The goal of nvim-bqf is to make Neovim's quickfix window better.
In today's era of floating windows, are you afraid to toggle quickfix window to make your eyes uncomfortable? Are you constantly jumping between the edit window and the quickfix window when you use quickfix window to refactor because of lacking a sustainable preview window? Do you think quickfix window lacks a fuzzy search function? At present, nvim-bqf can solve the above problems.
You really don't need any search replace plugins, because nvim-bqf with the built-in function of the quickfix window allows you to easily search and replace targets.
So why not nvim-bqf?
- Table of contents
- Features
- Quickstart
- Documentation
- Advanced configuration
- Customize quickfix window (Easter egg)
- Feedback
- License
- Toggle quickfix window with magic window keep your eyes comfortable
- Extend built-in context of quickfix to build an eye friendly highlighting at preview
- Support convenient actions inside quickfix window, see Function table below
- Optimize the buffer preview under treesitter to get extreme performance
- Using signs to filter the items of quickfix window
- Integrate fzf as a picker/filter in quickfix window
- Mouse supported for preview window
- Find a better way to list history and switch to one
- Use context field to override the existed configuration
- Add tests
- Neovim 0.6.1 or later
- fzf (optional, 0.42.0 later)
- nvim-treesitter (optional)
Install with Packer.nvim:
use {'kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf'}
use {'kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf', ft = 'qf'}
-- optional
use {'junegunn/fzf', run = function()
-- optional, highly recommended
use {'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', run = ':TSUpdate'}
The nvim-bqf's preview builds upon the buffers. I highly recommended to use nvim-treesitter to do syntax for the buffer, because vim's syntax is very lagging and is extremely bad for the user experience in large files.
nvim-bqf has optimized the preview performance for treesitter
- If you are familiar with quickfix, use quickfix as usual.
- If you don't know quickfix well, you can run
:vimgrep /\w\+/j % | copen
under a buffer inside nvim to get started quickly. - If you want to taste quickfix like demo, check out Integrate with other plugins, and pick up the configuration you like.
- Press
to toggle the sign of item - Press
will create new quickfix list
Press zf
in quickfix window will enter fzf mode.
fzf in nvim-bqf supports ctrl-t
key bindings that allow you to open up an item
in a new tab, a new horizontal split, or in a new vertical split.
fzf becomes a quickfix filter and create a new quickfix list when multiple items are selected and accepted.
nvim-bqf also supports ctrl-q
to toggle items' sign and adapts preview-half-page-up
and toggle-preview
fzf's actions for preview.
Please run man fzf
and check out KEY/EVENT BINDINGS
section for details.
There're two ways to adapt fzf's actions for preview function, use ctrl-f
and ctrl-b
keys as
- Make
; - Inject
extra_opts = {'--bind', 'ctrl-f:preview-half-page-down,ctrl-b:preview-half-page-up'}
in fzf prompt will find all signed items,ctrl-o
in fzf mode has bindtoggle-all
Using external grep-like program to search display
and replace it to show
, but exclude
Demonstrating batch undo just show that quickfix has this feature
auto_enable = {
description = [[Enable nvim-bqf in quickfix window automatically]],
default = true
magic_window = {
description = [[Give the window magic, when the window is splited horizontally, keep
the distance between the current line and the top/bottom border of neovim unchanged.
It's a bit like a floating window, but the window is indeed a normal window, without
any floating attributes.]],
default = true
auto_resize_height = {
description = [[Resize quickfix window height automatically.
Shrink higher height to size of list in quickfix window, otherwise extend height
to size of list or to default height (10)]],
default = false
preview = {
auto_preview = {
description = [[Enable preview in quickfix window automatically]],
default = true
border = {
description = [[The border for preview window,
`:h nvim_open_win() | call search('border:')`]],
default = 'rounded',
show_title = {
description = [[Show the window title]],
default = true
show_scroll_bar = {
description = [[Show the scroll bar]],
default = true
delay_syntax = {
description = [[Delay time, to do syntax for previewed buffer, unit is millisecond]],
default = 50
win_height = {
description = [[The height of preview window for horizontal layout,
large value (like 999) perform preview window as a "full" mode]],
default = 15
win_vheight = {
description = [[The height of preview window for vertical layout]],
default = 15
winblend = {
description = [[The winblend for preview window, `:h winblend`]],
default = 12
wrap = {
description = [[Wrap the line, `:h wrap` for detail]],
default = false
buf_label = {
description = [[Add label of current item buffer at the end of the item line]],
default = true
should_preview_cb = {
description = [[A callback function to decide whether to preview while switching buffer,
with (bufnr: number, qwinid: number) parameters]],
default = nil
func_map = {
description = [[The table for {function = key}]],
default = [[see ###Function table for detail]],
filter = {
fzf = {
action_for = {
['ctrl-t'] = {
description = [[Press ctrl-t to open up the item in a new tab]],
default = 'tabedit'
['ctrl-v'] = {
description = [[Press ctrl-v to open up the item in a new vertical split]],
default = 'vsplit'
['ctrl-x'] = {
description = [[Press ctrl-x to open up the item in a new horizontal split]],
default = 'split'
['ctrl-q'] = {
description = [[Press ctrl-q to toggle sign for the selected items]],
default = 'signtoggle'
['ctrl-c'] = {
description = [[Press ctrl-c to close quickfix window and abort fzf]],
default = 'closeall'
extra_opts = {
description = 'Extra options for fzf',
default = {'--bind', 'ctrl-o:toggle-all'}
Before loading any modules, :lua =require('bqf.config')
will show you everything
about current configuration.
only works in the quickfix window, keys can be customized by
lua require('bqf').setup({func_map = {}})
You can reference Customize configuration to configure
Function | Action | Def Key |
open | open the item under the cursor | <CR> |
openc | open the item, and close quickfix window | o |
drop | use drop to open the item, and close quickfix window |
O |
tabdrop | use tab drop to open the item, and close quickfix window |
tab | open the item in a new tab | t |
tabb | open the item in a new tab, but stay in quickfix window | T |
tabc | open the item in a new tab, and close quickfix window | <C-t> |
split | open the item in horizontal split | <C-x> |
vsplit | open the item in vertical split | <C-v> |
prevfile | go to previous file under the cursor in quickfix window | <C-p> |
nextfile | go to next file under the cursor in quickfix window | <C-n> |
prevhist | cycle to previous quickfix list in quickfix window | < |
nexthist | cycle to next quickfix list in quickfix window | > |
lastleave | go to last selected item in quickfix window | '" |
stoggleup | toggle sign and move cursor up | <S-Tab> |
stoggledown | toggle sign and move cursor down | <Tab> |
stogglevm | toggle multiple signs in visual mode | <Tab> |
stogglebuf | toggle signs for same buffers under the cursor | '<Tab> |
sclear | clear the signs in current quickfix list | z<Tab> |
pscrollup | scroll up half-page in preview window | <C-b> |
pscrolldown | scroll down half-page in preview window | <C-f> |
pscrollorig | scroll back to original position in preview window | zo |
ptogglemode | toggle preview window between normal and max size | zp |
ptoggleitem | toggle preview for a quickfix list item | p |
ptoggleauto | toggle auto-preview when cursor moves | P |
filter | create new list for signed items | zn |
filterr | create new list for non-signed items | zN |
fzffilter | enter fzf mode | zf |
Additional mouse supported:
: Scroll preview window.<2-LeftMouse>
:- In quickfix window: Type
; - In preview window: Jump to the location even it has scrolled;
- In quickfix window: Type
: Enable nvim-bqf in quickfix windowBqfDisable
: Disable nvim-bqf in quickfix windowBqfToggle
: Toggle nvim-bqf in quickfix window
: Toggle nvim-bqf enable automatically
Vim grant users an ability to stuff a context to quickfix, please run :help quickfix-context
nvim-bqf will use the context to implement missing features of quickfix. To get better highlighting experience, nvim-bqf processeds the vim regrex pattern and lsp range from the context additionally.
The context's format that can be processed by nvim-bqf is:
local context = {context = {bqf = {}}}
nvim-bqf only occupies a key of context
, which makes nvim-bqf get along well with other plugins in
context of the quickfix window.
context = {
bqf = {
pattern_hl = {
description = [[search pattern from current position]],
type = 'string'
lsp_ranges_hl = {
description = [[a list of lsp range. The length of list is equal to the items',
pairwise correspondence each other]],
type = 'table'
local cmd = vim.cmd
local api = vim.api
local fn = vim.fn
local function createQf()
local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local lines = {}
for i = 1, 3 do
table.insert(lines, ('%d | %s'):format(i, fn.strftime('%F')))
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines)
{bufnr = bufnr, lnum = 1, col = 5}, {bufnr = bufnr, lnum = 2, col = 10},
{bufnr = bufnr, lnum = 3, col = 13}
function _G.bqfPattern()
fn.setqflist({}, 'r', {context = {bqf = {pattern_hl = [[\d\+]]}}, title = 'patternHl'})
function _G.bqfLspRanges()
local lspRanges = {}
{start = {line = 0, character = 4}, ['end'] = {line = 0, character = 8}})
{start = {line = 1, character = 9}, ['end'] = {line = 1, character = 11}})
{start = {line = 2, character = 12}, ['end'] = {line = 2, character = 14}})
fn.setqflist({}, 'r', {context = {bqf = {lsp_ranges_hl = lspRanges}}, title = 'lspRangesHl'})
function _G.qfRanges()
local items = fn.getqflist()
local it1, it2, it3 = items[1], items[2], items[3]
it1.end_lnum, it1.end_col = it1.lnum, it1.col + 4
it2.end_lnum, it2.end_col = it2.lnum, it2.col + 2
it3.end_lnum, it3.end_col = it3.lnum, it3.col + 2
fn.setqflist({}, 'r', {items = items, title = 'qfRangesHl'})
-- Save and source me(`so %`). Run `:lua bqfPattern()`, `:lua bqfLspRanges()` and `:lua qfRanges()`
nvim-bqf actually works with context in Integrate with other plugins.
hi default link BqfPreviewFloat Normal
hi default link BqfPreviewBorder FloatBorder
hi default link BqfPreviewTitle Title
hi default link BqfPreviewThumb PmenuThumb
hi default link BqfPreviewSbar PmenuSbar
hi default link BqfPreviewCursor Cursor
hi default link BqfPreviewCursorLine CursorLine
hi default link BqfPreviewRange IncSearch
hi default link BqfPreviewBufLabel BqfPreviewRange
hi default BqfSign ctermfg=14 guifg=Cyan
: Floating window.BqfPreviewBorder
: Border of floating window.BqfPreviewTitle
: Title of preview window.BqfPreviewThumb
: Thumb of preview window.BqfPreviewSbar
: Scroll bar of preview window, only take effect if the border is missing right.BqfPreviewCursor
: The cursor format[lnum, col]
in preview window.BqfPreviewCursorLine
: The text line of the cursor in preview window.BqfPreviewRange
: The range format[lnum, col, range]
, which is produced bypattern_hl
and quickfix range.BqfPreviewBufLabel
: The index and count of the buffer under the cursorBqfSign
: The sign in quickfix window.
hi BqfPreviewBorder guifg=#3e8e2d ctermfg=71
hi BqfPreviewTitle guifg=#3e8e2d ctermfg=71
hi BqfPreviewThumb guibg=#3e8e2d ctermbg=71
hi link BqfPreviewRange Search
auto_enable = true,
auto_resize_height = true, -- highly recommended enable
preview = {
win_height = 12,
win_vheight = 12,
delay_syntax = 80,
border = {'┏', '━', '┓', '┃', '┛', '━', '┗', '┃'},
show_title = false,
should_preview_cb = function(bufnr, qwinid)
local ret = true
local bufname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr)
local fsize = vim.fn.getfsize(bufname)
if fsize > 100 * 1024 then
-- skip file size greater than 100k
ret = false
elseif bufname:match('^fugitive://') then
-- skip fugitive buffer
ret = false
return ret
-- make `drop` and `tab drop` to become preferred
func_map = {
drop = 'o',
openc = 'O',
split = '<C-s>',
tabdrop = '<C-t>',
-- set to empty string to disable
tabc = '',
ptogglemode = 'z,',
filter = {
fzf = {
action_for = {['ctrl-s'] = 'split', ['ctrl-t'] = 'tab drop'},
extra_opts = {'--bind', 'ctrl-o:toggle-all', '--prompt', '> '}
local fn = vim.fn
local cmd = vim.cmd
local api = vim.api
packadd nvim-bqf
packadd fzf
packadd nvim-treesitter
packadd vim-grepper
packadd coc.nvim
vim.g.grepper = {tools = {'rg', 'grep'}, searchreg = 1}
aug Grepper
au User Grepper ++nested %s
aug END
]]):format([[call setqflist([], 'r', {'context': {'bqf': {'pattern_hl': '\%#' . getreg('/')}}})]]))
-- try `gsiw` under word
nmap gs <plug>(GrepperOperator)
xmap gs <plug>(GrepperOperator)
-- if you use coc-fzf, you should disable its CocLocationsChange event
-- to make bqf work for <Plug>(coc-references)
-- vim.schedule(function()
-- cmd('au! CocFzfLocation User CocLocationsChange')
-- end)
vim.g.coc_enable_locationlist = 0
aug Coc
au User CocLocationsChange lua _G.jumpToLoc()
aug END
nmap <silent> gr <Plug>(coc-references)
nnoremap <silent> <leader>qd <Cmd>lua _G.diagnostic()<CR>
-- just use `_G` prefix as a global function for a demo
-- please use module instead in reality
function _G.jumpToLoc(locs)
locs = locs or vim.g.coc_jump_locations
fn.setloclist(0, {}, ' ', {title = 'CocLocationList', items = locs})
local winid = fn.getloclist(0, {winid = 0}).winid
if winid == 0 then
cmd('abo lw')
function _G.diagnostic()
fn.CocActionAsync('diagnosticList', '', function(err, res)
if err == vim.NIL then
local items = {}
for _, d in ipairs(res) do
local text = ('[%s%s] %s'):format((d.source == '' and 'coc.nvim' or d.source),
(d.code == vim.NIL and '' or ' ' .. d.code), d.message:match('([^\n]+)\n*'))
local item = {
filename = d.file,
lnum = d.lnum,
end_lnum = d.end_lnum,
col = d.col,
end_col = d.end_col,
text = text,
type = d.severity
table.insert(items, item)
fn.setqflist({}, ' ', {title = 'CocDiagnosticList', items = items})
cmd('bo cope')
-- you can also subscribe User `CocDiagnosticChange` event to reload your diagnostic in quickfix
-- dynamically, enjoy yourself :)
Quickfix window default UI is extremely outdated and low level aesthetics. However, you can dress up your personal quickfix window:) Here is the configuration for demo:
This section is not
exclusive, you can use the configuration withoutnvim-bqf
Set quickfixtextfunc
option and write down corresponding function:
local fn = vim.fn
function _G.qftf(info)
local items
local ret = {}
-- The name of item in list is based on the directory of quickfix window.
-- Change the directory for quickfix window make the name of item shorter.
-- It's a good opportunity to change current directory in quickfixtextfunc :)
-- local alterBufnr = fn.bufname('#') -- alternative buffer is the buffer before enter qf window
-- local root = getRootByAlterBufnr(alterBufnr)
-- vim.cmd(('noa lcd %s'):format(fn.fnameescape(root)))
if info.quickfix == 1 then
items = fn.getqflist({id =, items = 0}).items
items = fn.getloclist(info.winid, {id =, items = 0}).items
local limit = 31
local fnameFmt1, fnameFmt2 = '%-' .. limit .. 's', '…%.' .. (limit - 1) .. 's'
local validFmt = '%s │%5d:%-3d│%s %s'
for i = info.start_idx, info.end_idx do
local e = items[i]
local fname = ''
local str
if e.valid == 1 then
if e.bufnr > 0 then
fname = fn.bufname(e.bufnr)
if fname == '' then
fname = '[No Name]'
fname = fname:gsub('^' .. vim.env.HOME, '~')
-- char in fname may occur more than 1 width, ignore this issue in order to keep performance
if #fname <= limit then
fname = fnameFmt1:format(fname)
fname = fnameFmt2:format(fname:sub(1 - limit))
local lnum = e.lnum > 99999 and -1 or e.lnum
local col = e.col > 999 and -1 or e.col
local qtype = e.type == '' and '' or ' ' .. e.type:sub(1, 1):upper()
str = validFmt:format(fname, lnum, col, qtype, e.text)
str = e.text
table.insert(ret, str)
return ret
vim.o.qftf = '{info -> v:lua._G.qftf(info)}'
-- Adapt fzf's delimiter in nvim-bqf
filter = {
fzf = {
extra_opts = {'--bind', 'ctrl-o:toggle-all', '--delimiter', '│'}
Add qf.vim
under your syntax path, for instance: ~/.config/nvim/syntax/qf.vim
if exists('b:current_syntax')
syn match qfFileName /^[^│]*/ nextgroup=qfSeparatorLeft
syn match qfSeparatorLeft /│/ contained nextgroup=qfLineNr
syn match qfLineNr /[^│]*/ contained nextgroup=qfSeparatorRight
syn match qfSeparatorRight '│' contained nextgroup=qfError,qfWarning,qfInfo,qfNote
syn match qfError / E .*$/ contained
syn match qfWarning / W .*$/ contained
syn match qfInfo / I .*$/ contained
syn match qfNote / [NH] .*$/ contained
hi def link qfFileName Directory
hi def link qfSeparatorLeft Delimiter
hi def link qfSeparatorRight Delimiter
hi def link qfLineNr LineNr
hi def link qfError DiagnosticError
hi def link qfWarning DiagnosticWarn
hi def link qfInfo DiagnosticInfo
hi def link qfNote DiagnosticHint
let b:current_syntax = 'qf'
- If you get an issue or come up with an awesome idea, don't hesitate to open an issue in github.
- If you think this plugin is useful or cool, consider rewarding it a star.
The project is licensed under a BSD-3-clause license. See LICENSE file for details.