Need AWS setup with the following information in a file called ~/.aws_secrets:
access_key_id: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
secret_access_key: THE_ASSOCIATED_SECRET_KEY
keypair_name: KEYPAIR_ID
keypair_path: PATH_TO_KEYPAIR_PEM
ALSO put your access and secret keys in environment variables in your .bashrc or similar (for packer):
- Vagrant 1.2+:
- Packer 0.1.4+:
- Vagrant AWS Plugin:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
- Modify packer/ubuntu.json
- Source AMI
- Region
cd packer
packer validate ubuntu.json
packer build ubuntu.json
vagrant box add ubuntu-aws-us-east
cd ..
- Modify Vagrantfile
- Instance size
vagrant up --provider=aws
vagrant ssh
vagrant destroy -f
Packer creates an AMI on your AWS account, so you need to clean it up so you don't need to pay for it.
- AWS Console -> Images -> AMIs -> Select AMI -> Actions -> Deregister
- AWS Console -> Elastic Block Store -> Snapshots -> Select Snapshot -> Delete
- AWS Console -> Elastic Block Store -> Volumes -> Select Volumes -> Actions -> Delete Volume
- Multi node coordination (need support from vagrant-aws)
- Multi-AZ/Region coordination??
- CentOS support (pending packer merge: hashicorp/packer#138)
- Virtualbox support