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Merge pull request #771 from explorable-viz/powerset
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Initial pass over `Eval`, `Val`, `Pretty` and `Primitive` based on explicit `BoolAlg`
  • Loading branch information
rolyp authored Sep 27, 2023
2 parents 49a8482 + d680d44 commit 0a752a0
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,270 additions and 5 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/Ann.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module Ann where

import Prelude

erase :: forall t a. Functor t => t a -> Raw t
erase = (<$>) (const unit)

type 𝔹 = Boolean
type Raw (c :: Type -> Type) = c Unit
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/BoolAlg.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ powerset xs =
, neg: (xs `S.difference` _)

slices :: forall f a. Apply f => BoolAlg a -> f a -> BoolAlg (f a)
slices :: forall f a b. Apply f => BoolAlg a -> f b -> BoolAlg (f a)
slices 𝒶 x =
{ top: x <#> const 𝒶.top
, bot: x <#> const 𝒶.bot
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176 changes: 176 additions & 0 deletions src/Eval2.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
module Eval2 where

import Prelude hiding (absurd, apply)

import Ann (erase)
import Bindings (varAnon)
import BoolAlg (BoolAlg)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (class MonadError)
import Data.Array (fromFoldable) as A
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Exists (mkExists, runExists)
import Data.List (List(..), (:), length, range, singleton, unzip, zip)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Profunctor.Strong (first)
import Data.Set (fromFoldable, toUnfoldable, singleton) as S
import Data.Set (union, subset)
import Data.Traversable (sequence, traverse)
import Data.Tuple (fst, snd)
import DataType (Ctr, arity, consistentWith, dataTypeFor, showCtr)
import Dict (disjointUnion, get, empty, lookup, keys)
import Dict (fromFoldable, singleton, unzip) as D
import Effect.Exception (Error)
import Expr (Cont(..), Elim(..), Expr(..), Module(..), RecDefs, VarDef(..), asExpr, fv)
import Pretty2 (prettyP)
import Primitive2 (intPair, string)
import Trace2 (AppTrace(..), Trace(..), VarDef(..)) as T
import Trace2 (AppTrace, ForeignTrace, ForeignTrace'(..), Match(..), Trace)
import Util (type (×), absurd, both, check, error, orElse, successful, throw, with, (×))
import Util.Pair (unzip) as P
import Val2 (Fun(..), Val(..)) as V
import Val2 (class Highlightable, DictRep(..), Env, ForeignOp'(..), MatrixRep(..), Val, for, lookup', restrict, (<+>))

patternMismatch :: String -> String -> String
patternMismatch s s' = "Pattern mismatch: found " <> s <> ", expected " <> s'

match :: forall a m. MonadError Error m => Highlightable a => BoolAlg a -> Val a -> Elim a -> m (Env a × Cont a × a × Match)
match 𝒶 v (ElimVar x κ)
| x == varAnon = pure (empty × κ × 𝒶.top × MatchVarAnon (erase v))
| otherwise = pure (D.singleton x v × κ × 𝒶.top × MatchVar x (erase v))
match 𝒶 (V.Constr α c vs) (ElimConstr m) = do
with "Pattern mismatch" $ S.singleton c `consistentWith` keys m
κ <- lookup c m # orElse ("Incomplete patterns: no branch for " <> showCtr c)
γ × κ' × α' × ws <- matchMany 𝒶 vs κ
pure (γ × κ' × (α `𝒶.meet` α') × MatchConstr c ws)
match _ v (ElimConstr m) = do
d <- dataTypeFor $ keys m
throw $ patternMismatch (prettyP v) (show d)
match 𝒶 (V.Record α xvs) (ElimRecord xs κ) = do
check (subset xs (S.fromFoldable $ keys xvs)) $ patternMismatch (show (keys xvs)) (show xs)
let xs' = xs # S.toUnfoldable
γ × κ' × α' × ws <- matchMany 𝒶 (xs' <#> flip get xvs) κ
pure (γ × κ' × (α `𝒶.meet` α') × MatchRecord (D.fromFoldable (zip xs' ws)))
match _ v (ElimRecord xs _) = throw $ patternMismatch (prettyP v) (show xs)

matchMany :: forall a m. MonadError Error m => Highlightable a => BoolAlg a -> List (Val a) -> Cont a -> m (Env a × Cont a × a × List Match)
matchMany 𝒶 Nil κ = pure (empty × κ × 𝒶.top × Nil)
matchMany 𝒶 (v : vs) (ContElim σ) = do
γ × κ' × α × w <- match 𝒶 v σ
γ' × κ'' × β × ws <- matchMany 𝒶 vs κ'
pure $ γ `disjointUnion` γ' × κ'' × (α `𝒶.meet` β) × (w : ws)
matchMany _ (_ : vs) (ContExpr _) = throw $
show (length vs + 1) <> " extra argument(s) to constructor/record; did you forget parentheses in lambda pattern?"
matchMany _ _ _ = error absurd

closeDefs :: forall a. Env a -> RecDefs a -> a -> Env a
closeDefs γ ρ α = ρ <#> \σ ->
let ρ' = ρ `for` σ in V.Fun α $ V.Closure`restrict` (fv ρ' `union` fv σ)) ρ' σ

checkArity :: forall m. MonadError Error m => Ctr -> Int -> m Unit
checkArity c n = do
n' <- arity c
check (n' >= n) (showCtr c <> " got " <> show n <> " argument(s), expects at most " <> show n')

apply :: forall a m. MonadError Error m => Highlightable a => BoolAlg a -> Val a × Val a -> m (AppTrace × Val a)
apply 𝒶 (V.Fun β (V.Closure γ1 ρ σ) × v) = do
let γ2 = closeDefs γ1 ρ β
γ3 × e'' × β' × w <- match 𝒶 v σ
t'' × v'' <- eval 𝒶 (γ1 <+> γ2 <+> γ3) (asExpr e'') (β `𝒶.meet` β')
pure $ T.AppClosure (S.fromFoldable (keys ρ)) w t'' × v''
apply 𝒶 (V.Fun α (V.Foreign φ vs) × v) = do
t × v'' <- runExists apply' φ
pure $ T.AppForeign (length vs + 1) t × v''
vs' = vs <> singleton v

apply' :: forall t. ForeignOp' t -> m (ForeignTrace × Val _)
apply' (ForeignOp' φ') = do
t × v'' <- do
if φ'.arity > length vs' then pure $ Nothing × V.Fun α (V.Foreign φ vs')
else first Just <$> φ'.op 𝒶 vs'
pure $ mkExists (ForeignTrace' (ForeignOp' φ') t) × v''
apply _ (V.Fun α (V.PartialConstr c vs) × v) = do
check (length vs < n) ("Too many arguments to " <> showCtr c)
pure $ T.AppConstr c × v'
n = successful (arity c)
v' =
if length vs < n - 1 then V.Fun α $ V.PartialConstr c (vs <> singleton v)
else V.Constr α c (vs <> singleton v)
apply _ (_ × v) = throw $ "Found " <> prettyP v <> ", expected function"

apply2 :: forall a m. MonadError Error m => Highlightable a => BoolAlg a -> Val a × Val a × Val a -> m ((AppTrace × AppTrace) × Val a)
apply2 𝒶 (u1 × v1 × v2) = do
t1 × u2 <- apply 𝒶 (u1 × v1)
t2 × v <- apply 𝒶 (u2 × v2)
pure $ (t1 × t2) × v

eval :: forall a m. MonadError Error m => Highlightable a => BoolAlg a -> Env a -> Expr a -> a -> m (Trace × Val a)
eval _ γ (Var x) _ = (T.Var x × _) <$> lookup' x γ
eval _ γ (Op op) _ = (T.Op op × _) <$> lookup' op γ
eval 𝒶 _ (Int α n) α' = pure (T.Const × V.Int (α `𝒶.meet` α') n)
eval 𝒶 _ (Float α n) α' = pure (T.Const × V.Float (α `𝒶.meet` α') n)
eval 𝒶 _ (Str α str) α' = pure (T.Const × V.Str (α `𝒶.meet` α') str)
eval 𝒶 γ (Record α xes) α' = do
xts × xvs <- traverse (flip (eval 𝒶 γ) α') xes <#> D.unzip
pure $ T.Record xts × V.Record (α `𝒶.meet` α') xvs
eval 𝒶 γ (Dictionary α ees) α' = do
(ts × vs) × (ts' × us) <- traverse (traverse (flip (eval 𝒶 γ) α')) ees <#> (P.unzip >>> (unzip # both))
ss × αs = (vs <#> \u -> string.match u) # unzip
d = D.fromFoldable $ zip ss (zip αs us)
pure $ T.Dictionary (zip ss (zip ts ts')) (d <#> snd >>> erase) × V.Dictionary (α `𝒶.meet` α') (DictRep d)
eval 𝒶 γ (Constr α c es) α' = do
checkArity c (length es)
ts × vs <- traverse (flip (eval 𝒶 γ) α') es <#> unzip
pure (T.Constr c ts × V.Constr (α `𝒶.meet` α') c vs)
eval 𝒶 γ (Matrix α e (x × y) e') α' = do
t × v <- eval 𝒶 γ e' α'
let (i' × β) × (j' × β') = fst (intPair.match v)
check (i' × j' >= 1 × 1) ("array must be at least (" <> show (1 × 1) <> "); got (" <> show (i' × j') <> ")")
tss × vss <- unzipToArray <$> ((<$>) unzipToArray) <$>
( sequence $ do
i <- range 1 i'
singleton $ sequence $ do
j <- range 1 j'
let γ' = D.singleton x (V.Int β i) `disjointUnion` (D.singleton y (V.Int β' j))
singleton (eval 𝒶 (γ <+> γ') e α')
pure $ T.Matrix tss (x × y) (i' × j') t × V.Matrix (α `𝒶.meet` α') (MatrixRep (vss × (i' × β) × (j' × β')))
unzipToArray :: forall b c. List (b × c) -> Array b × Array c
unzipToArray = unzip >>> bimap A.fromFoldable A.fromFoldable
eval _ γ (Lambda σ) α =
pure $ T.Const × V.Fun α (V.Closure`restrict` fv σ) empty σ)
eval 𝒶 γ (Project e x) α = do
t × v <- eval 𝒶 γ e α
case v of
V.Record _ xvs -> (T.Project t x × _) <$> lookup' x xvs
_ -> throw $ "Found " <> prettyP v <> ", expected record"
eval 𝒶 γ (App e e') α = do
t × v <- eval 𝒶 γ e α
t' × v' <- eval 𝒶 γ e' α
t'' × v'' <- apply 𝒶 (v × v')
pure $ T.App t t' t'' × v''
eval 𝒶 γ (Let (VarDef σ e) e') α = do
t × v <- eval 𝒶 γ e α
γ' × _ × α' × w <- match 𝒶 v σ -- terminal meta-type of eliminator is meta-unit
t' × v' <- eval 𝒶 (γ <+> γ') e' α' -- (α ∧ α') for consistency with functions? (similarly for module defs)
pure $ T.Let (T.VarDef w t) t' × v'
eval 𝒶 γ (LetRec ρ e) α = do
let γ' = closeDefs γ ρ α
t × v <- eval 𝒶 (γ <+> γ') e α
pure $ T.LetRec (erase <$> ρ) t × v

eval_module :: forall a m. MonadError Error m => Highlightable a => BoolAlg a -> Env a -> Module a -> a -> m (Env a)
eval_module 𝒶 γ = go empty
go :: Env a -> Module a -> a -> m (Env a)
go γ' (Module Nil) _ = pure γ'
go y' (Module (Left (VarDef σ e) : ds)) α = do
_ × v <- eval 𝒶 (γ <+> y') e α
γ'' × _ × α' × _ <- match 𝒶 v σ
go (y' <+> γ'') (Module ds) α'
go γ' (Module (Right ρ : ds)) α =
go (γ' <+> closeDefs (γ <+> γ') ρ α) (Module ds) α
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/EvalBwd.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -202,7 +202,10 @@ evalBwd' v (T.LetRec ρ t) =
evalBwd' _ _ = error absurd

type EvalGaloisConnection a = GaloisConnection (EvalBwdResult a) (Val a)
( v :: Raw Val
( γ :: Raw Env
, e :: Raw Expr
, t :: Trace
, v :: Raw Val

traceGC :: forall a m. MonadError Error m => Ann a => Raw Env -> Raw Expr -> m (EvalGaloisConnection a)
Expand All @@ -211,4 +214,4 @@ traceGC γ e = do
bwd v' = evalBwd γ e v' t
fwd { γ: γ', e: e', α } = snd $ fromRight $ runExcept $ eval γ' e' α
pure { v, fwd, bwd }
pure { γ, e, t, v, fwd, bwd }
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/GaloisConnection.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ import Prelude
import BoolAlg (BoolAlg)
import Util (Endo)

-- a and b are posets, but we don't enforce that here. Use record rather than type class so we can extend with
-- explicit value-level representation of index (e.g. graph or trace) for families of GCs.
-- Galois connections are more general, this is specialised to Boolean algebras.
type GaloisConnection a b r =
{ fwd :: a -> b
, bwd :: b -> a
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