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Gear Classes

SilentChaos512 edited this page Nov 22, 2022 · 4 revisions

Harvest Tools

Most tools require only a tool head and a tool rod to function, but support many upgrade parts like tip upgrades, bindings, and grips, among others.

  • Axe - Works just like vanilla axes. Can chop wood strip bark. Should be compatible with most other mods.
  • Excavator - A shovel which mines a 3x3 block area. Can make paths in a 3x3 with the Road Maker upgrade/trait.
  • Hammer - Mines most of what a pickaxe can in a 3x3 block area. Some blocks in the 3x3 area may be skipped depending on what block is targeted (center block) and the config settings. For example, ores may only be mined if an ore is targeted.
  • Mattock - A hoe which also works as a shovel and axe. Has extra durability, but reduced harvest speed.
  • Paxel - A tool which can mine anything a pickaxe, a shovel, or an axe can mine. Has extra durability, but reduced harvest speed.
  • Pickaxe - Works mostly like a vanilla pickaxe, but is effective on some additional materials like glass. With the Spoon upgrade/trait, it can also mine anything a shovel can.
  • Prospector Hammer - It can mine stone and ores like a pickaxe and be used in any recipe that requires a hammer. Using (right-clicking) on a block will scan for blocks of interest (mostly ores, but also ancient debris) in that direction. 16 blocks is the default range, so it scans a 3x3x16 block area. The blocks to search for are defined in the silentgear:prospector_hammer_targets block tag.
  • Saw - An axe which will try to cut down entire trees by breaking one block.
  • Shovel - Works just like vanilla shovels. Can mine soil and make grass paths.
  • Sickle - Breaks plants in a small area by breaking one. Can harvest crops in a small area by right-clicking, automatically replanting them, but destroying the seeds in the process.

Melee Weapons

Like harvest tools, these require a head (blade, etc.) and a rod to function. Upgrade support is also very similar to harvest tools.

  • Dagger - Low damage, very high attack speed. Reduces the invincibility time of the target.
  • Katana - Slightly slower but stronger than swords. In earlier versions, they are faster and weaker.
  • Knife - Similar to daggers. Has higher durability, but less damage and speed.
  • Machete - Slightly faster and weaker than swords (slower but stronger in earlier versions). Can chop wood like an axe, but slower. Can clear small areas of plants, similar to sickles, but with a smaller area of effect.
  • Spear - Weaker than swords, but has a longer attack reach.
  • Sword - Just like vanilla swords, with similar damage and speed.

Ranged Weapons

Ranged weapons require a tool head (bow limbs, etc.), a tool rod, and a bowstring to function. Upgrade support is similar to other tools.

  • Bow - Similar to vanilla bows.
  • Crossbow - Similar to vanilla crossbows.
  • Slingshot - Fast draw speed, low damage. Can only fire pebbles right now, but will support custom bullets soon.


  • Arrow - Works with bows and crossbows. Do not use with vanilla crossbows until issue #270 is fixed.
    • Crafting requires an arrow head (the "main part" or "head" of the arrows), a tool rod, and a fletching part.

Other Tools

  • Shears - Works mostly like vanilla shears.
  • Shield - Blocks attacks like vanilla shields. Durability is based on the armor durability stat. Does not support banners or custom models at this time.


Armor calculates its durability based on the armor durability stat. Only materials that have armor durability above zero can be used for crafting and repairs. The final durability is a multiple of the armor durability, which is similar to how vanilla handles armor max damage.

  • Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots - Can equip in normal armor slots.
    • Armor is crafted by first making armor plates using a blueprint. The plates can then be placed into a crafted grid (either alone, or with an armor lining) to craft the armor item.
  • Elytra - Flies like vanilla elytra. Requires Caelus API to use.
    • Crafting requires elytra wings (1) and a binding. Elytra wings can only be crafted with main materials that have armor durability and have the "cloth" category (ie, wool, leather, and phantom membranes). Durability is balanced around phantom membranes, with wool and leather being worse than vanilla elytra.


Curios require only a main part (ring shank, bracelet band, etc.) to function, but provide the most benefits with an adornment installed. The main part can only be crafted with materials in the "metal" category (eg ingots). The blueprint will first craft the main part, then that can be crafted into the final item with jeweler tools. The adornment can be added during the second step or later. Adornments can be swapped out like any other part.

Curios API is required to equip curios. The slot counts provided by Silent Gear are given below. These numbers may be higher if other mods are installed.

  • Bracelet - Two slots, crafted with a bracelet band.
  • Ring - Two slots, crafted with a ring shank.
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