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Pause Screen User Testing

Roy Browning edited this page Oct 7, 2021 · 4 revisions

User Evaluation Session Plan

Session run by: Roy Browning Studio and Game Name: Studio 7 – Retroactive Feature Team Name: Team 5 Location of Testing: Discord Number of Participants: 5


After two code sprints the game now has more gameplay to mess around with and simple level generation. In Sprint 3 a pause menu has been implemented this allows user to pause and go back to specific screens and resuming the game. Any new features will be welcomed.

Aims & Objectives

Find out if the UX flow of the pause menu and any new features are applicable. See if the pause menu fits with the theme of the game and that the chosen buttons the pause menu are the most relevant/needed.


A functional testing session will be conducted as this will give the most accurate results for what the user test is trying to test.

Testing Plan

“Determine if the buttons are intuitive and make sense and if the style fits with the rest of the game.’”

  1. Explain game theme and what the game is about a. This gives context for them to compare to
  2. Show them the game and explain how to play the game a. This will see if they intuitively find the feature created
  3.  Ask tested to pause and resume game

a. Was this easy to achieve? 4. Restart the game from the pause menu a Was this intuitive? 5. Exit to main menu from pause menu a. Was the button in the most intuitive position? 6. Interview tester a. Were the buttons intuitive? 7. Ask for questions and thank them.

Evaluation Analysis

David McGovern

  • Don't think anymore buttons are needed, the settings button needs a button on it to take it back to the pause menu not just the main menu
  •   Style fits with rest of UI

Larry Bain

  • Buttons are good maybe have adjusted settings menu specific to pause menu
  •   Style is good

Humphrey Munn

  • Buttons are intuitive, maybe have a blurring effect on the rest of the game other than the buttons to have more of a pause game feel
  •   Style fits well

Martin Shaw

  •  Adjust settings menu to work better for pause menu
  •  Style is good

William Fitzmaurice

  •  Ability to press p or ESC again to resume game when paused
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