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Advanced Configs

Le Liu edited this page Aug 2, 2017 · 66 revisions

These are settings without user interface. Please use them with caution.


  1. Quit Snipaste.
  2. Open config.ini with any text editor.
  3. Add corresponding lines of settings under the correct group (the name in between square brackets).
    • Note: Text behind the semicolon is only comments.
  4. Save and close config.ini.
  5. Open Snipaste.


; Set the history directory (since v1.8.2)
; Snipaste will not create the folder for you. Please make sure it exists, otherwise "./history" will be used
; Slash should be / or \\
; No need to use quotes if there exists spaces in the path; do not support non-English characters
; Examples for relative paths:
; abc
; ./abc
; ../abc
; Examples for absolute paths:
; D:/configs/sphistory
; D:\\abc def\\history


; Hide the tray icon (since v1.8)
; After hidden, if you want to open the Preferences Dialog, just press Ctrl + Shift + P on the image window
; Valid vaules: true, false


; Set the process priority (since v1.13.3)
; Valid values:
; 0: Normal 1: Above normal  2: High 3: Realtime
; If this option is not present or has an invalid value, the default value will be used:
; if the number of CPU cores is no less than 2, the default value is 1, otherwise it is 0
; Windows ONLY



; The threshold to hide anchors automatically (since v1.13)
; If set to 100, the anchors will be automatically hidden when the width or height
; of the snipping area is larger than 100 pixels
; Use 0 to disable automatically hiding the anchors
; The default value is 80 * DPI scale factor


; Do not omit sythesized key 'C' (since v1.8.4)
; Some of the dictionary programs sends synthesized Ctrl + C when mouse left button is released,
; so Snipaste needs to omit the synthesized 'C' to make snipping work properly.
; If this function, on the contrary, annoys you (for example, a GoldenDict user), you may set this option to true
; Windows ONLY
; Valid vaules:true, false


; Exclude the windows of specific programs from window detection (since v1.10.2)
; For example, when we use LICEcap for screen recording, the window of LICEcap will be detected and
; prevents Snipaste from detecting the window / interface elements beneath the LICEcap window.
; You can append 'licecap.exe' (case-insensitive) here to avoid the situation
; Use comma to separate the program names
; Windows ONLY

exclude_from_detection=a.exe, b.exe

; Use another interface element detection algorithm for the windows of specific programs (since 1.10.2)
; Detecting the interface elements of some programs may cause Snipaste to be unresponsive or even crash
; To avoid this, you can put their program names here, Snipaste will use another algorithm for them,
; which is less likely to cause a crash, with the disadvantage of less detected elements
; Use comma to separate the program names
; Windows ONLY

crashes=a.exe, b.exe


; Force line wrap when converting HTML to image (since v1.13.2)
; So that the resulted image satisfies the 'Max width' setting for text-to-image conversion
; Valid values: true, false



; Fake software version (since v1.12)
; Only for debug purpose
; You can fake a lower version to force the download of the latest version when checking for updates
; You can also fake a higher version to skip certain versions (for example, if specified to 1.99, Snipaste will be updated only when its version reaches 1.99)



; Exchange the functions of W A S D keys and arrow keys (since v1.13)
; The default value is 'false', which means WASD keys are for moving the cursor,
; and the arrow keys will move the snipping area or the image windows
; If set to 'true', their functions will be changed
; Note: Keys with modifiers are not affected,
; i.e. 'Ctrl + →' (Exand to right border of the snipping area) is still 'Ctrl + →'
; Valid values: true, false



; Use uppercase letters for Hex colors (since v1.13.2)
; Valid vaules:true, false


; The error tolerance for path simplification of the pencil tool (since 1.13)
; This value indicates the maximum distance (in pixels) that the simplified path
; is allowed to deviate from the original path
; The default value is 2.5 * DPI scale factor


; Set up a timer to reload Qt's image plugins (since v1.14)
; This is for testing and may be removed in future versions
; It attempts to solve the problem that Snipaste fails to starting snipping right away
; after it has been idle for some time (issue#498)
; If you happen to have this problem, please turn this on and tell me whether it helps
; This value is in minutes, e.g. 60 means reloading occurs every hour



; Specify the log file name (since v1.12)


; Set the flush interval of logs (in seconds) (since v1.12)
; The default value is 0, which means it will automatically be flushed whenever it sees fit to achieve good performance
; Note: If the log level is 'Trace' or 'Debug', this setting has no effect.


; Set the log rotate (since v1.12)
; 0 means no rotate
; The default value is 1


; Set the maximum log file size for rotation (since v1.12)
; The default value is 2.0 (MB)



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