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Merge #3444
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3444: Improve cluster setup reliability r=Anviking a=Anviking

- [x] Ensure only a single pool has started when we submit txs containing important cluster setup
    - Avoids setup being rolled back, later causing integration test failures
- [x] See that it works 

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### Issue Number

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  Note: Jira issues of the form ADP- will be auto-linked. -->


Co-authored-by: Johannes Lund <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
iohk-bors[bot] and Anviking authored Aug 17, 2022
2 parents 6bbeb01 + 7afb71a commit cf2ca02
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Showing 5 changed files with 138 additions and 81 deletions.
37 changes: 19 additions & 18 deletions lib/shelley/bench/latency-bench.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Api.Types
, ApiUtxoStatistics
, ApiWallet
, ApiWalletMigrationPlan (..)
, EncodeAddress (..)
, WalletStyle (..)
import Cardano.Wallet.LatencyBenchShared
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,18 +67,16 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Shelley.Faucet
import Cardano.Wallet.Shelley.Launch
( withSystemTempDir )
import Cardano.Wallet.Shelley.Launch.Cluster
( LocalClusterConfig (..)
( FaucetFunds (..)
, LocalClusterConfig (..)
, LogFileConfig (..)
, RunningNode (..)
, defaultPoolConfigs
, sendFaucetAssetsTo
, walletListenFromEnv
, withCluster
import Cardano.Wallet.Unsafe
( unsafeFromText )
import Control.Arrow
( first )
import Control.Monad
( replicateM, replicateM_ )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,7 +143,6 @@ import UnliftIO.STM
( TVar )

import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Api.Link as Link
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as HTTP

main :: forall n. (n ~ 'Mainnet) => IO ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -467,18 +463,23 @@ withShelleyServer tracers action = do
[head defaultPoolConfigs]
let initialFunds =
<> byronIntegrationTestFunds
withCluster nullTracer dir clusterCfg initialFunds $
onClusterStart act db dir

onClusterStart act db dir (RunningNode conn block0 (np, vData) _) = do

let encodeAddr = T.unpack . encodeAddress @'Mainnet
let addressesMA = map (first encodeAddr) (maryIntegrationTestAssets (Coin 10_000_000))
sendFaucetAssetsTo nullTracer conn dir 20 addressesMA

(onClusterStart act db)

faucetFunds = FaucetFunds
{ pureAdaFunds =
<> byronIntegrationTestFunds
, maFunds =
maryIntegrationTestAssets (Coin 10_000_000)
, mirFunds = [] -- not needed

onClusterStart act db (RunningNode conn block0 (np, vData) _) = do
listen <- walletListenFromEnv
(NodeSource conn vData (SyncTolerance 10))
Expand Down
30 changes: 12 additions & 18 deletions lib/shelley/exe/local-cluster.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Cardano.CLI
import Cardano.Startup
( installSignalHandlers, setDefaultFilePermissions, withUtf8Encoding )
import Cardano.Wallet.Api.Types
( EncodeAddress (..), decodeAddress )
( decodeAddress )
import Cardano.Wallet.Logging
( stdoutTextTracer, trMessageText )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.AddressDerivation
Expand All @@ -50,11 +50,10 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Shelley.Launch
import Cardano.Wallet.Shelley.Launch.Cluster
( ClusterLog (..)
, Credential (..)
, FaucetFunds (..)
, RunningNode (..)
, localClusterConfigFromEnv
, moveInstantaneousRewardsTo
, oneMillionAda
, sendFaucetAssetsTo
, testMinSeverityFromEnv
, tokenMetadataServerFromEnv
, walletListenFromEnv
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,26 +217,21 @@ main = withLocalClusterSetup $ \dir clusterLogs walletLogs ->
unsafeDecodeAddr = either (error . show) id . decodeAddress @'Mainnet

faucetFunds =
faucetFunds = FaucetFunds
{ pureAdaFunds =
<> byronIntegrationTestFunds
<> map (first unsafeDecodeAddr) hwWalletFunds
, maFunds =
maryIntegrationTestAssets (Coin 10_000_000)
, mirFunds =
first KeyCredential
. (,Coin $ fromIntegral oneMillionAda)
<$> concatMap genRewardAccounts mirMnemonics

setupFaucet dir trCluster (RunningNode socketPath _ _ _) = do
traceWith trCluster MsgSettingUpFaucet
let trCluster' = contramap MsgCluster trCluster
let encodeAddresses = map (first (T.unpack . encodeAddress @'Mainnet))
let accts = KeyCredential <$> concatMap genRewardAccounts mirMnemonics
let rewards' = (, Coin $ fromIntegral oneMillionAda) <$> accts

sendFaucetAssetsTo trCluster' socketPath dir 20 $ encodeAddresses $
maryIntegrationTestAssets (Coin 1_000_000_000)
moveInstantaneousRewardsTo trCluster' socketPath dir rewards'

whenReady dir trCluster logs node@(RunningNode socketPath block0 (gp, vData) _) =
whenReady dir trCluster logs (RunningNode socketPath block0 (gp, vData) _) =
withLoggingNamed "cardano-wallet" logs $ \(sb, (cfg, tr)) -> do
setupFaucet dir trCluster node

ekgEnabled >>= flip when (EKG.plugin cfg tr sb >>= loadPlugin sb)

let tracers = setupTracers (tracerSeverities (Just Debug)) tr
Expand Down
121 changes: 94 additions & 27 deletions lib/shelley/src/Cardano/Wallet/Shelley/Launch/Cluster.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module Cardano.Wallet.Shelley.Launch.Cluster
, LocalClusterConfig (..)
, localClusterConfigFromEnv
, ClusterEra (..)
, FaucetFunds (..)

-- * Node launcher
, NodeParams (..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,7 +125,11 @@ import Cardano.Startup
import Cardano.Wallet.Api.Server
( Listen (..) )
import Cardano.Wallet.Api.Types
( ApiEra (..), DecodeAddress (..), HealthStatusSMASH (..) )
( ApiEra (..)
, DecodeAddress (..)
, EncodeAddress (..)
, HealthStatusSMASH (..)
import Cardano.Wallet.Logging
( BracketLog, bracketTracer )
import Cardano.Wallet.Network.Ports
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,6 +164,8 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Util
( mapFirst )
import Codec.Binary.Bech32.TH
( humanReadablePart )
import Control.Arrow
( first )
import Control.Monad
( forM, forM_, liftM2, replicateM, replicateM_, void, when, (>=>) )
import Control.Retry
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -433,6 +440,9 @@ data ConfiguredPool = ConfiguredPool
-- ^ The 'PoolRecipe' used to create this 'ConfiguredPool'.
, registerViaShelleyGenesis
:: IO (ShelleyGenesis StandardShelley -> ShelleyGenesis StandardShelley)
, finalizeShelleyGenesisSetup :: RunningNode -> IO ()
-- ^ Submit any pool retirement certificate according to the 'recipe'
-- on-chain.
, registerViaTx :: RunningNode -> IO ()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -534,21 +544,8 @@ configurePool tr baseDir metadataServer recipe = do
, nodePort = Just (NodePort port)
, nodeLoggingHostname = Just name
withCardanoNodeProcess tr name cfg $ \socket -> do
-- Here is our chance to respect the 'retirementEpoch' of
-- the 'PoolRecipe'.
-- NOTE: We also submit the retirement cert in
-- @registerViaTx@, but this seems to work regardless. (We
-- do want to submit it here for the sake of babbage)
let retire e = do
retCert <- issuePoolRetirementCert tr dir opPub e
(rawTx, faucetPrv) <- preparePoolRetirement tr dir [retCert]
tx <- signTx tr dir rawTx [faucetPrv, ownerPrv, opPrv]
submitTx tr socket "retirement cert" tx

traverse_ retire mretirementEpoch

withCardanoNodeProcess tr name cfg $ \socket -> do
action $ RunningNode socket block0 (bp, vd) genesisPools

, registerViaShelleyGenesis = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -581,10 +578,26 @@ configurePool tr baseDir metadataServer recipe = do
let poolSpecificFunds = Map.fromList
[(pledgeAddr, Ledger.Coin $ intCast pledgeAmt)]

return $ \sg -> sg
{ sgInitialFunds = poolSpecificFunds <> (sgInitialFunds sg)
, sgStaking = updateStaking (sgStaking sg)

, finalizeShelleyGenesisSetup = \(RunningNode socket _ _ _) -> do
-- Here is our chance to respect the 'retirementEpoch' of
-- the 'PoolRecipe'.
-- NOTE: We also submit the retirement cert in
-- @registerViaTx@, but this seems to work regardless. (We
-- do want to submit it here for the sake of babbage)
let retire e = do
retCert <- issuePoolRetirementCert tr dir opPub e
(rawTx, faucetPrv) <- preparePoolRetirement tr dir [retCert]
tx <- signTx tr dir rawTx [faucetPrv, ownerPrv, opPrv]
submitTx tr socket "retirement cert" tx

traverse_ retire mretirementEpoch
, registerViaTx = \(RunningNode socket _ _ _) -> do
stakeCert <- issueStakeVkCert tr dir "stake-pool" ownerPub
let poolRegistrationCert = dir </> "pool.cert"
Expand All @@ -603,6 +616,7 @@ configurePool tr baseDir metadataServer recipe = do
, "--out-file", poolRegistrationCert

mPoolRetirementCert <- traverse
(issuePoolRetirementCert tr dir opPub) mretirementEpoch
dlgCert <- issueDlgCert tr dir ownerPub opPub
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -964,6 +978,26 @@ generateGenesis dir systemStart initialFunds addPoolsToGenesis = do
| (Address addrBytes, Coin c) <- initialFunds

data FaucetFunds = FaucetFunds
{ pureAdaFunds :: [(Address, Coin)]
-- ^ Pure ada funds
, maFunds :: [(Address, (TokenBundle, [(String, String)]))]
-- ^ Multi asset funds. Slower to setup than pure ada funds.
-- Beside the assets, there is a list of
-- @(signing key, verification key hash)@, so that they can be minted by
-- the faucet.
, mirFunds :: [(Credential, Coin)]
-- ^ "Move instantaneous rewards" - for easily funding reward accounts.
} deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Semigroup FaucetFunds where
FaucetFunds ada1 ma1 mir1 <> FaucetFunds ada2 ma2 mir2
= FaucetFunds (ada1 <> ada2) (ma1 <> ma2) (mir1 <> mir2)

instance Monoid FaucetFunds where
mempty = FaucetFunds [] [] []

-- | Execute an action after starting a cluster of stake pools. The cluster also
-- contains a single BFT node that is pre-configured with keys available in the
-- test data.
Expand All @@ -984,11 +1018,11 @@ withCluster
-- ^ Temporary directory to create config files in.
-> LocalClusterConfig
-- ^ The configurations of pools to spawn.
-> [(Address, Coin)] -- Faucet funds
-> FaucetFunds
-> (RunningNode -> IO a)
-- ^ Action to run once when the stake pools are setup.
-- ^ Action to run once when all pools have started.
-> IO a
withCluster tr dir LocalClusterConfig{..} initialFunds onClusterStart = bracketTracer' tr "withCluster" $ do
withCluster tr dir LocalClusterConfig{..} faucetFunds onClusterStart = bracketTracer' tr "withCluster" $ do
withPoolMetadataServer tr dir $ \metadataServer -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
traceWith tr $ MsgStartingCluster dir
Expand All @@ -1011,13 +1045,22 @@ withCluster tr dir LocalClusterConfig{..} initialFunds onClusterStart = bracketT
genesisFiles <- generateGenesis
(initialFunds <> faucetFunds)
(adaFunds <> internalFaucetFunds)
(if postAlonzo then addGenesisPools else federalizeNetwork)

if postAlonzo
then do
ports <- rotate <$> randomUnusedTCPPorts nPools
launchPools configuredPools genesisFiles ports onClusterStart'
port0:ports <- rotate <$> randomUnusedTCPPorts nPools
let pool0:otherPools = configuredPools

let pool0Cfg = NodeParams
operatePool pool0 pool0Cfg $ \runningPool0 -> do
extraClusterSetupUsingNode configuredPools runningPool0
launchPools otherPools genesisFiles ports onClusterStart
else do
ports <- rotate <$> randomUnusedTCPPorts (1 + nPools)
let bftCfg = NodeParams
Expand All @@ -1026,24 +1069,45 @@ withCluster tr dir LocalClusterConfig{..} initialFunds onClusterStart = bracketT
(head ports)
withBFTNode tr dir bftCfg $ \runningBFTNode -> do
extraClusterSetupUsingNode configuredPools runningBFTNode

-- NOTE: We used to perform 'registerViaTx' as part of 'launchPools'
-- where we waited for the pools to become active (e.g. be in
-- the stake distribution) in parallel. Just submitting the
-- registration certs in sequence /seems/ to work though, and the
-- setup working 100% correctly in alonzo will soon not be
-- important.
mapM_ (`registerViaTx` runningBFTNode) configuredPools
launchPools configuredPools genesisFiles (tail ports) onClusterStart'
launchPools configuredPools genesisFiles (tail ports) onClusterStart
nPools = length cfgStakePools

postAlonzo = cfgLastHardFork >= BabbageHardFork

onClusterStart' node@(RunningNode socket _ _ _) = do
FaucetFunds adaFunds maFunds mirFunds = faucetFunds

-- Important cluster setup to run without rollbacks
extraClusterSetupUsingNode :: [ConfiguredPool] -> RunningNode -> IO ()
extraClusterSetupUsingNode configuredPools runningNode = do
let RunningNode conn _ _ _ = runningNode

-- Needs to happen in the first 20% of the epoch, so we run this
-- first.
moveInstantaneousRewardsTo tr conn dir mirFunds

sendFaucetAssetsTo tr conn dir 20 (encodeAddresses maFunds)

-- Submit retirement certs for all pools using the connection to
-- the only running first pool to avoid the certs being rolled
-- back.
when postAlonzo $
forM_ configuredPools $ \pool -> do
finalizeShelleyGenesisSetup pool runningNode

-- Should ideally not be hard-coded in 'withCluster'
(rawTx, faucetPrv) <- prepareKeyRegistration tr dir
tx <- signTx tr dir rawTx [faucetPrv]
submitTx tr socket "pre-registered stake key" tx
onClusterStart node
submitTx tr conn "pre-registered stake key" tx

-- | Actually spin up the pools.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1114,6 +1178,8 @@ withCluster tr dir LocalClusterConfig{..} initialFunds onClusterStart = bracketT
rotate :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a, [a])]
rotate = nub . fmap (\(x:xs) -> (x, sort xs)) . permutations

encodeAddresses = map (first (T.unpack . encodeAddress @'W.Mainnet))

data LogFileConfig = LogFileConfig
{ minSeverityTerminal :: Severity
-- ^ Minimum logging severity
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1783,6 +1849,7 @@ batch s xs = forM_ (group s xs)
data Credential
= KeyCredential XPub
| ScriptCredential ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show)

:: Tracer IO ClusterLog
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2005,8 +2072,8 @@ faucetIndex = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar 1
-- FIXME: We should generate these programatically. Currently they need to match
-- the files on disk read by 'takeFaucet'.
faucetFunds :: [(Address, Coin)]
faucetFunds = map
internalFaucetFunds :: [(Address, Coin)]
internalFaucetFunds = map
((,Coin 1000000000000000) . unsafeDecodeAddr . T.pack)
[ "Ae2tdPwUPEZGc7WAmkmXxP3QJ8aiKSMGgfWV6w4A58ebjpr5ah147VvJfDH"
, "Ae2tdPwUPEZCREUZxa3F1fTyVPMU2MLMYAkRe7DEVoyZsWKahphgdifWuc3"
Expand Down

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