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Player Teleports

Child of the Beast edited this page Feb 27, 2021 · 5 revisions

Player Teleports is an optional plugin tool for our other tools to use. This holds a list of transforms that other tools (Like EasyDoors) can hook into. This makes it easier to keep track and edit all of your world's teleport positions, all from 1 script. You can choose not to use Player Teleports and our other tools will ignore it's functionality.

Adding the script to your world

Make a new Empty GameObject, click on Add Component and navigate to /UdonVR/Tools/Player Teleports or search Player Teleports.

Click on Convert to UdonBehaviour to make this script work with Udon.

the script should now be on your GameObject with no warnings.

How to use Player Teleports

Using Player Teleports should be simple and straightforward.

Just add a GameObject into Transforms and now there should be Find and Edit buttons that show up next to your GameObject.

  • Find will move your camera to the object.

  • Edit will allow you to edit the location of that object from within the Player Teleports script.

How these are used differs from what tool you're using it with, and will be covered in the documentation of those tools.

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