15.11.0 (2024-06-19)
Bug Fixes
- ButtonLayout: add bleed when using only link (#1150) (554f98a)
- Counter: add aria-live to value (#1146) (3e2e09b)
- Header: bleed not working in o2-new skin (#1137) (00fb632)
- MainNavigationBar: remove logo space in mobile when no sections are given (#1149) (e4c03a0)
- Select: set text color in native version (#1141) (eedf265)
- Spinner: use controlActivatedInverse token as default when used inside inverse variant (#1133) (38a192d)
- Cards: improve accessibility (#1139) (dde9cc5)
- Chip: allow using badge in selectable chips (#1134) (9ecda7c)
- Circle: custom background support (#1136) (bedeaa4)
- CoverHero: new component (#1144) (a655e6e)
- DisplayMediaCard, PosterCard: add extra (#1131) (501cf73)
- EmptyState: allow using only ButtonLink as action (#1140) (d73c219)
- HighlightedCard: support for alt for image (#1135) (c9ba728)
- Image: Custom fallback icon in Vivo New (#1145) (ec600fe)
- Switch: Improve animation (#1142) (8162eed)
- Table: new component (#1129) (328e013)
- Timer: create component (#1130) (0b3253e)
- Touchable: newTab support in to links (#1143) (eff07e3)