exec: do not leak session IDs on errors #20394
Cirrus CI / sys podman debian-13 root host boltdb
Oct 18, 2023 in 14m 39s
Task Summary
Instruction main failed in 13:51
ℹ️ PR was closed!
✅ 00:30 clone
✅ 00:17 setup
⏹️ 13:51 main
[+0650s] ok 226 podman exec - leak check
[+0652s] ok 227 podman exec - cat from stdin
[+0652s] ok 228 podman exec - with keep-id # skip [rootful] --userns=keep-id only works in rootless mode
[+0654s] ok 229 podman exec/run - missing output
[+0665s] ok 230 podman exec --wait
[+0666s] ok 231 podman run umask # skip FIXME: runtime is runc; this test requires crun or runc 1.1.7 or newer which is not currently in debian
[+0668s] ok 232 podman exec - does not leak session IDs on invalid command
[+0674s] ok 233 podman pause/unpause
[+0675s] ok 234 podman unpause --all
[+0676s] ok 235 podman top - basic tests
[+0678s] ok 236 events with a filter by label
[+0679s] ok 237 truncate events
[+0681s] ok 238 image events
[+0683s] ok 239 events with disjunctive filters - file
[+0684s] ok 240 events with disjunctive filters - journald
[+0685s] ok 241 events with file backend and journald logdriver with --follow failure
[+0686s] ok 242 events with disjunctive filters - default
[+0687s] ok 243 events with events_logfile_path in containers.conf
[+0689s] ok 244 events log-file rotation
[+0690s] ok 245 events log-file no duplicates
[+0691s] ok 246 events - labels included in container die
[+0692s] ok 247 events - backend none should error
[+0693s] ok 248 events - container inspect data - journald
[+0693s] ok 249 events - container inspect data - file
[+0694s] ok 250 events - docker compat
[+0695s] ok 251 events - volume events
[+0696s] ok 252 podman history - basic tests
[+0696s] ok 253 podman history - custom format
[+0697s] ok 254 podman history - json
[+0698s] ok 255 podman image history Created
[+0698s] ok 256 podman load invalid file
[+0700s] ok 257 podman save to pipe and load
[+0706s] ok 258 podman image scp transfer
[+0709s] ok 259 podman load - by image ID
[+0712s] ok 260 podman load - by image name
[+0716s] ok 261 podman load - from URL
[+0717s] ok 262 podman load - redirect corrupt payload
[+0721s] ok 263 podman load - multi-image archive
[+0724s] ok 264 podman load - multi-image archive with redirect
[+0725s] ok 265 podman save --oci-accept-uncompressed-layers
[+0731s] ok 266 podman import
[+0734s] ok 267 podman export, alter tarball, re-import
[+0749s] ok 268 podman kill - test signal handling in containers
[+0751s] ok 269 podman kill - rejects invalid args
[+0752s] ok 270 podman kill - print IDs or raw input
[+0753s] ok 271 podman kill - concurrent stop
[+0754s] ok 272 podman wait - exit codes
[+0756s] ok 273 podman kill - no restart
[+0757s] ok 274 podman diff
[+0758s] ok 275 podman diff with buildah container
[+0759s] ok 276 podman login - basic test
[+0760s] ok 277 podman login - with wrong credentials
[+0760s] ok 278 podman login - check generated authfile
[+0761s] ok 279 podman push fail
[+0763s] ok 280 podman push and search ok with --tls-verify=false
[+0764s] ok 281 podman push and search ok with --tls-verify=true