- currently learning more about : Storage Engines, Database internals.
- Articles: in my blog
- Currently working on creating my own database engine from scratch for learning purposes: SafinaDB (follow the journey if you want)
- Open Source Tools:
- DeepEye: a CLI written in GO, allows you to run advanced search queries on large size files from your terminal.
- Data science/Ai:
- Leaffliction: computer vision applications related to plant leaf diseases. It encompasses tasks such as image dataset analysis, data augmentation, image transformations, and image classification to address various aspects of plant health in the context of leaf diseases.
- Gomoku: build a strong gomoku player engine
- Total-perspective-Vortex: create a brain computer interface based on electroencephalographic data (EEG data) with the help of machine learning algorithms.
- ft-linear-regression:Price Predictor, python implementation of Linear Regression (basic concepts of Data Science)
- DSLR:(Data Science X Logistic Regression) Student Class prediction, python implementation of Logistic Regression (basic concepts of Data Science)
- Algorithms Implementation
- n-puzzle-js: Javascript implementation A*/BFS/DFS algo to solve slide puzzle of size N + UI to test in react
- n-puzzle: Python implementation of A*/BFS algo to solve slide puzzle of size N
- computer-v1: First and Second Degree Mathematical equation parser and calculator using JavaScript
- fillit: engine to find the best state to fit N tetris pieces into a Board of size X using Backtrack and written with C language
- fractols: implement Fractals and their mathematical sets from scratch using pure C language
- libFt: principal balise of C functions re-written from scratch.
- libft-but-rusty: principal balise of C functions re-written from scratch but in RUST.
- Web Apps:
- RED-TETRIS: Online Multiplayer Tetris game with ReactJs + NodeJs using Sockets and typescript
- Matcha: Tinder like web app with Nodejs + MySql
- Camagru: instagram like web app using PHP and MySql
- TODO-APP-TDD: a simple CRUD task manager + Auth app following Test Drien Developement TDD
- Mobile Apps:
- 3d Protein: create a 3d scene from a PDB file (protein data bank) with a fully control utilities in UI.
- swifty_companion: application that will retrieve the information of 42 student, using the 42 API
- ft_hangouts: android application that will allow you to create a contact and send texts. The goal is to understand how an Android application works, how Android deals with your app and how to use the SDK.
- Security:
- Rainfall:[ctf] reverse engeneering and exploit executables.
- Override:[ctf] reverse engeneering and exploit executables.
- Boot-2-root: hack iso and server running in it
- snow-crash:[ctf] this project aims to make you discover, through several little challenges, cyber security in various fields.
- Devops lab:
- inception-of-things: deploy simple app and implement CI/CD using ArgoCD with Kubernetes (lightweight version of it K3S) for learning purposes.
- Data Scrapping/Analysis:
- QuickScrapper: in python a custom dynamic e-commerce websites scrapper, designed to be run in AWS primarly.