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Synchronization Review Questions

Anon edited this page Jan 1, 2017 · 3 revisions


  • Atomic operations
  • Critical Section
  • Producer Consumer Problem
  • Using Condition Variables
  • Using Counting Semaphore
  • Implementing a barrier
  • Implementing a ring buffer
  • Using pthread_mutex
  • Implementing producer consumer
  • Analyzing multi-threaded coded


  • What is atomic operation?
  • Why will the following not work in parallel code
//In the global section
size_t a;
//In pthread function
for(int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) a++;

And this will?

//In the global section
atomic_size_t a;
//In pthread function
for(int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) atomic_fetch_add(a, 1);
  • What are some downsides to atomic operations? What would be faster: keeping a local variable or many atomic operations?
  • What is the critical section?
  • Once you have identified a critical section, what is one way of assuring that only one thread will be in the section at a time?
  • Identify the critical section here
struct linked_list;
struct node;
void add_linked_list(linked_list *ll, void* elem){
    node* packaged = new_node(elem);
         ll->head = 
         packaged->next = ll->head;
         ll->head = packaged;

void* pop_elem(linked_list *ll, size_t index){
    if(index >= ll->size) return NULL;
    node *i, *prev;
    for(i = ll->head; i && index; i = i->next, index--){
        prev = i;

    //i points to the element we need to pop, prev before
    if(prev->next) prev->next = prev->next->next;
    void* elem = i->elem;
    return elem;

How tight can you make the critical section?

  • What is a producer consumer problem? How might the above be a producer consumer problem be used in the above section? How is a producer consumer problem related to a reader writer problem?
  • What is a condition variable? Why is there an advantage to using one over a while loop?
  • Why is this code dangerous?
     pthread_cond_wait(&cv, &mtx);
  • What is a counting semaphore? Give me an analogy to a cookie jar/pizza box/limited food item.

  • What is a thread barrier?

  • Use a counting semaphore to implement a barrier.

  • Write up a Producer/Consumer queue, How about a producer consumer stack?

  • Give me an implementation of a reader-writer lock with condition variables, make a struct with whatever you need, it just needs to be able to support the following functions

void reader_lock(rw_lock_t* lck);
void writer_lock(rw_lock_t* lck);
void reader_unlock(rw_lock_t* lck);
void writer_unlock(rw_lock_t* lck);

The only specification is that in between reader_lock and reader_unlock, no writers can write. In between the writer locks, only one writer may be writing at a time.

  • Write code to implement a producer consumer using ONLY three counting semaphores. Assume there can be more than one thread calling enqueue and dequeue. Determine the initial value of each semaphore.
  • Write code to implement a producer consumer using condition variables and a mutex. Assume there can be more than one thread calling enqueue and dequeue.
  • Use CVs to implement add(unsigned int) and subtract(unsigned int) blocking functions that never allow the global value to be greater than 100.
  • Use CVs to implement a barrier for 15 threads.
  • How many of the following statements are true?
    • There can be multiple active readers
    • There can be multiple active writers
    • When there is an active writer the number of active readers must be zero
    • If there is an active reader the number of active writers must be zero
    • A writer must wait until the current active readers have finished
  • Todo: Analyzing mulithreaded code snippets
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