Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
- Visual-SLAM, Visual-Inertial Odometry, Visual-Localization
- 2D & 3D LiDAR SLAM, Deep SLAM
Sensor Fusion
- Integrating data from various sensors into a system
- LiDAR, Camera, IMU, Wheel, ...
Researcher (2024 ~ Present)
- COGA Robotics (COGA)
Researcher (2022 ~ 2023)
- Korea Electronics Technology Institute / Intelligent Robotics Research Center (KETI)
Research Student (2020 ~ 2022)
- Kumoh National Institute of Technology / Autonomous Intelligent Systems Lab (KIT AISL)
Development of a Localization System using Camera (2024.09 ~ Present)
- Camera Calibration
- Stereo Depth Estimation
- Feature Extraction Using NPU
Development of Robot Firmware (2024.04 ~ 2024.09)
- Communication Development (RS-485, RS-232, I2C, USART)
- Sensor Data Processing and Fusion
ICP Accelerator Design (2024.02 ~ 2024.03)
- Iterative Closest Point Algorithm Acceleration with CUDA
Target Search System in Indoor Environments (2021.02 ~ 2022.02)
- Object Recognition & Localization
- 3D LiDAR SLAM with Representation of Objects on the Map
Multi-Robot Real-Time 2D Map Merge (2022.09 ~ 2023.04)
- Implementation of Multi-Robot 2D SLAM using ROS
- Developed Real-Time Map Merge & Recursive Update of Merged Map to SLAM
Development of Mobile Manipulator (2023.05 ~ Present)
- ModBus & Socket Communication for Robot Control
- Building Control System for 4 Mecanum Wheel Robot