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Advanced Configs

Le Liu edited this page Oct 14, 2020 · 66 revisions

These are settings without user interface. Please use them with caution.


  1. Open config.ini via Preferences - General - Configuaration Storage - Open.
  2. Add corresponding lines of settings under the correct group (the name in between square brackets).
    • Note: Text behind the semicolon is only comments.
  3. Quit Snipaste.
  4. Save and close config.ini.
  5. Open Snipaste.


; Set the history directory (since v1.8.2)
; Snipaste will not create the folder for you. Please make sure it exists, otherwise "./history" will be used
; Slash should be / or \\
; Support environment variables, e.g. %username%
; No need to use quotes if there exist spaces in the path; do not support non-English characters
; Examples for relative paths:
; abc
; ./abc
; ../abc
; Examples for absolute paths:
; D:/configs/sphistory
; D:\\abc def\\history


; Hide the tray icon (since v1.8)
; After hidden, if you want to open the Preferences Dialog,
; just press Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows) / Cmd + , (macOS) on the image window
; Valid vaules: true, false


; Set the process priority (since v1.13.3)
; Valid values:
; 0: Normal 1: Above normal 2: High 3: Realtime
; If this option is not present or has an invalid value, the default value will be used:
; if the number of CPU cores is no less than 2, the default value is 1, otherwise it is 0
; Windows ONLY



; The threshold to hide anchors automatically (since v1.13)
; If set to 100, the anchors will be automatically hidden when the width or height
; of the snipping area is larger than 100 pixels
; Use 0 to disable automatically hiding the anchors
; The default value is 80 * DPI scale factor


; Exclude the windows of specific programs from window detection (since v1.10.2)
; For example, when we use LICEcap for screen recording, the window of LICEcap will be detected and
; prevents Snipaste from detecting the window / interface elements beneath the LICEcap window.
; You can append 'licecap.exe' (case-insensitive) here to avoid the situation
; Use comma to separate the program names
; Windows ONLY

exclude_from_detection=a.exe, b.exe

; Use another interface element detection algorithm for the windows of specific programs (since 1.10.2)
; Detecting the interface elements of some programs may cause Snipaste to be unresponsive or even crash
; To avoid this, you can put their program names here, Snipaste will use another algorithm for them,
; which is less likely to cause a crash, with the disadvantage of less detected elements
; Use comma to separate the program names
; Windows ONLY

crashes=a.exe, b.exe


; Force line wrap when converting HTML to image (since v1.13.2)
; So that the resulted image satisfies the 'Max width' setting for text-to-image conversion
; Valid values: true, false


; Specify the distance threshold for edge attachment for image windows, in pixels (since v2.3)
; The default value is 20 * DPI scale factor


; Disable frame resizing for image windows (since v2.3)
; The default value is false


; When doing multi-selection of image windows, whether to automatically select the active image window (>= v2.4.1)
; The default value is false



; Exchange the functions of W A S D keys and arrow keys (since v1.13)
; The default value is 'false', which means WASD keys are for moving the cursor,
; and the arrow keys will move the snipping area or the image windows
; If set to 'true', their functions will be changed
; Note: Keys with modifiers are not affected,
; i.e. 'Ctrl + →' (Expand to right border of the snipping area) is still 'Ctrl + →'
; Valid values: true, false


; Allow simple hotkeys to be used as global hotkeys (>= v2.2.4)
; Simple hotkeys include:
; single letter keys, number keys, punctuation keys, arrow keys and keys like Esc, Enter, etc.
; and also Shift + letter keys, number keys, punctuation keys
; The default value is false
; Valid values: true, false



; Automatically select the annotation after creating it (>= v2.2)
; The default value is 
; Valid vaules:true, false



; When saving an image, examine if it has any translucent pixels. If no, remove its alpha channel to reduce the file size (>= v2.2)
; The default value is true
; Valid vaules:true, false



; Use uppercase letters for Hex colors (since v1.13.2)
; Valid values:true, false


; Set the maximum image file size for auto download (by dragging an image on the webpage to an image window) (since v2.1)
; The default value is 20.0 (MB)


; Specify the time interval threshold for key double-tap, in ms (>= v2.3)
; The default value is 400



; Specify the log file name (since v1.12)


; Set the flush interval of logs (in seconds) (since v1.12)
; The default value is 0, which means it will automatically be flushed whenever it sees fit to achieve good performance
; Note: If the log level is 'Trace' or 'Debug', this setting has no effect.


; Set the log rotate (since v1.12)
; 0 means no rotate
; The default value is 1


; Set the maximum log file size for rotation (since v1.12)
; The default value is 2.0 (MB)



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