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by :
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usage: npuzzle.py [-h]
[-g] [-u]
[-f {hamming,gaschnig,manhattan,conflicts,euclidean,diagonal}]
[-s {zero_first,zero_last,snail}]
[-t T]
n-puzzle @ 42 aallali
positional arguments:
file input file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g greedy search
-u uniform-cost search
-f {hamming,gaschnig,manhattan,conflicts,euclidean,diagonal}
heuristic function
-s {zero_first,zero_last,snail}
-v gui visualizer
-t T Solution replay on terminal, animation speed time value required
(Disabled default)
--fast fast search
default search is A*
- fast and efficient
- memory heavy
-s zero_first
(blank tile first)
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
-s zero_last
(blank tile last)
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 0
-s snail
(default, spiral pattern)
1 2 3
8 0 4
7 6 5
-f hamming
hamming distance aka "tiles out of place"
-f gaschnig
performs better than hamming distance
-f manhattan
manhattan distance heuristic (default)
-f conflicts
linear conflicts usually more informed than manhattan distance
-f euclidean
euclidean distance heuristic (not good as manhattan)
-f diagonal
euclidean distance heuristic (not good as manhattan)
greedy search: ignores the g(n)
in A* formula f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
, quickly finds a suboptimal solution
uniform cost search: discards the h(n)
in A* formula (turns off heuristics and becomes dijkstra's, slow)
replay solution steps in graphical visualizer
replay solution steps in terminal with colorized outprint
use a faster search alogrithm but add more moves to goal
py -2 .\generator.py -s -i 1000 3 > test && cls && py -3 .\npuzzle.py .\test -f conflicts -v