Collection of Developer Cheat Sheets, created and maintained by awesome developers.
1. Fork the project. Click on the icon in the top right to get started
2. Clone the project, you can use the following command:
git clone<your-github-username>/devcheatsheet
or using SSH
git clone [email protected]:<your-github-username>/devcheatsheet.git
3. Navigate to the project directory
cd devcheatsheet
1. Create a new branch
git checkout -b YourBranchName
git branch YourBranchName
2. Add it to staging area
git add <path to the file you worked on>
Note: git add . is used to add all the files to the staging area.
3. Commit your changes with
git commit -m '<your commit message>'
For more information about writing commits: Click here
4. Push your changes
git push -u <remote_name> <branch_name>
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- Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Check out our contribution guidelines for more information.
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