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Log and Report

itaiag edited this page Aug 9, 2016 · 1 revision

Analyzing an Execution with the JRunner Log

During scenario execution, report events are sent to the JRunner by the reporter service. The user can follow the progress of scenario execution by tracking the content in the "Reporter" tab, or see a full execution log by opening the JRunner log.

Reporter Tab

In order to view the execution progress, select the "Reporter" tab.

The JReporter table shows the following information:

  1. Test documentation
  2. Test parameters
  3. Test start & end time
  4. Title of log message + message status.

JRunner Log

In order to see the full execution log press on the "Log" button or go to View?Log

The default browser is opened in the HTML JReporter default.html page.

The output of the JSystem's HTML JReporter is inspired by the JUnit report.

The index page is divided to three sections:

  1. The top left region of the user interface shows a summary of the tests by java package.
  2. Beneath it on the left hand side is a list of all tests, together with their status.
  3. On the right side the user can see summary of scenario execution.

The log pages can be found under "runner path** -> log -> **current". In order to configure the HTML reporter folder update the property "htmlReportDir" directory in the JSystem properties file, as appears in the example "c:\jsystemLog".

Note: The "current" property is automatically appended to the path.

When selecting a test from the list, the test log is shown on the right hand side of the HTML browser.

Init Reports

When running the same scenario or different scenarios consecutively the log information is accumulated. In order to reset the log information press "Tools** -> **Init Reporters". When doing so, the "Reporter" tab is cleared and the HTML JReporter is also reset.

Log Backup

Whenever the log is reset, or the JRunner is closed, the log is automatically backed up. The backup is performed by zipping current folder and copying the zip to log/old. In order to configure the backup folder set the property to "html.dir.old" in the "" file. During the development of the automation project most of the scenario executions are meaningful and do not need to be backed up. In order to disable the "log backup", set the property to "" and the "" to "true"

Additional Reporter Configuration

  1. Disable Logger – In order to disable the logger set the property "logger" in "" to "false".
  2. Controlling Browser – In order to configure the browser that the JRunner uses to display the HTML reporter set the property "browser" in the "" file.

Note: The browser properties work only on Linux machines.

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