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Child of the Beast edited this page Jan 14, 2022 · 2 revisions


Please note that this product is only available on version 3.2 which is currently available on Patreon

What does it do?

The whitelist allows you to show / hide certain objects or prefabs depending on the player's name. Please note, that if the player changes the name you will have to update your world.

How to use

  • (Import the UdonVR-Toolkit Package from here if not already done)
  • Set up your scene how you like. You can already place the object you want to have "whitelisted" in the scene.
  • Drag in the Whitelist - Toggles Prefab into your scene, and open it in the Inspector. See below for all settings. Deprecated. You can now right click in the hirachy and choose "UdonVR > Whitelist" to add the prefab to your scene. If this option isn't available, you can still drag it into your scene from "Assets > _UdonVR > Tools > Whitelist > Toggle".
  • Increase the Size field of the Players setting to how many players you want to whitelist.
  • Add the player's name(s) to the Player Name field.
  • Increase the Size field of the Targets Default Off setting to how many objects you want to whitelist.
  • Drag the objects you want to whitelist into the Element list. These objects will only be visible to the player(s) you whitelisted.
  • Increase the size of the Targets Default On setting to how many objects you want to blacklist.
  • Drag and drop the objects you want to blacklist into the Element list. These objects will be hidden from the player(s) you whitelisted.


Setting Parameters Description
Players Size (number), Element (text list) A list of whitelisted players. Increase the Size parameter to add more fields, and set the player names in the Element fields.
Targets Default Off Size (number), Element (Game Object list) The objects that are only visible to the whitelisted players. Players whos name is not in the Players list.
Targets Default On Size (number), Element (Game Object list) The objects that are only visible to the non-whitelisted players. Players whos name is not in the Players list.

This page was written by @AnnikenYT

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