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Interface Overview

itaiag edited this page Aug 9, 2016 · 1 revision

Interface Overview

Once the developer has written a test or tests in java using the Eclipse development environment they are then saved in the classes folder, to open the files within the JSystem Automation Framework click the “Switch Project” button, then follow the directory path in order to select the tests classes directory/project folder/classes and then click the “Open” button. The tests are then opened and appear in the “Test Tree” tab in the JSystem Automation Framework. The following section describes the JSystem Automation Framework GUI interface displaying a standard test scenario setup within the interface layout.

JSystem Automation Framework Main Application Interface

The JSystem work environment is divided into two main modules, the scenario editor where the scenarios are built and configured and the scenario JRunner, where configured test scenarios are run, analyzed and published.

Building JSystem Scenarios

The scenario editor is divided into five tabs the most important of which is the “Tree Tab” that display the list of tests as they were written in java code adhering to the java hierarchical layout convention. These tests are dived into classes and function methods that appear with check boxes alongside them. To create a new scenario the user simply checks the required method or methods, clicks on the “Add to Test Scenario” button and the methods are added to the scenario JRunner pane.

The user can now run the test scenario by pressing the play button, JSystem then contacts the SUT and performs the test method functions that have been imported into the scenario JRunner from the scenario editor.

Main Tool Bar Buttons

The following table describes the JSystem Application buttons and their functionality.

Table 1: JSystem Main Interface Buttons

###Scenario Studio Panel In order to create a new scenario the user simply checks the required method or methods, clicks on the “Add Test” button and the methods are automatically added to the scenario JRunner pane.

Figure 2: Scenario Studio Panel

The user can now run the test scenario by pressing the “play” button, JSystem then contacts the SUT and performs the test method functions that have been imported into the scenario runner from the scenario studio editor.

Scenario JRunner Buttons

The following table displays the function buttons of the Scenario runner.

Table 2: Scenario Panel Buttons

Flow Control Toolbar

The purpose of flow controls is to add increased functionality to scenario test executions by adding logical programming elements such as if, else, switch case and for.

Figure 3: Flow Control Toolbar

Scenario Test Run Progress Bar

This progress bar visually displays the test runs progress position, and the amount of time remaining until the completion of all loaded tests in the Scenario JRunner.

Figure 4: Scenario Test Run Progress Bar

Scenario Runner Tree Test Icons

The icons in Table 50 appear in the Scenario JRunner panel as the test scenario runs in a downward direction, as the test passes the item one of the following icons appears reflecting the relevant information detailed in the table below.

Table 3: Scenario Tree Test Icons

##JSystem Main Window Tabs The JSystem Automation Framework Test Editor panel is divided into five separate tab controls; these tabs provide the user the detailed testing configuration setup elements in an easy to understand workflow.

###Test Tree Tab The test tree tab contains the test, fixtures and test scenarios that have already been written, and imported into the JSystem Automation Framework.

**Figure 6: Test Tree Tab **

Test Tree Icons

###Reporter Tab The Reporter tab acts as a refined progress display window, it does not display all of the log report announcements. The JReporter tab displays all the first level log title announcements that are sent to the HTML reporter, in addition to this it also indicates that the test is advancing.

Figure 7: Reporter Tab

###Test Info Tab The Test Info tab displays the individual test item information from each test that is selected from within the Scenario JRunner pane.

Figure 10: Test Info Tab

Note: This tab is tightly coupled with the test java class.

Test Tab Information

The information displayed in the Test Info tab is divided into Name, Fixture, Fail to Fixture and the last time the test was run as well as Test documentation and User Test Documentation tabs.

Test Documentation – Test java doc documentation as appears in the java code written by the java programmer.

User Test Documentation –The User documentation is entered by the test operator enabling the user to add comments about individual tests while using the Scenario Runner.

Parameters Table:

Figure 11: Test Tab Information Table

Fixtures Tab

The fixtures tab displays the dynamic hierarchy of the fixture elements, all the control and functionality of the fixtures is controlled and run from within the fixture tab.

Figure 12: Fixtures Tab

Reference: In order to learn how to write a Fixture, refer to Writing a Fixture on page 107.

Fixture Tab Icon

The Fixture tab contains a hierarchical tree that displays the fixtures according to their hierarchical runtime order. A fixture is equivalent to the system status that includes system configuration and their relevant configuration setup files.

Table 7: Fixture Tab Button

Each fixture has an order of events that is instigated when the system is setup, as well as operations performed on system

Figure 13: Fixture Root Tree

A fixture parent is a predefined system status object on which all subsequent fixtures are based. If the parent fixture remains undefined it reverts to its default state (root fixture).

Root – The Root Fixture is the built-in default fixture that is always set as the root or base fixture within the Root Fixture hierarchy.

##JSystem Properties Dialog The JSystem Properties dialog is a descriptive and easy to use UI that helps the user to easily alter the file. The JRunner exposes behavioral and customizable configuration functionality via the JSystem Properties Dialog.

Figure 22: JSystem Properties Windows

####JSystem Properties Dialog Tabs

  • Test Execution –This tab provides user the ability to enable or disable the notification engine, control java parameters and locate jar file directories.
  • JRunner – This tab provides user functionality for setting XML files, SUT file details, scenario editor settings, conserving computer resources settings and setting the Product customer tag information.
  • Log –This tab provides theuser settings for the JSystem reporter properties and logger settings.
  • **Mail **–This tab provides the user with the ability to set the publish event mail properties.
  • Agent –This tab provides the user with the ability to set and alter the Distributed execution during the test execution and the plug-in properties.
  • Advanced –This tab provides the user with advanced settings related to Threads, package inclusion/exclusion, disabling the loader, disabling the scenario search function, timeout settings, metadata preset information and settings.

##JSystems Export Project Wizard The JSystem export wizard is used to configure the exportable zip file that contains selected project data.

###Step 1 Step1 of the export wizard is used for backing up the running environment or moving and or copying it to another workspace or station.

Figure 23: JSystems Export Project Wizard

The Export Wizard contains three simple steps that require the use to enter location paths and select check box items that affect the content of the export zip file.

###Export Wizard Steps 2 and 3 Step 2 of the Export wizard, containing the configuration items and path location input fields.

Figure 24: JSystems Export Project Wizard 2

####Export Wizard Input Fields

Table 8: Export Wizard Input Fields

Step 3 offers the user the option of either completing the wizard or returning to change one or more of the configuration settings previously configured.

Figure 25: JSystems Export Project Wizard 3

##Edit SUT Fields Control Window The Edit SUT Fields window opens after pressing the Edit SUT button enabling the user to edit the system under file (SUT).

Figure 26: Edit SUT Fields Window Example

The screenshot represents an example of a formatted SUT file, as this window is a result of customization by the user requiring user input data.

###Editing and Customizing the System Under Test (SUT) The JSystem Automation Framework supports the ability to customize the user SUT file according to the user requirements for each project. This is achieved by enabling the service administrator with the ability to easily customize the “Edit SUT Fields” tabs window by performing the following simple steps.

####Step 1: Notepad By default, the SUT xml file is opened in the note pad application and all fields are visible. In order to edit and affect change to the “Edit SUT Fields” window the user must perform the following operations:

The system administrator performs the customization of the DUT file of the JRunner. In order to edit the tags in the SUT file the administrator must enable the tags by adding edit = “enable” inside each individual tag.

####Step 2: Compile In order to compile the newly written tag the administrator must “save” the “Notepad” file in order to save the changes.

####Step 3: View Tab Window In order to view the resulting changes made in the “Edit SUT Fields” window the user simply opens it from the JRunner application by pressing the “Edit SUT” button.

Note: There is no revert function on SUT file where the customized changes were made to the file. In order to revert to the default setting of the SUT file, the user must open the folder that contains the user defined xml file or files and delete them manually. Repeat the process until the desired results are achieved. Note: The user can replace the default Notepad with Notepad ++ enabling the programmer to copy java code with ease.

##Jar List Window The Jar List window shows all of the Jar “packets” that are present in the JRunner environment, the JRunner Library “lib” and third party folders.

Note: Each Jar packet has a path and version number.

Figure 27: Jar List Window

###JRunner Environment Jar List Names Jar Name –The name of the Jar file. Jar Path –The address path of the Jar file. Jar Version – Release date of the Jar file.

##HTML Reporter The HTML report (log) file is a detailed report of a run set of tests. The HTML report is created during the tests that are run and shows the details or each test.

###Tracking Errors By utilizing the reporter the user can see all of the messages printed during tests that are run and the errors that occurred. The errors appear in red, and the warnings appear in orange. The reporter also has a summary report function that shows the entire pass, fail and warning report that occurred.

Figure 28: HTML Reporter

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