ROS package for Thermal Seek camera
The Thermal Seek camera is a thermal camera, very cheap in the reign of thermal cameras and a ROS node to take picture with this camera allows a robot to obtain thermal data from environment, which may use to detect possible failures in monitored systems or in everyday activities like cooking.
A working installation of ROS must be installed, before building and running this package.
Install ROS
Then set up the ROS environment
The library to use the camera must be downloaded
$ git clone [email protected]:adrobinoga/pyseek.git
In order to use this lib you must append the path to this lib to PYTHONPATH, you may do this appending the next line at the end of your .bashrc file
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/path/of/your/download/pyseek"
$ git clone [email protected]:arcoslab/ros_seek_cam.git
$ cd ros_seek_cam/
$ catkin_make
then source setup.bash
$ source devel/setup.bash
this last step must be executed from every terminal before using this package
Now from the same terminal where we source the setup.bash
We may run the launch file view_seek.launch to see the camera's output
$ roslaunch seek_cam view_seek.launch
We may also use rosrun
$ roscore
$ rosrun seek_cam
and see the published messages with
$ rostopic echo /thermalview/compressed
The node publishes png images in /thermalview/compressed topic.
- Why a separate repo for pyseek? The the tridge fork for pyseek just works for PILLOW versions older than 2.9.0 , the current fork, used for this project supports newer versions.
- fix dead pixels
- get absolute temperature
- consider using zougloub/libseek instead of pyseek
Alexander Marin Drobinoga [email protected]