2.7.1a new STARsolo features and bug fixes
STAR 2.7.1a 2019/05/15
This version requires re-generation of the genome indexes
- Implemented --soloFeatures GeneFull which counts reads overlapping full genes, i.e. includes reads that overlap introns. This can be combined with other features, e.g. --soloFeatures Gene SJ GeneFull .
- Implemented --soloCBwhitelist None option for solo* demultiplexing without CB whitelist. In this case error correction for CBs is not performed.
- Implemented Cell Barcodes longer than 16 bases (but shorter than 31 bases). Many thanks to Gert Hulselmans for implementing this feature (#588).
- Implemented collapsing of duplicate cell barcodes in the whitelist.
- Implemented --sjdbGTFtagExonParentGeneName and --sjdbGTFtagExonParentGeneType options to load gene name and biotype attributes from the GTF file.
- Fixed problems created by missing gene/transcript ID, name and biotype attributes in GTF files (issues #613, #628).
- Added warning for incorrectly scaled --genomeSAindexNbases parameter (issue #614).
- Added numbers of unmapped reads to the Log.final.out file (pull #622).
- Fixed a problem which may cause seg-faults for reads with many blocks (issue #342).