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Take a look at Jaylib-FFM a Java FFM Raylib binding.

Jaylib - JNI bindings for Raylib 5.0 + RLGL + Raymath + Physac + RayGui

JNI is the fastest kind of native binding for Java 8+, but is difficult to write. Therefore we are using JavaCPP to automatically generate the bindings. The results are not quite as Java-like as you would get from a hand-written binding, but they are not bad, and should be easy to keep up to date with the latest changes in Raylib.

JavaCPP is very mature and powerful but not hugely documented, so it is probably capable of doing more than we are doing so far. See issues.

If there is a newer version of Raylib out then you can probably re-generate these bindings with little or no changes, because they are auto-generated. See How To Build


5.5+ release includes binaries for:

  • Windows x86_64
  • Macos x86_64
  • Macos ARM64
  • Linux x86_64
  • Linux ARM64 (Raspberry Pi Bullseye, 64 bit only, untested)


Javadocs are here but you will also need to refer to raylib.h and Raylib's cheatsheet and examples to learn Raylib.

Example project

Download the Gradle example project and import it into IntelliJ or Eclipse to get up and running immediately.

(Maven example)

Video tutorials

Getting started with IntelliJ

Getting started with Eclipse

How to use with Gradle

dependencies {
    implementation ''

How to use with Maven


How to use from command line

Download the latest jaylib.jar from releases

Write a demo program, e.g.

import static com.raylib.Jaylib.RAYWHITE;
import static com.raylib.Jaylib.VIOLET;
import static com.raylib.Raylib.*;

public class Demo {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        InitWindow(800, 450, "Demo");
        Camera3D camera = new Camera3D()
                ._position(new Vector3().x(18).y(16).z(18))
                .target(new Vector3())
                .up(new Vector3().x(0).y(1).z(0))
        // Add this line only if Raylib version < 4.5:
        // SetCameraMode(camera, CAMERA_ORBITAL);

        while (!WindowShouldClose()) {
            UpdateCamera(camera, CAMERA_ORBITAL);
            DrawGrid(20, 1.0f);
            DrawText("Hello world", 190, 200, 20, VIOLET);
            DrawFPS(20, 20);

Compile it:

javac -cp jaylib-5.0.0-0.jar

Run it:

java -cp jaylib-5.0.0-0.jar:. Demo

On MacOS you need this additional option:

java -XstartOnFirstThread -cp jaylib-5.0.0-0.jar:. Demo

On weirdy Windows you use semi-colons:

java -cp jaylib-5.0.0-0.jar;. Demo

Known issues

Getters and setters

JavaCPP does not use the 'get' and 'set' names in the methods (nor does it expose public fields). To access a field:

var x = vector.x()

To set a field:


Remember each time you do either of those you are accessing native memory.

Position field

JavaCPP has a field of its own called position so it renames the actual position field to _position.


JavaCPP does not generate constructors. The recommended JavaCPP way to initialize a struct is like this:

 var vec = new Vector3().x(1).y(2).z(3);

Some people do not like this. For discussion of other ways, see here.


Arrays of C objects are not Java arrays. For example, a model has an array of materials each of which have an arrays of maps. To access the second map of the first material:


How to build

Linux and Mac

Clone this repo including submodules so you get correct version of Raylib.

git clone --recurse-submodules

We have automated builds on Github Actions. To build manually, follow the steps in the build file


Open a Visual C 2019 native x64 command prompt with admin permissions so that symlinks work.

Clone this repo including submodules so you get correct version of Raylib. (On Windows, Google for how to enable symlinks )

git clone --recurse-submodules  -c core.symlinks=true

Build and install Raylib from the raylib directory.

cd jaylib/raylib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DWITH_PIC=on -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
msbuild raylib.sln /target:raylib /property:Configuration=Release
copy raylib\Release\raylib.lib ..\..
cd ..\..

Build just the jaylib-natives.jar:

set RAYLIB_PLATFORM=windows-x86_64

To build everything including the jaylib.jar you will need git-bash installed. Edit Change LINK_PATH to the full path to the jaylib folder. (Yes, you would think JavaCPP could work this out for itself, or that relative paths could be used, but it seems not to work on Windows.)


Jaylib is distributed under the GPL license with the Classpath Exception to allow linking, the same as OpenJDK itself, so you can use it anywhere that you use the JDK, for both free and non-free ('closed source') projects.


Every call to C is costly, so it's slightly faster if you use Java data structures and functions when calculating in your update loop and then only convert them to native C data structures when you have to call the C functions for drawing.


Library Implementation Bunnies (60 FPS) Percentage
Raylib 5.0 C 180000 100%
Raylib-J v0.2-alpha Java 17 151000 84%
Raylib-J v0.5 Java 22 146000 81%
Foreign Function and Memory API Java 22 150000 83%
Jaylib 5.0 * Java 22 118000 65%
Jaylib 3.7 * Java 17 73000 41%
Jaylib 3.7 * Java 11 64000 36%
Jaylib 3.7 * Java 11 GraalVM 21.2 64000 36%
Jaylib 3.7 Java 11 39000 22%
Jaylib 3.7 * GraalVM 21.2 native image 39000 22%
Kaylib 3.7 Kotlin native 28000 16%

*I'm using a version of Bunnymark that avoids the most egregious native calls here.

See also

LibRLImg - load Textures and Images from jarfile resources

Megabunny - Raylib benchmarks

Jaylib-FFM - Java FFM Raylib binding

jlImGui - ImGui binding for Jaylib