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cdepillabout committed Oct 22, 2023
1 parent 25fd05b commit 1c65d9c
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Showing 3 changed files with 205 additions and 27 deletions.
20 changes: 2 additions & 18 deletions src/Termonad/App.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ import Termonad.Lenses
, lensTerm
, lensWordCharExceptions, lensTMStateWindows, lensTMWindowNotebook
import Termonad.Preferences (saveToPreferencesFile)
import Termonad.Preferences (saveToPreferencesFile, showPreferencesDialog)
import Termonad.Term
( createTerm
, relabelTabs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ import Termonad.Types
, tmStateApp
, tmStateWindows
, tmWindowAppWin
, tmWindowNotebook
, tmWindowNotebook, fontSizeFromFontDescription
import Termonad.XML (interfaceText, menuText, preferencesText)
import Termonad.Cli (parseCliArgs, applyCliArgs)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,22 +276,6 @@ modifyFontSizeForAllTerms modFontSizeFunc mvarTMState tmWinId = do
foldMap (\vteTerm -> terminalSetFont vteTerm (Just fontDesc)) terms

fontSizeFromFontDescription :: FontDescription -> IO FontSize
fontSizeFromFontDescription fontDesc = do
currSize <- fontDescriptionGetSize fontDesc
currAbsolute <- fontDescriptionGetSizeIsAbsolute fontDesc
return $ if currAbsolute
then FontSizeUnits $ fromIntegral currSize / fromIntegral SCALE
let fontRatio :: Double = fromIntegral currSize / fromIntegral SCALE
in FontSizePoints $ round fontRatio

fontConfigFromFontDescription :: FontDescription -> IO (Maybe FontConfig)
fontConfigFromFontDescription fontDescription = do
fontSize <- fontSizeFromFontDescription fontDescription
maybeFontFamily <- fontDescriptionGetFamily fontDescription
return $ (`FontConfig` fontSize) <$> maybeFontFamily

compareScrolledWinAndTab :: ScrolledWindow -> TMNotebookTab -> Bool
compareScrolledWinAndTab scrollWin flTab =
let ScrolledWindow managedPtrFLTab = tmNotebookTabTermContainer flTab
Expand Down
193 changes: 185 additions & 8 deletions src/Termonad/Preferences.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,20 +2,197 @@

module Termonad.Preferences
( module Termonad.Preferences.File
, showPreferencesDialog
) where

import Termonad.Prelude

import Termonad.Preferences.File (saveToPreferencesFile, tmConfigFromPreferencesFile)
import GI.Gtk (ComboBoxText(ComboBoxText), comboBoxSetActiveId, comboBoxGetActiveId, comboBoxTextAppend)
import Control.Lens ((^.), (^..), over, set, view, ix)
import Data.FileEmbed (embedFile)
import Data.FocusList (focusList, moveFromToFL, updateFocusFL)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Termonad.Types (TMState, TMNotebookTab, TMWindowId, cursorBlinkMode, wordCharExceptions, scrollbackLen, boldIsBright, ConfigOptions (enableSixel, allowBold))
import Data.Sequence (findIndexR)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Termonad.Lenses (lensTMStateFontDesc, lensTMNotebookTabTerm, lensTerm, lensTMNotebookTabTermContainer, lensTMStateConfig, lensOptions, lensShowScrollbar)
import GI.Vte (terminalSetFont, terminalSetCursorBlinkMode, terminalSetWordCharExceptions, terminalSetScrollbackLines, terminalSetBoldIsBright, terminalSetAllowBold)
import Termonad.Gtk (terminalSetEnableSixelIfExists)
import Termonad.Term (showScrollbarToPolicy)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import GI.Gdk (castTo, managedForeignPtr, screenGetDefault)
import GI.Gio
( ApplicationFlags(ApplicationFlagsFlagsNone)
, MenuModel(MenuModel)
, actionMapAddAction
, applicationQuit
, applicationRun
, onApplicationActivate
, onApplicationStartup
, onSimpleActionActivate
, simpleActionNew
import GI.Gtk
( Application
, ApplicationWindow(ApplicationWindow)
, Box(Box)
, CheckButton(CheckButton)
, ComboBoxText(ComboBoxText)
, Dialog(Dialog)
, Entry(Entry)
, FontButton(FontButton)
, Label(Label)
, PolicyType(PolicyTypeAutomatic)
, PositionType(PositionTypeRight)
, ResponseType(ResponseTypeAccept, ResponseTypeNo, ResponseTypeYes)
, ScrolledWindow(ScrolledWindow)
, SpinButton(SpinButton)
, aboutDialogNew
, adjustmentNew
, applicationAddWindow
, applicationGetActiveWindow
, applicationSetAccelsForAction
, applicationSetMenubar
, applicationWindowSetShowMenubar
, boxPackStart
, builderNewFromString
, builderSetApplication
, comboBoxGetActiveId
, comboBoxSetActiveId
, comboBoxTextAppend
, containerAdd
, cssProviderLoadFromData
, cssProviderNew
, dialogAddButton
, dialogGetContentArea
, dialogNew
, dialogResponse
, dialogRun
, entryBufferGetText
, entryBufferSetText
, entryGetText
, entryNew
, fontChooserSetFontDesc
, fontChooserGetFontDesc
, getEntryBuffer
, gridAttachNextTo
, gridNew
, labelNew
, notebookGetNPages
, notebookNew
, notebookSetShowBorder
, onEntryActivate
, onNotebookPageRemoved
, onNotebookPageReordered
, onNotebookSwitchPage
, onWidgetDeleteEvent
, scrolledWindowSetPolicy
, setWidgetMargin
, spinButtonGetValueAsInt
, spinButtonSetAdjustment
, spinButtonSetValue
, styleContextAddProviderForScreen
, toggleButtonGetActive
, toggleButtonSetActive
, widgetDestroy
, widgetGrabFocus
, widgetSetCanFocus
, widgetSetVisible
, widgetShow
, widgetShowAll
, windowPresent
, windowSetDefaultIcon
, windowSetTitle
, windowSetTransientFor
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk
import GI.Pango
( FontDescription
, pattern SCALE
, fontDescriptionGetFamily
, fontDescriptionGetSize
, fontDescriptionGetSizeIsAbsolute
, fontDescriptionNew
, fontDescriptionSetFamily
, fontDescriptionSetSize
, fontDescriptionSetAbsoluteSize
import GI.Vte
( CursorBlinkMode(..)
, catchRegexError
, regexNewForSearch
, terminalCopyClipboard
, terminalPasteClipboard
, terminalSearchFindNext
, terminalSearchFindPrevious
, terminalSearchSetRegex
, terminalSearchSetWrapAround
, terminalSetBoldIsBright
, terminalSetCursorBlinkMode
, terminalSetFont
, terminalSetScrollbackLines
, terminalSetWordCharExceptions
, terminalSetAllowBold
import System.Environment (getExecutablePath)
import System.FilePath (takeFileName)
import System.IO.Error (doesNotExistErrorType, ioeGetErrorType, ioeGetFileName, tryIOError)
import Termonad.Gtk (appNew, imgToPixbuf, objFromBuildUnsafe, terminalSetEnableSixelIfExists)
import Termonad.Keys (handleKeyPress)
import Termonad.Lenses
( lensBoldIsBright
, lensEnableSixel
, lensAllowBold
, lensConfirmExit
, lensCursorBlinkMode
, lensFontConfig
, lensOptions
, lensShowMenu
, lensShowScrollbar
, lensShowTabBar
, lensScrollbackLen
, lensTMNotebookTabTermContainer
, lensTMNotebookTabs
, lensTMNotebookTabTerm
, lensTMStateApp
, lensTMStateConfig
, lensTMStateFontDesc
, lensTerm
, lensWordCharExceptions, lensTMStateWindows, lensTMWindowNotebook
import Termonad.Preferences.File (saveToPreferencesFile, tmConfigFromPreferencesFile)
import Termonad.Term
( createTerm
, relabelTabs
, termNextPage
, termPrevPage
, termExitFocused
, setShowTabs
, showScrollbarToPolicy
import Termonad.Types
( ConfigOptions(..)
, FontConfig(..)
, FontSize(FontSizePoints, FontSizeUnits)
, ShowScrollbar(..)
, ShowTabBar(..)
, TMConfig
, TMNotebookTab
, TMState
, TMState'
, TMWindowId
, getFocusedTermFromState
, getTMNotebookFromTMState
, getTMNotebookFromTMState'
, getTMWindowFromTMState'
, modFontSize
, newEmptyTMState
, tmNotebook
, tmNotebookTabTermContainer
, tmNotebookTabs
, tmStateApp
, tmStateWindows
, tmWindowAppWin
, tmWindowNotebook, fontConfigFromFontDescription
import Termonad.XML (interfaceText, menuText, preferencesText)
import Termonad.Cli (parseCliArgs, applyCliArgs)
import Termonad.IdMap (keysIdMap)

-- | Fill a combo box with ids and labels
Expand Down
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion src/Termonad/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import GI.Gtk
, notebookGetNthPage
, notebookGetNPages
import GI.Pango (FontDescription)
import GI.Pango (FontDescription, fontDescriptionGetSize, fontDescriptionGetSizeIsAbsolute, pattern SCALE, fontDescriptionGetFamily)
import GI.Vte (Terminal, CursorBlinkMode(..))
import Termonad.Gtk (widgetEq)
import Termonad.IdMap (IdMap, IdMapKey, singletonIdMap, lookupIdMap)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,6 +332,17 @@ modFontSize i (FontSizeUnits oldUnits) =
let newUnits = oldUnits + fromIntegral i
in FontSizeUnits $ if newUnits < 1 then oldUnits else newUnits

fontSizeFromFontDescription :: FontDescription -> IO FontSize
fontSizeFromFontDescription fontDesc = do
currSize <- fontDescriptionGetSize fontDesc
currAbsolute <- fontDescriptionGetSizeIsAbsolute fontDesc
pure $
if currAbsolute
then FontSizeUnits $ fromIntegral currSize / fromIntegral SCALE
let fontRatio :: Double = fromIntegral currSize / fromIntegral SCALE
in FontSizePoints $ round fontRatio

-- | Settings for the font to be used in Termonad.
data FontConfig = FontConfig
{ fontFamily :: !Text
Expand All @@ -351,6 +362,12 @@ defaultFontConfig =
, fontSize = defaultFontSize

fontConfigFromFontDescription :: FontDescription -> IO (Maybe FontConfig)
fontConfigFromFontDescription fontDescription = do
fontSize <- fontSizeFromFontDescription fontDescription
maybeFontFamily <- fontDescriptionGetFamily fontDescription
return $ (`FontConfig` fontSize) <$> maybeFontFamily

-- | This data type represents an option that can either be 'Set' or 'Unset'.
-- This data type is used in situations where leaving an option unset results
Expand Down

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