- neoformat: A powerful code formatting plugin.
- Comment.nvim: Simplifies commenting in code.
- todo-comments.nvim: Highlights and searches for TODO comments in code.
- supermaven-nvim: Provides AI-powered code completion and inline suggestions, enhancing the coding experience with Maven and other tools.
- nvim-autopairs: Automatically closes pairs like brackets and quotes.
- neotest: A testing framework integrated with Neovim.
- neotest-jest: Provides Jest testing integration.
- onedark.vim: OneDark theme with customization for terminal colors.
- kanagawa.nvim: A beautiful Kanagawa theme.
- palenight.nvim: Palenight theme.
- nordic.nvim: Nordic theme with extensive customization options.
- tokyonight.nvim: Tokyo Night theme.
- catppuccin/nvim: Catppuccin theme with multiple flavor options.
- neogit: A Magit-like Git integration interface for Neovim.
- gitsigns.nvim: Git integration that shows signs in the gutter.
- git-blame.nvim: Displays Git blame information in the gutter.
- diffview.nvim: Provides a side-by-side diff view for Git.
- nvim-cmp: A completion engine for Neovim.
- friendly-snippets: A collection of snippets for different languages.
- lspkind.nvim: Adds icons to the autocompletion menu.
- LuaSnip: A snippet engine for Neovim.
- lsp_signature.nvim: Provides signature help for LSP functions.
- mason.nvim: A package manager for LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.
- mason-lspconfig.nvim: Integrates Mason with lspconfig.
- nvim-lspconfig: A collection of configurations for Neovim's built-in LSP client.
- none-ls.nvim: A general-purpose LSP server for Neovim.
- nvim-treesitter: Treesitter configurations and abstractions for Neovim.
- typescript-tools.nvim: TypeScript-specific tools for Neovim.
- SchemaStore.nvim: Provides JSON schema support for LSP.
- which-key.nvim: Displays possible keybindings in a popup.
- nvim-tree.lua: A file explorer for Neovim.
- toggleterm.nvim: A terminal manager for Neovim.
- telescope.nvim: A fuzzy finder and search utility.
- nvim-bqf: Enhances the quickfix window.
- nvim-scrollbar: Adds a scrollbar with diagnostics and search result markers.
- treesj: Split and join code blocks.
- dashboard-nvim: Provides a customizable dashboard for Neovim.
- lualine.nvim: A status line configuration plugin.
- nvim-colorizer.lua: Highlights color codes in your code.
- barbar.nvim: A buffer management plugin with tabline support.
- barbecue.nvim: Adds breadcrumbs and more to your Neovim UI.
- render-markdown.nvim: Renders Markdown files in Neovim.
- nvm.nvim: Integrates Node Version Manager (NVM) into Neovim.
- guess-indent.nvim: Automatically guesses and sets the indentation for files.
- vim-prisma: Syntax highlighting for Prisma schema files.
- intelephense: PHP language support.
- pyright: Python language server.
- bashls: Bash language server.
- rust_analyzer: Rust language server.
- jdtls: Java Development Tools language server.
- marksman: Markdown language server.
- graphql: GraphQL language server.
- sqlls: SQL language server.
- solidity: Solidity language server.
- cssls: CSS language server.
- html: HTML language server.
- volar: Vue language server.
- dockerls: Docker language server.
- yamlls: YAML language server.
- lemminx: XML language server.
- jsonls: JSON language server.
- eslint: JavaScript and TypeScript linting and formatting.
- lua_ls: Lua language server, especially for Neovim configurations.
- prismals: Prisma schema language server.
- prettierd: Fast Prettier for formatting various languages.
- stylua: Lua formatter.
- shfmt: Shell script formatter.
- shellcheck: Linter for shell scripts.
- autopep8: Formatter for Python code.