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Carenalga edited this page Feb 7, 2023 · 4 revisions


Data and functions to work with the graphic interface (a.k.a. UI (but saying User is boring. We're making games, not apps)). Is the shortcut for, and can be used (from any script) with G (E.g. G.display("I'm the narrator?")).

Some things you can do with it:

  • Show messages in the middle of the sceen (like a narrator or a game message).
  • Show info about things in the game (this will appear in the screen bottom centered).
  • Show, hide and block the graphic interface.
  • Show the history of in-game actions (interactions and conversations).


G.show_info('Click this to open the main menu')
G.display('There are no actions set for this object')
G.connect('inventory_shown', self, '_play_inventory_sfx')



  • blocked. Emitted when block() is called. connects to this signal in order to block itself.

  • continue_clicked. E connects to this signal to make commands in queue to progress. E.g. You could emit this signal in order to make instructions in a run to continue without the players' intervention.

  • freed. Emitted when done() is called. connects to this signal in order to unlock itself.

  • history_opened. Emitted when show_history() is called.

  • interface_hidden. Emitted when hide_interface() is called.

  • interface_shown. Emitted when show_interface() is called.

  • load_requested. Opens the popup to load saved games.

  • save_requested( String date ). Opens the popup to save the game session. The current date in YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS format is passed to use that as the description of the savefile.

  • show_box_requested( String message ). Emitted when display() is called. connects to this signal in order to display message at the center of the screen.

  • show_info_requested( String info ). Emitted when show_info() is called. connects to this signal in order to show info at the bottom-center of the screen.



  • block() void

    Makes the Graphic Interface to block. This means that players won't be able to interact with anything until the Graphic Interface is freed. This will make the mouse pointer take the hourglass appearance.

  • display( String msg: String, bool is_in_queue = true ) void

    Shows msg in the center of the screen. If you want to use it outside a run, send is_in_queue as false. Can be yield.

    Can be used as the narrator or to give instructions to players. The visual style of the node that shows this text can be modified in DisplayBox.tscn.

    func on_interact() -> void:
      yield(G.display('Hi. I am the game.', false), 'completed')

    G display

  • done() void

    Makes the Graphic Interface to unlock.

  • hide_interface() void

    Makes the Graphic Interface to hide.

  • show_history() void

    Makes the History popup to appear.

  • show_info( String msg: String = '' ) void

    Shows msg at the bottom-center of the screen. This is what Popochiu uses to show the name of PopochiuClickables when the mouse moves over them.

    G show_info

  • show_interface() void

    Makes the Graphic Interface to show.

  • show_load() void

    Makes the popup for loading a saved game appear.

  • show_save( String date ) void

    Makes the popup for saving the game appear. The date is used as the description of the game session, and it is the one that will appear in the selected slot.

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