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Releases: WISE-Community/WISE-DEPRECATED


16 Jun 00:16
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  • Concept Map
    • Allow hide node titles #777
    • Moved authoring html and controller functions to separate authoring files #1264
  • Match
    • Refactored component code #1236
  • Notebook
    • Fixed a bug when adding a note in preview mode #1239
    • Fixed a bug inserting a note into the report #1293
    • Implemented importing private notes as choices in a Match component #1236
    • Components can now individually enable or disable the "Add to Notebook" button #1247
  • Misc
    • Extracted Authoring code to separate controller #1253
    • Fixed a problem with components not loading if they referenced a file name that contained an apostrophe #818
    • Admin users can edit project library groups for the new site homepage #1217


25 May 18:40
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Notable changes

  • Authoring Tool
    • Improved the JSON authoring view #1207
  • ConceptMap
    • Added delete button to Concept Map link type chooser popup #1206
  • Code Improvements
    • Refactor ProjectService.es6: split file into different modules #1153
    • Create parent component service #1216
    • Added more tests #1157
  • Misc
    • Fix caching problem after updating server with new release #1186

See all closed issues for this release here


07 May 21:58
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Major changes

  • Initial release of Public Notebook
  • Bug fixes
    -- Fixed html typo on student homepage
  • Code clean up

Database Changes

# add columns for the new public notebook feature
ALTER TABLE notebookItems ADD parentNotebookItemId INT(11) NULL;
ALTER TABLE notebookItems ADD groups TEXT NULL;


13 Apr 21:50
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  1. Authoring Tool
    1. Moved the save message to the top bar. Added a spinning progress indicator when the Authoring Tool is in the process of saving. #923.
    2. We now show a confirm popup when an author tries to upload a large file. #832
    3. When an author uploads an image to be used in a field like a background, the image name is immediately populated into the field without having to click the choose button. #935.
    4. Fixed a problem with metadata not saving. #1128.
    5. Refactored code
  2. Implemented the WISE4 MySystem to WISE5 Concept Map converter. #1142.
  3. Export: Fixed a problem with student response values creating multiple cells if they contained a comma #1146
  4. Fixed the WISE logo link to use the server context path. #1115.


06 Apr 18:05
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Discussion Component: Implemented showing posts from another Discussion component. #1118


29 Mar 23:28
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Major Changes

  1. VLE improvements
    1. Improved initial loading time for projects with a lot of branch points.
    2. Now uses the new layout where step select drop down is in between the previous and next buttons.
    3. Increased number of options that are shown in the step select drop down from 5 to 10.
  2. AT improvements
    1. Added Help Documentation
    2. Added branch point, constraint, and rubric icons next to steps when in project view. Shows detailed info in tooltips. #1049 and #1050
    3. Now uses the new layout where step select drop down is in between the previous and next buttons.
    4. Improved the Constraint authoring UI
  3. Implemented importing work between components
    1. Concept Map, Embedded, Graph, Label, Table -> Draw
    2. Concept Map, Draw, Embedded, Graph, Table -> Label
    3. Draw, Embedded, Graph, Label, Table -> Concept Map
    4. Concept Map, Draw, Label -> Graph
  4. Label Component improvements
    1. Changed text position relative -> absolute to the dot
    2. Added padding to labels
  5. Open Response component improvements
    1. Added Custom Completion Criteria authoring.

Minor Changes

  1. Authoring Tool
    1. New: Added the ability to insert a step as the first step in an inactive activity.
    2. New: Added the ability to create a new step and place it directly in the Unused section.
    3. New: Added the ability to move inactive activities around within the Inactive Activities section.
    4. New: Added routes to go directly to the constraints view and transitions view so that authors can click on the constraint or branch icons in the project view and be brought directly to the appropriate view.
    5. New: Added a Verify button for the CRater item id in the Open Response Component. #890
    6. New: When an author clicks the Create button to create a project, we now display a message indicator and also disable the inputs so that they can't accidentally make multiple requests to create a project. #1046.
    7. Bug fix: where tooltips would have multiple lines even if the text only used one line.
    8. Bug fix: moving an active step into an inactive activity did not work properly.
    9. Bug fix: moving an inactive step within an inactive group to the inactive steps section did not work properly.
    10. Bug fix: deleting a node in an inactive activity would leave dangling references to the deleted node id. #992.
    11. Bug fix: when moving an activity where the Insert Inside and Insert After buttons would both show up for the group0 node when only the Insert Inside button should show up.
    12. Bug fix: where moving an inactive activity within the Inactive Activities section would create duplicates of the step nodes in that activity.
    13. Bug fix: broke a transition when inserting a step as the first step in an activity. #1083.
    14. Bug fix: Fixed a problem with the startNodeId not being updated properly in rare scenarios. #850.
  2. VLE
    1. Bug fix: images not rendering if their src path contained %20 or &. #889.
  3. Table Component improvements
    1. Connected components now merge tables instead of overwriting them.
  4. When the top left WISE logo is clicked in the VLE, Authoring Tool, or Grading Tool, we now send the user to the appropriate teacher/student/not signed in home page.
  5. Grading Tool
    1. Bug fix: unintended fields being saved in the node and component objects in the project.json. #1053
    2. Bug fix: the export would not include student data from the expected steps. #1054.
  6. Portal
    1. Admin owner will now appear in the share project/run teacher listing and project/run owner will not appear in the listing. #884
    2. Admins can now log in as another admin. #1061.
    3. Code improvements
  7. Graph Component
    1. Added custom point tooltips and custom series mouse over ability.
  8. Label Component
    1. New: Made the "Add New Label" button display even when in edit label text mode.
    2. Bug fix: the delete label button being visible while adding a label.
  9. Table Component
    1. New: If the author reduces the number of rows or columns, we no longer display a confirm popup if the rows or columns are empty. #1081.
    2. Bug fix: the label text input losing focus if a single label is clicked on twice.
  10. Other
    1. Implemented polling for WISE instance instead of sleeping for an arbitrary amount of time. #1079.


26 Jan 19:19
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Major changes

  1. Added support for symbolic linking of resources while running WISE in embedded tomcat mode.

Minor changes

  1. Animation Component: Fixed a bug where the red line would not move. #1041
  2. Graph Component: Authors can now hide the legend, can author a custom legend and can have the graph highlight the latest point. Students can highlight a range.
  3. Label Component: Students can now import open response student data as a background image. Added an option to allow students to edit labels. #1040
  4. Graph and embedded components: Made some style and UI updates
  5. WISE4 Project Converter: Fixed a bug where old animation steps could break the conversion process
  6. Notebook: Fixed a bug that was preventing the report from functioning in the VLE
  7. WISE homepage and public library: Made some changes to the homepage featured projects display and removed unnecessary filters from the public library; changed the "Research & Technology" section on the homepage to "Research" and updated it's link to go to


21 Dec 22:08
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Major changes

  1. Graph Component: Added the ability for students to drag plot lines on the graph
  2. Graph and Embedded Components: Implemented merging component states when importing work
  3. Authoring Tool
    1. Page load optimizations #924
    2. Added additional parameters to connected components that specifies which fields to look at in the imported work, when to process the imported work, and what action to take
  4. Merged teacher account info and change password into one page. #989

Minor changes

  1. Internationalized default news item text on the homepage when there are no news items. #907
  2. Upgraded babel to use babel-preset-env. #1022.
  3. Code Improvements
    1. Refactored #1009
    2. Cleaned up wise5/vle directory #1026 #1027 #1028
    3. Refactored StudentAccountController.onSubmit #1008
  4. More new unit tests #1030


01 Dec 00:59
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Major changes

  1. Implemented tracking changes to project.json with JGit #970
  2. Allow special characters in passwords. #949
  3. Added JUnits to TravisCI build #995
  4. Fixed a bug in preview where a custom completion criteria would not be immediately satisfied. #1021
  5. Fixed W4 CM max score change not saving bug #1006

Minor changes

  1. Fixed WebSocket NPE when author logs out of AT #898
  2. Concept Map Component: Fixed a problem with the Submit button not being re-enabled when the student changes a link type. #1015
  3. Updated project showcase on the WISE homepage to order projects by ID descending (newest first)
  4. Remove uploaded zip file after uncompressing. #821.
  5. Created script to automate version bumping. #962.
  6. Updated karma dependencies. #1013
  7. Added-back test for creating users with the same username. #1020
  8. Commit will now abort when there are updated translation files during pre-commit hook. #1005
  9. Added mouse over plot lines to the Graph component
  10. Authoring Tool: Moved the advanced authoring buttons to the same row as the back button. #975
  11. Code Improvements
    1. Refactored TeacherAccountController #985
    2. Cleaned up pom.xml and web.xml formatting #991
    3. Refactored ProjectService.previewProject() #998
    4. Removed checking for instance of teacher or student user details. #1001
    5. Refactored StudentIndexController #984
    6. Removed components/audioRecorder directory #983
    7. TeacherAccountController.onSubmit: separated long method to one for creating new teacher and one for updating existing teacher. Fixes #985
    8. Cleaned formatting of wise5/test-unit and wise5/services directory. #960 #961 #981
    9. Removed unnecessary null-check for result of project.getWiseVersion(). #1000
    10. FileManager.getProjectFilePath no longer handles null input. #1017


07 Nov 17:43
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Major changes

  1. Classroom Monitor:
    1. Implemented the Match component export. #966
    2. Reduced the number of component states shown when viewing revisions of student work for a component. We now only show submits and the last save or auto-save in a step visit, so as not to overwhelm teachers with minor, incremental changes. #959

Minor changes

  1. Authoring Tool:

    1. Made an improvement to reduce the possibility of authors being abruptly logged out. #964
    2. Fixed a minor corner case problem when authoring a branch merge point. #977
    3. Fixed a problem with not being able to author branch points based on a Multiple Choice answer. #952
    4. Made improvements to the Table component authoring.
    5. Changed indenting from 4 to 2 spaces in component es6 and html files. #931
    6. Moved the advanced component button to the top of the component.
    7. Added the inactive activities section in the authoring tool. #635
  2. Classroom Monitor:

    1. Reduced loading time when viewing component revisions by only showing the first 5 revision initially and then letting users optionally view more.
    2. Added numbers to each assessment item in the node (step) info display to correspond with the grading view.
    3. Fixed a bug that showed students names in the Grade by Team view when user didn't have permission to do so. #958
    4. Added workgroup (team) ID number to Grade by Step view and the workgroup select dropdown when user doesn't have permission to view student names.
  3. VLE:

    1. Made a performance optimization by calling updateNodeStatuses() less frequently. #965
    2. Fixed a bug that broke communication between Embedded component applications and WISE
  4. Portal:

    1. Refactored #955
    2. Changed *.java file indent from tabs to 2 spaces #971
  5. Misc

    1. Added that generates Plato report of W5 AT,CM,VLE,Components, and Services folders. #963