand ρ ρ') (expand σ σ')
expand (Foreign φ vs) (Foreign _ vs') = Foreign φ (expand vs vs') -- TODO: require φ == φ'
expand (PartialConstr c vs) (PartialConstr c' us) = PartialConstr (c ≜ c') (expand vs us)
expand _ _ = error "Incompatible values"

instance Neg a => Neg (Val a) where
neg = (<$>) neg

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