exec: do not leak session IDs on errors #20394
Cirrus CI / sys remote debian-13 root host boltdb
Oct 18, 2023 in 15m 24s
Task Summary
Instruction main failed in 14:26
ℹ️ PR was closed!
✅ 00:39 clone
✅ 00:19 setup
⏹️ 14:26 main
[+0634s] ok 257 podman save to pipe and load
[+0635s] ok 258 podman image scp transfer # skip [remote] only applicable under local podman
[+0638s] ok 259 podman load - by image ID
[+0642s] ok 260 podman load - by image name
[+0646s] ok 261 podman load - from URL
[+0647s] ok 262 podman load - redirect corrupt payload
[+0651s] ok 263 podman load - multi-image archive
[+0654s] ok 264 podman load - multi-image archive with redirect
[+0655s] ok 265 podman save --oci-accept-uncompressed-layers
[+0663s] ok 266 podman import
[+0666s] ok 267 podman export, alter tarball, re-import
[+0680s] ok 268 podman kill - test signal handling in containers
[+0682s] ok 269 podman kill - rejects invalid args
[+0684s] ok 270 podman kill - print IDs or raw input
[+0685s] ok 271 podman kill - concurrent stop
[+0686s] ok 272 podman wait - exit codes
[+0688s] ok 273 podman kill - no restart
[+0689s] ok 274 podman diff
[+0692s] ok 275 podman diff with buildah container
[+0692s] ok 276 podman login - basic test # skip none of these tests work with podman-remote
[+0692s] ok 277 podman login - with wrong credentials # skip none of these tests work with podman-remote
[+0693s] ok 278 podman login - check generated authfile # skip none of these tests work with podman-remote
[+0693s] ok 279 podman push fail # skip none of these tests work with podman-remote
[+0693s] ok 280 podman push and search ok with --tls-verify=false # skip none of these tests work with podman-remote
[+0693s] ok 281 podman push and search ok with --tls-verify=true # skip none of these tests work with podman-remote
[+0694s] ok 282 podman login - shares credentials with skopeo - default auth file # skip none of these tests work with podman-remote
[+0694s] ok 283 podman login - shares credentials with skopeo - via envariable # skip none of these tests work with podman-remote
[+0694s] ok 284 podman login - shares credentials with skopeo - via --authfile # skip none of these tests work with podman-remote
[+0694s] ok 285 podman login -secret test # skip none of these tests work with podman-remote
[+0698s] ok 286 podman run --volumes : basic
[+0701s] ok 287 podman volume duplicates
[+0702s] ok 288 podman volume filter --name
[+0703s] ok 289 podman volume create / run
[+0705s] ok 290 podman volume rm --force
[+0707s] ok 291 podman volume: exec/noexec
[+0710s] ok 292 podman volume, implicit creation with run
[+0710s] ok 293 podman volume import test # skip volumes import is not applicable on podman-remote
[+0711s] ok 294 podman volume export to stdout # skip N/A on podman-remote
[+0712s] ok 295 podman volume user test # skip only meaningful when run rootless
[+0712s] ok 296 podman volume with --userns=keep-id # skip only meaningful when run rootless
[+0715s] ok 297 podman volume prune
[+0716s] ok 298 podman volume type=bind
[+0718s] ok 299 podman volume type=tmpfs
[+0720s] ok 300 podman volume create copyup
[+0721s] ok 301 podman volume mount # skip podman --remote volume mount not supported
[+0726s] ok 302 podman --image-volume
[+0726s] ok 303 podman volume rm --force bogus
[+0728s] ok 304 podman ps -f
[+0728s] ok 305 podman run with building volume and selinux file label # skip selinux not available
[+0730s] ok 306 podman volume create --ignore - do not chown
[+0730s] ok 307 podman --group-add keep-groups while in a userns # skip --group-add keep-groups not supported in remote mode
[+0731s] ok 308 podman --group-add keep-groups while not in a userns # skip --group-add keep-groups not supported in remote mode
[+0731s] ok 309 podman --group-add without keep-groups while in a userns # skip run --uidmap fails on cgroups v1 (issue 15025, wontfix)
[+0732s] ok 310 rootful pod with custom ID mapping # skip run --uidmap fails on cgroups v1 (issue 15025, wontfix)
[+0732s] ok 311 podman --remote --group-add keep-groups
[+0733s] ok 312 podman --group-add without keep-groups