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cdepillabout committed Oct 22, 2023
1 parent 4545a64 commit 25fd05b
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Showing 2 changed files with 209 additions and 199 deletions.
199 changes: 0 additions & 199 deletions src/Termonad/App.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -701,205 +701,6 @@ setShowMenuBar app visible = do
appWin <- MaybeT $ castTo ApplicationWindow win
lift $ applicationWindowSetShowMenubar appWin visible

-- | Fill a combo box with ids and labels
-- The ids are stored in the combobox as 'Text', so their type should be an
-- instance of the 'Show' type class.
comboBoxFill :: forall a. Show a => ComboBoxText -> [(a, Text)] -> IO ()
comboBoxFill comboBox = mapM_ go
go :: (a, Text) -> IO ()
go (value, textId) =
comboBoxTextAppend comboBox (Just $ tshow value) textId

-- | Set the current active item in a combobox given an input id.
comboBoxSetActive :: Show a => ComboBoxText -> a -> IO ()
comboBoxSetActive cb item = void $ comboBoxSetActiveId cb (Just $ tshow item)

-- | Get the current active item in a combobox
-- The list of values to be searched in the combobox must be given as a
-- parameter. These values are converted to Text then compared to the current
-- id.
:: forall a. (Show a, Enum a) => ComboBoxText -> [a] -> IO (Maybe a)
comboBoxGetActive cb values = findEnumFromMaybeId <$> comboBoxGetActiveId cb
findEnumFromMaybeId :: Maybe Text -> Maybe a
findEnumFromMaybeId maybeId = maybeId >>= findEnumFromId

findEnumFromId :: Text -> Maybe a
findEnumFromId label = List.find (\x -> tshow x == label) values

applyNewPreferencesToTab :: TMState -> TMNotebookTab -> IO ()
applyNewPreferencesToTab mvarTMState tab = do
tmState <- readMVar mvarTMState
let fontDesc = tmState ^. lensTMStateFontDesc
term = tab ^. lensTMNotebookTabTerm . lensTerm
scrolledWin = tab ^. lensTMNotebookTabTermContainer
options = tmState ^. lensTMStateConfig . lensOptions
terminalSetFont term (Just fontDesc)
terminalSetCursorBlinkMode term (cursorBlinkMode options)
terminalSetWordCharExceptions term (wordCharExceptions options)
terminalSetScrollbackLines term (fromIntegral (scrollbackLen options))
terminalSetBoldIsBright term (boldIsBright options)
terminalSetEnableSixelIfExists term (enableSixel options)
terminalSetAllowBold term (allowBold options)

let vScrollbarPolicy = showScrollbarToPolicy (options ^. lensShowScrollbar)
scrolledWindowSetPolicy scrolledWin PolicyTypeAutomatic vScrollbarPolicy

applyNewPreferencesToWindow :: TMState -> TMWindowId -> IO ()
applyNewPreferencesToWindow mvarTMState tmWinId = do
tmState <- readMVar mvarTMState
tmWin <- getTMWindowFromTMState' tmState tmWinId
let appWin = tmWindowAppWin tmWin
config = tmState ^. lensTMStateConfig
notebook = tmWindowNotebook tmWin
tabFocusList = tmNotebookTabs notebook
showMenu = config ^. lensOptions . lensShowMenu
applicationWindowSetShowMenubar appWin showMenu
setShowTabs config (tmNotebook notebook)
-- Sets the remaining preferences to each tab
foldMap (applyNewPreferencesToTab mvarTMState) tabFocusList

applyNewPreferences :: TMState -> IO ()
applyNewPreferences mvarTMState = do
tmState <- readMVar mvarTMState
let windows = tmStateWindows tmState
foldMap (applyNewPreferencesToWindow mvarTMState) (keysIdMap windows)

-- | Show the preferences dialog.
-- When the user clicks on the Ok button, it copies the new settings to TMState.
-- Then apply them to the current terminals.
showPreferencesDialog :: TMState -> IO ()
showPreferencesDialog mvarTMState = do
-- Get app out of mvar
tmState <- readMVar mvarTMState
let app = tmState ^. lensTMStateApp

-- Create the preference dialog and get some widgets
preferencesBuilder <-
builderNewFromString preferencesText $ fromIntegral (Text.length preferencesText)
preferencesDialog <-
objFromBuildUnsafe preferencesBuilder "preferences" Dialog
confirmExitCheckButton <-
objFromBuildUnsafe preferencesBuilder "confirmExit" CheckButton
showMenuCheckButton <-
objFromBuildUnsafe preferencesBuilder "showMenu" CheckButton
boldIsBrightCheckButton <-
objFromBuildUnsafe preferencesBuilder "boldIsBright" CheckButton
enableSixelCheckButton <-
objFromBuildUnsafe preferencesBuilder "enableSixel" CheckButton
allowBoldCheckButton <-
objFromBuildUnsafe preferencesBuilder "allowBold" CheckButton
wordCharExceptionsEntryBuffer <-
objFromBuildUnsafe preferencesBuilder "wordCharExceptions" Entry >>=
fontButton <- objFromBuildUnsafe preferencesBuilder "font" FontButton
showScrollbarComboBoxText <-
objFromBuildUnsafe preferencesBuilder "showScrollbar" ComboBoxText
[ (ShowScrollbarNever, "Never")
, (ShowScrollbarAlways, "Always")
, (ShowScrollbarIfNeeded, "If needed")
showTabBarComboBoxText <-
objFromBuildUnsafe preferencesBuilder "showTabBar" ComboBoxText
[ (ShowTabBarNever, "Never")
, (ShowTabBarAlways, "Always")
, (ShowTabBarIfNeeded, "If needed")
cursorBlinkModeComboBoxText <-
objFromBuildUnsafe preferencesBuilder "cursorBlinkMode" ComboBoxText
[ (CursorBlinkModeSystem, "System")
, (CursorBlinkModeOn, "On")
, (CursorBlinkModeOff, "Off")
scrollbackLenSpinButton <-
objFromBuildUnsafe preferencesBuilder "scrollbackLen" SpinButton
adjustmentNew 0 0 (fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)) 1 10 0 >>=
spinButtonSetAdjustment scrollbackLenSpinButton
warningLabel <- objFromBuildUnsafe preferencesBuilder "warning" Label

-- We show the warning label only if the user has launched termonad with a
-- termonad.hs file
executablePath <- getExecutablePath
let hasTermonadHs = takeFileName executablePath == "termonad-linux-x86_64"
widgetSetVisible warningLabel hasTermonadHs

-- Make the dialog modal
maybeWin <- applicationGetActiveWindow app
windowSetTransientFor preferencesDialog maybeWin

-- Init with current state
fontChooserSetFontDesc fontButton (tmState ^. lensTMStateFontDesc)
let options = tmState ^. lensTMStateConfig . lensOptions
comboBoxSetActive showScrollbarComboBoxText $ showScrollbar options
comboBoxSetActive showTabBarComboBoxText $ showTabBar options
comboBoxSetActive cursorBlinkModeComboBoxText $ cursorBlinkMode options
spinButtonSetValue scrollbackLenSpinButton (fromIntegral $ scrollbackLen options)
toggleButtonSetActive confirmExitCheckButton $ confirmExit options
toggleButtonSetActive showMenuCheckButton $ showMenu options
toggleButtonSetActive boldIsBrightCheckButton $ boldIsBright options
toggleButtonSetActive enableSixelCheckButton $ enableSixel options
toggleButtonSetActive allowBoldCheckButton $ allowBold options
entryBufferSetText wordCharExceptionsEntryBuffer (wordCharExceptions options) (-1)

-- Run dialog then close
res <- dialogRun preferencesDialog

-- When closing the dialog get the new settings
when (toEnum (fromIntegral res) == ResponseTypeAccept) $ do
maybeFontDesc <- fontChooserGetFontDesc fontButton
maybeFontConfig <-
join <$> mapM fontConfigFromFontDescription maybeFontDesc
maybeShowScrollbar <-
comboBoxGetActive showScrollbarComboBoxText [ShowScrollbarNever ..]
maybeShowTabBar <-
comboBoxGetActive showTabBarComboBoxText [ShowTabBarNever ..]
maybeCursorBlinkMode <-
comboBoxGetActive cursorBlinkModeComboBoxText [CursorBlinkModeSystem ..]
scrollbackLenVal <-
fromIntegral <$> spinButtonGetValueAsInt scrollbackLenSpinButton
confirmExitVal <- toggleButtonGetActive confirmExitCheckButton
showMenuVal <- toggleButtonGetActive showMenuCheckButton
boldIsBrightVal <- toggleButtonGetActive boldIsBrightCheckButton
enableSixelVal <- toggleButtonGetActive enableSixelCheckButton
allowBoldVal <- toggleButtonGetActive allowBoldCheckButton
wordCharExceptionsVal <- entryBufferGetText wordCharExceptionsEntryBuffer

-- Apply the changes to mvarTMState
modifyMVar_ mvarTMState $ pure
. over lensTMStateFontDesc (`fromMaybe` maybeFontDesc)
. over (lensTMStateConfig . lensOptions)
( set lensConfirmExit confirmExitVal
. set lensShowMenu showMenuVal
. set lensBoldIsBright boldIsBrightVal
. set lensEnableSixel enableSixelVal
. set lensAllowBold allowBoldVal
. set lensWordCharExceptions wordCharExceptionsVal
. over lensFontConfig (`fromMaybe` maybeFontConfig)
. set lensScrollbackLen scrollbackLenVal
. over lensShowScrollbar (`fromMaybe` maybeShowScrollbar)
. over lensShowTabBar (`fromMaybe` maybeShowTabBar)
. over lensCursorBlinkMode (`fromMaybe` maybeCursorBlinkMode)

-- Save the changes to the preferences files
withMVar mvarTMState $ saveToPreferencesFile . view lensTMStateConfig

-- Update the app with new settings
applyNewPreferences mvarTMState

widgetDestroy preferencesDialog

appStartup :: Application -> IO ()
appStartup _app = pure ()

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