Creating a new table :
CREATE TABLE <table name> (
<column name> <data type>,
<column name> <data type>,
<column name> <data type>
Inserting values into a table :
INSERT INTO <table name> VALUES (<val1>,<val2>,....,<valn>);
Inserting values in some columns :
INSERT INTO <table name>(<column name>,<column name>)
VALUES (<val1>,<val2>);
Data type is important i.e for strings use quotes (ex : ‘python’ instead of python)
Create table from existing table :
CREATE TABLE <table name> AS(
SELECT <column name>,<column name>
FROM <table name>
To get description of a table :
DESCRIBE <table name>
or (DESC command runs on only the software system// doesn’t run on editors)
DESC <table name>
To get all values :
SELECT * FROM <table name> ;
To get specific columns :
SELECT <column name>, <column name> FROM <table name> ;
This can also be achieved by :
SELECT ALL <column name> FROM <table name>
To get used to specify the number of records in return:
SELECT <column_name>
FROM <table name>
WHERE condition
LIMIT number;
To get all unique values from a column :
SELECT DISTINCT <column name> FROM <table name> ;
To select specific rows with a condition :
SELECT <column name>
FROM <table name>
WHERE <condition>
Delete all records :
DELETE FROM <table name>
Delete with a condition :
DELETE FROM <table name> WHERE <condition>
Example :
- Delete ‘Yash’ student data.
DELETE FROM studentdata WHERE studentname= "Yash";
Update values in a column :
UPDATE <table name>
SET <column name> = <val1>, <column name> = <val2>
WHERE <condition>;